MODULE PSDVI; (* Author: Andrew Trevorrow Implementation: University of Hamburg Modula-2 under VAX/VMS version 4 Date Started: August, 1986 Released: September, 1986 (version 1.0) Description: PSDVI reads a TeX DVI file and creates a corresponding PostScript file. This output file needs to be prefixed with some PostScript code. The /HEADER option can be used to include any desired file. PSDVI can be used by itself (see PSDVI.HLP) or as part of the PSPRINT system (see the PSPRINT User Guide and System Guide). Much of the code has been borrowed from DVItoVDU. Notes: - Debugging code is bracketed by (* DEBUG *) ... (* GUBED *). This code will be disabled in the final working version. - System-dependent code is indicated by the string "SYSDEP". - Uncertain or unfinished code is indicated by the strings "???" and "!!!". - Procedures are defined in a top-down manner: each procedure is usually defined as soon as possible after its first use. - The above notes also apply to the local modules used by PSDVI. Revised: December, 1986 - PXLReader has become FontReader and can handle other font formats. All font-dependent code has been moved into FontReader. - Use LoadBitmap from FontReader instead of LoadPSChar from PSWriter to output PostScript code for each character bitmap. Unlike DVItoVDU, PSDVI does not need to store each bitmap for later use. - Released version 1.1 in January, 1987 November, 1987 (while at The Open University) - Import tfmdir (for display in ShowOptions) and conserveVM from Options. - Import SaveVM and RestoreVM from PSWriter. - Import SetPostScriptChar from PSWriter; it is used (instead of SetBitmapChar) to typeset characters from a resident PostScript font. - Use conserveVM flag to call a different sequence of PSWriter routines if the user wants to conserve virtual memory. - Use psfont flag (set in BuildFontSpec in FontReader) to control the sequence of PSWriter routines for resident PostScript fonts. - Added ShowPtSize routine to show requested pt size for PostScript fonts. - Added PSDVI banner line to start of ShowOptions showing version number. - Released version 2.0 in December, 1987 June--August, 1988 (while at Aston University) - Added /psprefix qualifier so that sites have some flexibility in choosing the prefix that indicates a PostScript font. - Added /increment qualifier to enhance page selection for duplex printing. - Added /hoffset and /voffset qualifiers to allow shifting of page. - Removed "Creating ..." message due to changes in *_PRINT.COM files. - No longer use StartLn/WriteBuffer/pagesperline. Page numbers now appear on separate lines. - Released version 3.0 in August, 1988 September--October, 1989 (while at Aston University, 2nd time) - \special info now added to tail of speciallist. - Released version 3.1 in October, 1989 *) FROM Storage IMPORT ALLOCATE, DEALLOCATE; (* for NEW and DISPOSE *) (* SYSDEP: Modula-2 avoids the problem of system dependence by simply not providing any input/output routines etc. The above importations are highly system-dependent. The following modules are kept with the file you are now reading. See the .DEF files for details on how the imported identifiers should be used; implementation details can be found in the corresponding .MOD files. *) (* The TermOut module is used to do all terminal output. *) FROM TermOut IMPORT Write, WriteString, WriteInt, WriteCard, WriteLn, Halt; (* The Options module carries out the task of reading the DCL command line and extracting the DVI file parameter and qualifiers. *) FROM Options IMPORT validunits, units, reverse, stats, conserveVM, subrange, firstTeXpage, finalTeXpage, firstDVIpage, finalDVIpage, increment, resolution, mag, paperwd, paperht, hoffset, voffset, psprefix, tfmdir, fontdir, dummyfont, header, PSname, DVIname; (* PSDVI uses the routines and data structures defined in DVIReader to move about randomly in the DVI file and to interpret pages. The reference points of characters and rules on a page are stored as pairs of horizontal and vertical pixel coordinates. The coordinate scheme is described in detail in DVIREADER.DEF. *) FROM DVIReader IMPORT ruletablesize, chartablesize, maxfontspec, maxTeXchar, ruleinfo, ruleinfoptr, fontstring, fontinfo, fontinfoptr, charinfo, charinfoptr, pixeltable, pixeltableptr, TeXcounters, TeXpageinfo, DVIerrorcodes, GetByteFunction, DVImag, totalpages, totalfonts, currDVIpage, currTeXpage, rulelist, totalrules, fontlist, currfont, minhp, minvp, maxhp, maxvp, pageempty, DVIErrorRoutine, SpecialRoutine, PixelTableRoutine, OpenDVIFile, SetConversionFactor, MoveToDVIPage, CurrMatchesNew, PixelRound, InterpretPage, SortFonts, CloseDVIFile; (* PSDVI gets character metrics and bitmaps from font files. The FontReader module can handle a variety of different font formats. No more than one font file will be open at any given time. *) FROM FontReader IMPORT FillPixelTable, LoadBitmap, InitFontReader, BuildFontSpec, OpenFontFile, CloseFontFile; (* The PSWriter routines are used to create an output file containing the appropriate PostScript code. *) FROM PSWriter IMPORT OpenOutput, OutputHeader, BeginPage, NewBitmapFont, OutputPage, specialstring, OutputSpecial, SaveVM, BeginPostScriptFont, SetPostScriptChar, BeginBitmapFont, SetBitmapChar, EndFont, RestoreVM, SetRule, EndPage, CloseOutput; (******************************************************************************* GLOBAL DECLARATIONS *) CONST NULL = 0C; (* SYSDEP: NULL terminates a string, unless full *) warning = 0; (* SYSDEP: Halt parameter to set VMS $SEVERITY *) success = 1; (* ditto *) error = 2; (* ditto *) TYPE specialinfoptr = POINTER TO specialinfo; specialinfo = RECORD special : specialstring; hp, vp : INTEGER; nextspecial : specialinfoptr; END; VAR speciallist : specialinfoptr; (* for storing \special info *) specialtail : specialinfoptr; (* tail of speciallist *) papertop, paperleft, paperbottom, paperright : INTEGER; (* these define the edges of the paper *) warncount, (* count of problems detected *) pagecount : CARDINAL; (* count of pages actually output *) unusedfont : fontinfoptr; (* first unused font in sorted fontlist *) (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE TopLevel; (* Note that the implementation blocks of all imported modules have already been executed. In particular, the Options module has read the DCL command line and initialized the DVI file parameter and qualifier values. *) VAR i : CARDINAL; BEGIN Initialize; DVIErrorRoutine := MyDVIErrorRoutine; (* called by DVIReader *) OpenDVIFile(DVIname); (* and read DVImag etc. *) IF mag = 0 THEN mag := DVImag END; (* no /MAG value so use DVImag *) SetConversionFactor(resolution,mag); (* for DVIReader *) SpecialRoutine := MySpecialRoutine; (* called by InterpretPage *) PixelTableRoutine := MyPixelTableRoutine; (* called by InterpretPage *) InitFontReader; (* assign font-dependent routines *) IF stats THEN ShowOptions END; CheckPageRange; (* set firstDVIpage, finalDVIpage *) IF OpenOutput(PSname) THEN (* DEBUG WriteString('Creating '); WriteString(PSname); WriteLn; GUBED *) ELSE WriteString("Couldn't open output file: "); WriteString(PSname); WriteLn; Halt(error); END; IF LEN(header) > 0 THEN (* output header file first *) IF NOT OutputHeader(header) THEN WriteString("Couldn't open header file: "); WriteString(header); WriteLn; Halt(error); END; END; IF increment > 1 THEN (* finalDVIpage may need reducing *) WHILE (finalDVIpage - firstDVIpage) MOD increment > 0 DO DEC(finalDVIpage); END; END; IF reverse THEN MoveToDVIPage(finalDVIpage); (* start with finalDVIpage *) finalDVIpage := firstDVIpage; (* and end with firstDVIpage *) ELSE MoveToDVIPage(firstDVIpage); (* start with firstDVIpage *) END; LOOP DoPage; (* do at least one page *) IF stats THEN ShowPageStats END; IF currDVIpage = finalDVIpage THEN EXIT END; IF reverse THEN MoveToDVIPage(currDVIpage - increment); ELSE MoveToDVIPage(currDVIpage + increment); END; END; IF stats THEN ShowFinalStats END; CloseDVIFile; CloseOutput; IF warncount > 0 THEN Halt(warning); ELSE Halt(success); END; END TopLevel; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Initialize; BEGIN (* we don't bother checking for crazy resolution/paperht/paperwd values *) (* top left corner of paper is fixed at (-1",-1") *) papertop := -INTEGER(resolution); paperleft := -INTEGER(resolution); paperbottom := papertop + INTEGER(paperht) - 1; paperright := paperleft + INTEGER(paperwd) - 1; warncount := 0; pagecount := 0; speciallist := NIL; (* for first MySpecialRoutine *) END Initialize; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE MyDVIErrorRoutine (DVIerror : DVIerrorcodes); (* DVIErrorRoutine for DVIReader; see DVIREADER.DEF. *) BEGIN CASE DVIerror OF (* these errors are detected in OpenDVIFile; they are considered fatal *) DVIunopened : WriteString("Couldn't open DVI file: "); WriteString(DVIname); WriteLn; Halt(error); | DVIempty : WriteString(DVIname); WriteString(' is empty!'); WriteLn; Halt(error); | DVIbadid : WriteString(DVIname); WriteString(' is not a valid DVI file!'); WriteLn; Halt(error); | DVIstackoverflow : WriteString('Stack capacity exceeded!'); WriteLn; PleaseReport; Halt(error); | (* this error is detected in InterpretPage; we warn user but continue *) DVIbadchar : WITH currfont^ DO WriteString('Ignoring unknown character from '); WriteString(fontspec); Write('!'); WriteLn; END; | (* this error should never happen *) DVIcatastrophe : WriteLn; WriteString('Something awful has happened!'); WriteLn; PleaseReport; Halt(error); ELSE (* this will only happen if we've missed a DVI error *) WriteLn; WriteString('Bug in MyDVIErrorRoutine!'); WriteLn; PleaseReport; Halt(error); END; END MyDVIErrorRoutine; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PleaseReport; BEGIN WriteString('Please tell your local TeXnician.'); WriteLn; END PleaseReport; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE MySpecialRoutine (hpos, vpos, totalbytes : INTEGER; NextDVIByte : GetByteFunction); (* DVIReader has seen a \special command while interpreting the current page. It will call this routine and pass the current page position, the number of bytes in the command and a function to return their values one at a time. Instead of calling OutputSpecial directly, we have to save the necessary info away for later use (see DoPage). *) VAR i, flush : INTEGER; temp : specialinfoptr; BEGIN NEW(temp); WITH temp^ DO special := ''; (* SYSDEP: fill with NULLs *) FOR i := 0 TO totalbytes-1 DO IF i <= HIGH(special) THEN special[i] := CHR(NextDVIByte()); END; END; (* DVIReader demands that we read ALL the \special bytes *) IF totalbytes > HIGH(special) + 1 THEN INC(warncount); WriteString('\special command is too long: '); WriteString(special); WriteLn; WriteString('Truncating: '); FOR i := 1 TO totalbytes - (HIGH(special) + 1) DO Write(CHR(NextDVIByte())); (* display the truncated bytes *) END; WriteLn; END; hp := hpos; vp := vpos; nextspecial := NIL; END; (* add new node to tail of list *) IF speciallist = NIL THEN speciallist := temp; ELSE specialtail^.nextspecial := temp; END; specialtail := temp; END MySpecialRoutine; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ShowDimension (pixels : INTEGER); (* Show the given pixel dimension in terms of units. *) VAR realdim : REAL; fracpart : CARDINAL; BEGIN CASE units OF in : realdim := FLOAT(pixels) / FLOAT(resolution) | cm : realdim := FLOAT(pixels) / FLOAT(resolution) * 2.54 | mm : realdim := FLOAT(pixels) / FLOAT(resolution) * 25.4 | pc : realdim := FLOAT(pixels) / FLOAT(resolution) * 72.27 / 12.0 | pt : realdim := FLOAT(pixels) / FLOAT(resolution) * 72.27 | bp : realdim := FLOAT(pixels) / FLOAT(resolution) * 72.0 | px : WriteInt(pixels); WriteString('px'); RETURN; END; (* show realdim to an accuracy of 1 decimal place *) IF ABS(realdim) < 0.05 THEN WriteString('0.0'); ELSE IF realdim < 0.0 THEN Write('-'); realdim := ABS(realdim); END; realdim := realdim + 0.05; (* round up to 1 decimal place *) WriteCard(TRUNC(realdim)); (* whole part *) Write('.'); fracpart := TRUNC((realdim - FLOAT(TRUNC(realdim))) * 10.0); (* fracpart is now 0..9 *) WriteCard(fracpart); END; ShowUnits; END ShowDimension; (**********************************************************************) PROCEDURE ShowUnits; BEGIN CASE units OF in : WriteString('in') | cm : WriteString('cm') | mm : WriteString('mm') | pc : WriteString('pc') | pt : WriteString('pt') | bp : WriteString('bp') | px : WriteString('px') | END; END ShowUnits; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE MyPixelTableRoutine; (* PixelTableRoutine for DVIReader which has just allocated a new pixeltable for currfont^. DVIReader calls this routine from InterpretPage only ONCE per font (the first time the font is used). We get the pixeltable information from the font file given by fontspec. If fontspec does not exist then dummyfont is used and fontid is undefined. We don't output any PostScript for non-existent fonts. *) VAR i, fontsizelen, firstn, lastn : CARDINAL; BEGIN (* Initialize currfont^.fontspec and return start and end of fontsize (unless psfont flag is set to TRUE). currfont^.fontexists may also become TRUE. *) BuildFontSpec(currfont,firstn,lastn); WITH currfont^ DO IF OpenFontFile(fontspec) THEN (* only need fontid for a bitmapped font *) IF NOT psfont THEN fontid := fontname; fontsizelen := lastn - firstn + 1; IF fontnamelen + fontsizelen < maxfontspec THEN (* append ".fontsize" to fontid *) fontid[fontnamelen] := '.'; FOR i := 1 TO fontsizelen DO fontid[fontnamelen + i] := fontspec[firstn + i - 1]; END; IF fontnamelen + fontsizelen + 1 < maxfontspec THEN fontid[fontnamelen + fontsizelen + 1] := NULL; END; ELSE (* in the unlikely event that there is no room to append ".fontsize" we simply leave fontid = fontname and hope it's unique *) WriteString("fontname too long: "); WriteString(fontname); WriteLn; WriteString("Increase maxfontspec in DVIReader."); WriteLn; END; IF NOT conserveVM THEN NewBitmapFont(fontid); END; END; (* DEBUG WriteString('Reading font data from '); WriteString(fontspec); WriteLn; GUBED *) ELSIF OpenFontFile(dummyfont) THEN (* fontid is left undefined; it will not be used *) INC(warncount); WriteString("Couldn't open font file: "); WriteString(fontspec); WriteLn; (* use dummy font info instead *) ELSE WriteString("Couldn't open dummy font: "); WriteString(dummyfont); WriteLn; Halt(error); END; FillPixelTable; CloseFontFile; END; END MyPixelTableRoutine; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ShowOptions; (* Show DVI file name and qualifier values set in Options module. *) BEGIN WriteString('This is PSDVI, version 3.1'); WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteString('DVI file = '); WriteString(DVIname); WriteLn; WriteString('PostScript file = '); WriteString(PSname); WriteLn; WriteString('Header file = '); WriteString(header); WriteLn; WriteString('Resolution = '); WriteCard(resolution); WriteString(' pixels per inch'); WriteLn; WriteString('Magnification = '); WriteCard(mag); IF mag <> DVImag THEN WriteString(' (DVI mag of '); WriteCard(DVImag); WriteString(' was overridden)'); ELSE WriteString(' (DVI mag)'); END; WriteLn; WriteString('TFM directory = '); WriteString(tfmdir); WriteLn; WriteString('PS font prefix = '); WriteString(psprefix); WriteLn; WriteString('Font directory = '); WriteString(fontdir); WriteLn; WriteString('Dummy font = '); WriteString(dummyfont); WriteLn; WriteString('Horizontal offset = '); ShowDimension(hoffset); WriteLn; WriteString('Vertical offset = '); ShowDimension(voffset); WriteLn; WriteString('Paper width = '); ShowDimension(paperwd); WriteLn; WriteString('Paper height = '); ShowDimension(paperht); WriteLn; WriteString('Units = '); ShowUnits; WriteLn; WriteString('Reverse = '); IF reverse THEN WriteString('true') ELSE WriteString('false') END; WriteLn; WriteString('Stats = '); IF stats THEN WriteString('true') ELSE WriteString('false') END; WriteLn; WriteString('Conserve VM = '); IF conserveVM THEN WriteString('true') ELSE WriteString('false') END; WriteLn; WriteString('Pages = '); IF subrange THEN IF firstDVIpage = 0 THEN WriteString(firstTeXpage); ELSE WriteCard(firstDVIpage); END; Write(':'); IF finalDVIpage = 0 THEN WriteString(finalTeXpage); ELSE WriteCard(finalDVIpage); END; ELSE WriteString('all pages'); END; IF increment > 1 THEN WriteString(', but with an increment of '); WriteCard(increment); END; WriteLn; WriteLn; END ShowOptions; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CheckPageRange; (* If user requested a page subrange then we make sure it is valid. *) VAR newTeXpage : TeXpageinfo; BEGIN IF NOT subrange THEN (* translate all pages *) firstDVIpage := 1; finalDVIpage := totalpages; ELSE IF firstDVIpage = 0 THEN (* parse and locate firstTeXpage *) IF ParseTeXPage(firstTeXpage,newTeXpage) THEN MoveToDVIPage(1); (* go forwards until newTeXpage matches currTeXpage *) LOOP IF CurrMatchesNew(newTeXpage) THEN firstDVIpage := currDVIpage; EXIT; ELSIF currDVIpage = totalpages THEN WriteString('First TeX page does not exist!'); WriteLn; Halt(error); ELSE MoveToDVIPage(currDVIpage + 1); END; END; ELSE WriteString('Error in first TeX page!'); WriteLn; Halt(error); END; END; IF finalDVIpage = 0 THEN (* parse and locate finalTeXpage *) IF ParseTeXPage(finalTeXpage,newTeXpage) THEN MoveToDVIPage(totalpages); (* go backwards until newTeXpage matches currTeXpage *) LOOP IF CurrMatchesNew(newTeXpage) THEN finalDVIpage := currDVIpage; EXIT; ELSIF currDVIpage = 1 THEN WriteString('Final TeX page does not exist!'); WriteLn; Halt(error); ELSE MoveToDVIPage(currDVIpage - 1); END; END; ELSE WriteString('Error in final TeX page!'); WriteLn; Halt(error); END; END; IF firstDVIpage > finalDVIpage THEN WriteString('First page > final page!'); WriteLn; Halt(error); ELSIF firstDVIpage > totalpages THEN WriteString('First page > total number of pages!'); WriteLn; Halt(error); END; (* allow user to give a final page > totalpages *) IF finalDVIpage > totalpages THEN finalDVIpage := totalpages END; END; END CheckPageRange; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ParseTeXPage (VAR pagestring : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR newTeXpage : TeXpageinfo) : BOOLEAN; (* Return TRUE if TeX page specification in pagestring is valid. If so then newTeXpage will contain the appropriate information for CurrMatchesNew. The syntax of a TeX page specification is [n{.n}] where n is any integer as defined by GetInteger. Up to 10 integers may be given and are separated by periods, even if absent. Trailing periods may be omitted. Spaces before and after integers and periods are skipped. The 10 positions correspond to the \count0, \count1, ... ,\count9 values that TeX stores with every page. *) VAR pos, len : CARDINAL; BEGIN WITH newTeXpage DO pos := 0; IF pagestring[pos] <> '[' THEN WriteString('[ expected!'); WriteLn; RETURN FALSE; END; lastvalue := 0; len := LEN(pagestring); LOOP INC(pos); present[lastvalue] := GetInteger(pagestring, len, pos, value[lastvalue]); (* pos now at len, space, period, non-digit or ']' *) WHILE (pos < len) AND (pagestring[pos] = ' ') DO INC(pos); (* skip any spaces *) END; IF pos = len THEN (* check this first! *) WriteString('] expected!'); WriteLn; RETURN FALSE; END; IF pagestring[pos] = ']' THEN (* end of TeX page specification *) EXIT; END; IF lastvalue < 9 THEN INC(lastvalue); ELSE WriteString("] expected after 10 integers!"); WriteLn; RETURN FALSE; END; IF pagestring[pos] <> '.' THEN WriteString('Period, integer or ] expected!'); WriteLn; RETURN FALSE; END; END; WHILE (lastvalue > 0) AND (NOT present[lastvalue]) DO DEC(lastvalue); END; END; RETURN TRUE; END ParseTeXPage; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE GetInteger (VAR str : ARRAY OF CHAR; (* in *) strlen : CARDINAL; (* in *) VAR pos : CARDINAL; (* in/out *) VAR n : INTEGER (* out *) ) : BOOLEAN; (* Extract an integer from given str starting at given pos. pos is also used to return the position after the integer. If no integer is found then set n to 0 and return FALSE (pos will only change if leading spaces were skipped). If ABS(n) > limit then set n to sign * limit. Valid syntax is +{digit} or -{digit} or digit{digit}. Note that a + or - by itself is valid and sets n to 0. *) CONST limit = 2147483647; (* 2^31 - 1 *) threshold = limit DIV 10; (* nearing overflow *) VAR absval, last : CARDINAL; sign : INTEGER; inttoobig : BOOLEAN; BEGIN WHILE (pos < strlen) AND (str[pos] = ' ') DO (* skip any spaces *) INC(pos); END; absval := 0; sign := 1; last := pos; inttoobig := FALSE; IF pos < strlen THEN IF str[pos] = '-' THEN sign := -1; INC(last); ELSIF str[pos] = '+' THEN INC(last); END; WHILE (last < strlen) AND (str[last] >= '0') AND (str[last] <= '9') DO IF (absval > threshold) OR ((absval = threshold) AND (str[last] > '7')) THEN inttoobig := TRUE; ELSE absval := absval * 10 + (ORD(str[last]) - ORD('0')); END; INC(last); END; END; IF pos = last THEN n := 0; RETURN FALSE; ELSE pos := last; IF inttoobig THEN absval := limit END; n := sign * INTEGER(absval); RETURN TRUE; END; END GetInteger; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DoPage; (* Interpret the current DVI page and fill in DVIReader's data structures. PSWriter routines are called at appropriate times to output the PostScript description of the current page. *) BEGIN INC(pagecount); WriteCard(currDVIpage); (* show the current DVI page *) Write('/'); ShowTeXPage; (* and TeX page *) WriteLn; BeginPage(currDVIpage); InterpretPage; (* MyPixelTableRoutine calls NewBitmapFont *) IF pageempty THEN OutputPage(currDVIpage); (* must be called even if no chars/rules *) DoSpecials; ELSE (* check that the page edges are within the paper edges *) IF (minhp < paperleft) OR (minvp < papertop) OR (maxhp > paperright) OR (maxvp > paperbottom) THEN PageOffPaper; END; (* Sort fonts in order of increasing totalchars and return pointer to first unused font (for LoadFonts and DoFonts). *) SortFonts(unusedfont); IF NOT conserveVM THEN LoadFonts; END; OutputPage(currDVIpage); DoSpecials; DoFonts; DoRules; END; EndPage(currDVIpage); (* final PostScript for current page *) END DoPage; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ShowTeXPage; (* Show current TeX page counter(s). *) VAR i, lastnonzero : CARDINAL; BEGIN Write('['); lastnonzero := 9; WHILE (lastnonzero > 0) AND (currTeXpage[lastnonzero] = 0) DO DEC(lastnonzero); (* find last counter with non-zero value *) END; (* always show \count0 but don't show trailing 0 counters *) FOR i := 0 TO lastnonzero DO WriteInt(currTeXpage[i]); IF i <> lastnonzero THEN Write('.'); END; END; Write(']'); END ShowTeXPage; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PageOffPaper; (* One or more page edges do not fall within the paper edges. We show user just how bad the problem is. *) BEGIN INC(warncount); WriteString('Page off paper (paper is '); ShowDimension(paperwd); WriteString(' wide by '); ShowDimension(paperht); WriteString(' high)'); WriteLn; IF minhp < paperleft THEN WriteString('Beyond left edge by '); ShowDimension(paperleft - minhp); WriteLn; END; IF maxhp > paperright THEN WriteString('Beyond right edge by '); ShowDimension(maxhp - paperright); WriteLn; END; IF minvp < papertop THEN WriteString('Above top edge by '); ShowDimension(papertop - minvp); WriteLn; END; IF maxvp > paperbottom THEN WriteString('Below bottom edge by '); ShowDimension(maxvp - paperbottom); WriteLn; END; END PageOffPaper; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE LoadFonts; (* For each bitmapped font that is used (and exists) on the current page, go thru charlist and call LoadBitmap for each character that hasn't yet been downloaded. BeginBitmapFont will only be called if necessary. *) VAR thisfontinfo : fontinfoptr; (* current font info in fontlist *) thischarinfo : charinfoptr; (* current char info in charlist *) thischar : CARDINAL; (* current index into current chartable *) fontopen : BOOLEAN; (* is thisfontinfo^.fontspec open? *) BEGIN thisfontinfo := fontlist; WHILE thisfontinfo <> unusedfont DO (* SortFonts makes sure we only consider used fonts *) WITH thisfontinfo^ DO (* do nothing if resident PostScript font or bitmapped font doesn't exist *) IF (NOT psfont) AND fontexists THEN fontopen := FALSE; (* avoid opening font unnecessarily *) thischarinfo := charlist; WHILE thischarinfo <> NIL DO (* process unloaded chars in chartable *) WITH thischarinfo^ DO thischar := 0; WHILE thischar < charcount DO WITH chartable[thischar] DO WITH pixelptr^[code] DO IF (NOT loaded) AND (mapadr > 0) THEN (* load bitmap *) IF NOT fontopen THEN OpenFont(thisfontinfo); BeginBitmapFont(fontid); fontopen := TRUE; (* only open once *) END; LoadBitmap(thisfontinfo,code); loaded := TRUE; (* only load once *) END; END; END; INC(thischar); END; thischarinfo := nextchar; END; END; IF fontopen THEN CloseFontFile END; END; thisfontinfo := nextfont; END; (* WITH *) END; (* WHILE *) END LoadFonts; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE OpenFont (thisfontinfo : fontinfoptr); BEGIN WITH thisfontinfo^ DO IF OpenFontFile(fontspec) THEN (* DEBUG WriteString("Loading characters for "); WriteString(fontspec); WriteLn; GUBED *) ELSE (* this should never happen since we avoid loading dummy font chars *) WriteLn; WriteString('Bug in OpenFont! Could not open: '); WriteString(fontspec); WriteLn; Halt(error); END; END; END OpenFont; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DoSpecials; (* Call OutputSpecial for each \special command on the current page. (The speciallist is built by MySpecialRoutine during InterpretPage.) *) VAR temp : specialinfoptr; BEGIN WHILE speciallist <> NIL DO WITH speciallist^ DO (* The \special bytes are treated as a file name, possibly followed by a space and additional PostScript text. PSWriter will read this file and copy it verbatim to the output file. The optional text is prefixed to the file as a separate line. *) IF NOT OutputSpecial(special,hp,vp) THEN INC(warncount); WriteString("Couldn't open \special file: "); WriteString(special); (* includes optional text *) WriteLn; ELSIF stats THEN WriteString('\special command at ('); ShowDimension(hp); Write(','); ShowDimension(vp); WriteString('): '); WriteString(special); WriteLn; END; temp := speciallist; speciallist := nextspecial; DISPOSE(temp); (* speciallist must be NIL for next page *) END; END; END DoSpecials; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DoFonts; (* For each font that is used (and exists) on the current page, call the appropriate sequence of PSWriter routines depending on the conserveVM flag and whether the font is bitmapped or resident. See PSWRITER.DEF for details. *) VAR thisfontinfo : fontinfoptr; (* current font info in fontlist *) thischarinfo : charinfoptr; (* current char info in charlist *) thischar : CARDINAL; (* current index into current chartable *) BEGIN thisfontinfo := fontlist; WHILE thisfontinfo <> unusedfont DO (* SortFonts makes sure we only consider used fonts! *) WITH thisfontinfo^ DO IF fontexists THEN (* won't be dummy font info *) IF psfont THEN BeginPostScriptFont(fontname,scaledsize,mag); ELSE IF conserveVM THEN SaveVM(fontid) END; BeginBitmapFont(fontid); END; IF conserveVM AND (NOT psfont) THEN (* download bitmaps *) OpenFont(thisfontinfo); thischarinfo := charlist; WHILE thischarinfo <> NIL DO (* process unique chars *) WITH thischarinfo^ DO thischar := 0; WHILE thischar < charcount DO WITH chartable[thischar] DO WITH pixelptr^[code] DO IF (NOT loaded) AND (mapadr > 0) THEN (* load bitmap *) LoadBitmap(thisfontinfo,code); loaded := TRUE; (* but only once *) END; END; END; INC(thischar); END; thischarinfo := nextchar; END; END; CloseFontFile; (* reset loaded flags to FALSE for next page *) FOR thischar := 0 TO maxTeXchar DO pixelptr^[thischar].loaded := FALSE; END; END; IF psfont THEN thischarinfo := charlist; WHILE thischarinfo <> NIL DO WITH thischarinfo^ DO thischar := 0; WHILE thischar < charcount DO WITH chartable[thischar] DO WITH pixelptr^[code] DO IF mapadr > 0 THEN (* char exists *) SetPostScriptChar(CHR(code), hp,vp, (* reference point *) pwidth); (* advance width *) END; END; END; INC(thischar); END; thischarinfo := nextchar; END; END; ELSE thischarinfo := charlist; WHILE thischarinfo <> NIL DO WITH thischarinfo^ DO thischar := 0; WHILE thischar < charcount DO WITH chartable[thischar] DO WITH pixelptr^[code] DO IF mapadr > 0 THEN (* char exists *) SetBitmapChar(CHR(code), hp,vp, (* reference point *) pwidth); (* advance width *) END; END; END; INC(thischar); END; thischarinfo := nextchar; END; END; END; EndFont; IF conserveVM AND (NOT psfont) THEN RestoreVM END; END; thisfontinfo := nextfont; END; (* WITH *) END; (* WHILE *) END DoFonts; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DoRules; (* Call SetRule for each rule on the current page. *) VAR thisrule : CARDINAL; thisruleinfo : ruleinfoptr; BEGIN thisruleinfo := rulelist; WHILE thisruleinfo <> NIL DO WITH thisruleinfo^ DO thisrule := 0; WHILE thisrule < rulecount DO WITH ruletable[thisrule] DO SetRule(wd,ht, (* width and height of rule *) hp,vp); (* bottom left corner of rule *) END; INC(thisrule); END; thisruleinfo := nextrule; END; END; END DoRules; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ShowPageStats; (* Show rule/font/character statistics for current page. *) VAR fontcount : CARDINAL; thisfontinfo : fontinfoptr; BEGIN WriteString('Total rules on current page = '); WriteCard(totalrules); WriteLn; WriteString('Fonts on current page:'); WriteLn; fontcount := 0; thisfontinfo := fontlist; WHILE thisfontinfo <> NIL DO WITH thisfontinfo^ DO IF fontused THEN WriteString(fontspec); IF psfont THEN ShowPtSize(scaledsize) END; IF NOT fontexists THEN WriteString(' DOES NOT EXIST!') END; INC(fontcount); WriteString(' total chars = '); WriteCard(totalchars); WriteLn; END; thisfontinfo := nextfont; END; END; WriteString('Total fonts on current page = '); WriteCard(fontcount); WriteLn; WriteLn; END ShowPageStats; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ShowFinalStats; (* Show some overall statistics. *) VAR fontsused, c, loadcount, loadtotal, bitmapbytes : CARDINAL; thisfontinfo : fontinfoptr; BEGIN WriteString('Summary'); WriteLn; WriteString('======='); WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteString('Total pages output = '); WriteCard(pagecount); WriteLn; WriteString('Total pages in DVI file = '); WriteCard(totalpages); WriteLn; WriteString('Total fonts in DVI file = '); WriteCard(totalfonts); WriteLn; (* go thru fontlist showing info for EVERY font *) fontsused := 0; loadtotal := 0; bitmapbytes := 0; thisfontinfo := fontlist; WHILE thisfontinfo <> NIL DO WITH thisfontinfo^ DO IF fontspeclen > 0 THEN WriteString(fontspec); IF psfont THEN ShowPtSize(scaledsize) END; IF fontexists THEN INC(fontsused); IF (NOT conserveVM) AND (NOT psfont) THEN loadcount := 0; FOR c := 0 TO maxTeXchar DO WITH pixelptr^[c] DO IF loaded AND (mapadr > 0) THEN INC(loadcount); INC(bitmapbytes, ht * ((wd + 7) DIV 8) ); END; END; END; WriteString(' loaded chars = '); WriteCard(loadcount); INC(loadtotal,loadcount); END; ELSE WriteString(' DOES NOT EXIST!'); END; ELSE WriteString(fontname); WriteString(' scaled '); WriteCard(TRUNC( FLOAT(mag) * FLOAT(scaledsize)/FLOAT(designsize) + 0.5 )); WriteString(' not used'); END; WriteLn; thisfontinfo := nextfont; END; END; WriteString('Total fonts actually used = '); WriteCard(fontsused); WriteLn; IF NOT conserveVM THEN WriteString('Total characters loaded = '); WriteCard(loadtotal); WriteLn; WriteString('Hex digits in loaded bitmaps = 2 * '); WriteCard(bitmapbytes); WriteLn; END; END ShowFinalStats; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ShowPtSize (scaledsize : INTEGER); (* Show given font size (in DVI units) in terms of (possibly magnified) pts. *) VAR realdim : REAL; fracpart : CARDINAL; BEGIN WriteString(' at '); realdim := (FLOAT(scaledsize) / FLOAT(10000H)) * (FLOAT(mag) / 1000.0); (* show realdim to an accuracy of 1 decimal place *) IF ABS(realdim) < 0.05 THEN WriteString('0'); ELSE IF realdim < 0.0 THEN Write('-'); realdim := ABS(realdim); END; realdim := realdim + 0.05; (* round up to 1 decimal place *) WriteCard(TRUNC(realdim)); (* whole part *) fracpart := TRUNC((realdim - FLOAT(TRUNC(realdim))) * 10.0); (* 0..9 *) IF fracpart > 0 THEN Write('.'); WriteCard(fracpart); END; END; WriteString('pt'); END ShowPtSize; (******************************************************************************) BEGIN TopLevel; END PSDVI.