MODULE PSPRINT; (* Author: Andrew Trevorrow Implementation: University of Hamburg Modula-2 under VAX/VMS version 4.x Date Started: July, 1986 Released: September, 1986 (version 1.0) Description: PSPRINT can print a variety of file formats on a range of PostScript printers. See the PSPRINT User Guide and System Guide for more details. Much of the command line parsing is done by DCL according to PSPRINT.CLD. Most of the semantic checking is done here. If everything seems okay then we run a device-specific command file. If /DEVICE=LW then we do @TEX_PS:LW_PRINT P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 where P1 = complete file specification P2 = file format (DVI or PS or TEXT or TWO or WIDE) P3 = options for PSDVI P4 = options for PRINT P5 = /NOTE value ("" if not used) P6 = /COPIES value (1 if not used) P7 = /OUTPUT value ("" if not used) P8 = "bbbb" where b = Y or N and represents the status of the boolean qualifiers /DELETE, /LANDSCAPE, /BANNER, /MANUALFEED and is the /PREP value If /DEVICE=PS40 then we do @TEX_PS:PS40_PRINT P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 where P1 to P7 are as above but P8 = "bb" where b = Y or N and represents the status of the boolean qualifiers /DELETE, /LANDSCAPE and is the /PREP value If /DEVICE=LINO then we do @TEX_PS:LINO_PRINT P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 where P1 to P7 are as above but P8 = "bbbbbsss" where b = Y or N and represents the status of the boolean qualifiers /DELETE, /LANDSCAPE, /CUTMARKS, /LOWRES, /BANNER and sss = /SIZE value (PSPRINT.CLD defines legal values and default) and is the /PREP value Note that DCL allows a maximum of 8 parameters, so a lot of information has to be packed into P8. Revised: January, 1987 - The /REVERSE qualifier is no longer used. The order in which DVI pages are translated (by PSDVI) is best left specified in the COM file. (Note that /NOREVERSE on PSPRINT never actually worked!) - Released version 1.1 in January, 1987 November, 1987 (while at The Open University) - Added /DEVICE qualifier. PSPRINT needs to run a different command file for each type of PostScript printer currently supported. - Added /CONSERVE_VM and /NOCONSERVE_VM qualifiers. If neither is present then a default setting is used that depends on the /DEVICE value. - Added Linotronic-specific qualifiers (/CUTMARKS, /LOWRES, /SIZE). These are simply ignored if /DEVICE does not equal LINO. - Released version 2.0 in December, 1987 June--August, 1988 (while at Aston University) - Added /QUEUE qualifier for sites with more than one printer. - Added /BANNER and /MANUALFEED qualifiers for LW. - Added /TWO and /WIDE text formats. - Added /OUTPUT qualifer so user can save PostScript output in a given file rather than send it to a print queue. - The /REVERSE qualifier is back in again! It is treated like /CONSERVE_VM. - Added /INCREMENT qualifier to simplify both-sided printing. - Added /FONT_DIRECTORY qualifier to allow users to override the default font directory used by PSDVI. This could be handy for Metafont users. - Added more PSDVI qualifiers: /HOFFSET, /VOFFSET, /XSIZE, /YSIZE, /RESOLUTION, /PSPREFIX, /TFM_DIRECTORY and /DUMMY_FONT. Most users will never need to use any of these. - All these new qualifiers have required some reorganisation of the parameters passed into the various command files. - Released version 3.0 in August, 1988 September--October, 1989 (while at Aston University, 2nd time) - Added /BANNER qualifier for LINO. - Added /PREP qualifier so user can include a modified Laser Prep. - /REVERSE and /CONSERVE_VM defaults are now specified in the device-specific COM files. - Released version 3.1 in October, 1989 *) FROM VMS IMPORT SYS$EXIT; FROM CommandLanguageInterface IMPORT CLI$PRESENT, CLI$GET_VALUE; FROM CommonInputOutputProcedures IMPORT LIB$DO_COMMAND; FROM FileSystem IMPORT File, Open, Name, Done, Close; FROM InOut IMPORT Write, WriteString, WriteLn; CONST NULL = 0C; (* SYSDEP: terminates a non-full string *) TYPE string = ARRAY [0..79] OF CHAR; VAR filespec, ext, device, value : string; status : CARDINAL; f : File; command : ARRAY [0..255] OF CHAR; format : (dvifile,psfile,textfile,twofile,widefile); printer : (LINO,LW,PS40); (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE GetValue (qualifier : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR s : ARRAY OF CHAR) : BOOLEAN; (* GetValue should only be called for those qualifiers that have a value. If given qualifier is present then we get value and return TRUE, otherwise FALSE. *) VAR i, status : CARDINAL; BEGIN IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT(qualifier)) THEN status := CLI$GET_VALUE(qualifier,s); (* PSPRINT.CLD ensures value *) i := HIGH(s); WHILE (i > 0) AND (s[i] = ' ') DO (* remove trailing blanks *) s[i] := NULL; (* SYSDEP: pad with NULLs *) DEC(i); END; RETURN TRUE; ELSE s[0] := NULL; RETURN FALSE; END; END GetValue; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ExplicitExt (fname : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR ext : ARRAY OF CHAR) : BOOLEAN; (* SYSDEP: VAX/VMS files have an extension of the form ";version". If the given file specification contains an extension then TRUE is returned (and ext will be string after '.' but before any ';'). *) VAR i, l, pos : CARDINAL; ch : CHAR; BEGIN pos := LEN(fname); l := pos; ext[0] := NULL; WHILE pos > 0 DO (* search backwards looking for . or : or ] *) DEC(pos); ch := fname[pos]; IF ch = '.' THEN (* extract extension *) i := 0; INC(pos); WHILE (pos <= HIGH(fname)) AND (fname[pos] <> NULL) AND (fname[pos] <> ';') DO ext[i] := fname[pos]; INC(i); INC(pos); END; IF i <= HIGH(ext) THEN ext[i] := NULL END; RETURN TRUE; ELSIF (ch = ':') OR (ch = ']') THEN (* don't need to look further *) RETURN FALSE; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END ExplicitExt; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Append (VAR s1 : ARRAY OF CHAR; s2 : ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Append s2 to s1. *) VAR i, j : CARDINAL; BEGIN i := LEN(s1); j := 0; WHILE (i <= HIGH(s1)) AND (j <= HIGH(s2)) AND (s2[j] <> NULL) DO s1[i] := s2[j]; INC(i); INC(j); END; (* check for overflow *) IF (i > HIGH(s1)) AND (j <= HIGH(s2)) AND (s2[j] <> NULL) THEN WriteString('No room to append '); WriteString(s2); WriteLn; ErrorHalt; END; IF i <= HIGH(s1) THEN s1[i] := NULL END; END Append; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Equal (s1 : ARRAY OF CHAR; s2 : ARRAY OF CHAR) : BOOLEAN; (* Return TRUE iff s1 = s2. *) VAR i : CARDINAL; BEGIN i := 0; LOOP IF (i > HIGH(s1)) OR (s1[i] = NULL) THEN (* end of s1 *) RETURN (i > HIGH(s2)) OR (s2[i] = NULL); ELSIF (i > HIGH(s2)) OR (s2[i] = NULL) THEN (* end of s2 *) RETURN s1[i] = NULL; ELSIF s1[i] <> s2[i] THEN RETURN FALSE; END; INC(i); END; END Equal; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ErrorHalt; (* Call SYS$EXIT with a magic number that will set ERROR status without causing any spurious CLI message. *) VAR dummy : CARDINAL; BEGIN dummy := SYS$EXIT(10000002H); END ErrorHalt; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AppendFilespec; BEGIN IF GetValue('FILESPEC',filespec) THEN IF NOT ExplicitExt(filespec,ext) THEN (* assume DVI file if no extension *) Append(filespec,'.DVI'); (* append .DVI *) format := dvifile; ELSIF Equal(ext,'DVI') THEN format := dvifile; ELSIF Equal(ext,'PS') THEN format := psfile; (* PostScript file *) ELSE format := textfile; (* ordinary text file *) END; Open(f,filespec,FALSE); IF Done() THEN (* given file exists *) Name(f,filespec); (* full file specification *) Append(command,filespec); Close(f); ELSE WriteString("Couldn't open "); WriteString(filespec); Write('!'); WriteLn; ErrorHalt; END; ELSE (* PSPRINT.CLD should prevent this ever happening, but play safe *) WriteString('File not given!'); WriteLn; ErrorHalt; END; END AppendFilespec; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AppendFormat; (* /DVI, /PS, /TEXT, /TWO or /WIDE can override the implicit file format. PSPRINT.CLD should ensure that only one of these is allowed. *) BEGIN IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('DVI')) THEN format := dvifile; ELSIF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('PS')) THEN format := psfile; ELSIF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('TEXT')) THEN format := textfile; ELSIF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('TWO')) THEN format := twofile; ELSIF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('WIDE')) THEN format := widefile; END; CASE format OF dvifile : Append(command,' DVI'); | psfile : Append(command,' PS'); | textfile : Append(command,' TEXT'); | twofile : Append(command,' TWO'); | widefile : Append(command,' WIDE'); ELSE WriteString('BUG! Unknown file format!'); WriteLn; ErrorHalt; END; END AppendFormat; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DVIcheck (qual : ARRAY OF CHAR); (* The given qualifier is only allowed with a DVI file. *) BEGIN IF format <> dvifile THEN WriteString(qual); WriteString(' is only allowed with a DVI file!'); WriteLn; ErrorHalt; END; END DVIcheck; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AppendPSDVIoptions; (* Check for the PSDVI qualifiers allowed by PSPRINT.CLD. *) BEGIN Append(command,' "'); IF GetValue('PAGES',value) THEN DVIcheck('/PAGES'); Append(command,'/PAG='); Append(command,value); END; IF GetValue('INCREMENT',value) THEN DVIcheck('/INC'); Append(command,'/INC='); Append(command,value); END; IF GetValue('MAGNIFICATION',value) THEN DVIcheck('/MAG'); Append(command,'/MAG='); Append(command,value); END; IF GetValue('UNITS',value) THEN DVIcheck('/UNITS'); Append(command,'/UN='); Append(command,value); END; IF GetValue('HOFFSET',value) THEN DVIcheck('/HOFF'); Append(command,'/HOFF='); Append(command,value); END; IF GetValue('VOFFSET',value) THEN DVIcheck('/VOFF'); Append(command,'/VOFF='); Append(command,value); END; IF GetValue('XSIZE',value) THEN DVIcheck('/XSIZE'); Append(command,'/XSIZ='); Append(command,value); END; IF GetValue('YSIZE',value) THEN DVIcheck('/YSIZE'); Append(command,'/YSIZ='); Append(command,value); END; IF GetValue('TFM_DIRECTORY',value) THEN DVIcheck('/TFM'); Append(command,'/TFM='); Append(command,value); END; IF GetValue('PSPREFIX',value) THEN DVIcheck('/PSPRE'); Append(command,'/PSPR='); Append(command,value); END; IF GetValue('FONT_DIRECTORY',value) THEN DVIcheck('/FONT'); Append(command,'/FONT='); Append(command,value); END; IF GetValue('DUMMY_FONT',value) THEN DVIcheck('/DUMMY'); Append(command,'/DUMM='); Append(command,value); END; IF GetValue('RESOLUTION',value) THEN DVIcheck('/RES'); Append(command,'/RES='); Append(command,value); END; IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('STATS')) THEN DVIcheck('/STATS'); Append(command,'/ST'); END; IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('CONSERVE_VM')) THEN DVIcheck('/CONS'); Append(command,'/CONS'); ELSIF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('NOCONSERVE_VM')) THEN DVIcheck('/NOCONS'); Append(command,'/NOCONS'); END; IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('REVERSE')) THEN DVIcheck('/REV'); Append(command,'/REV'); ELSIF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('NOREVERSE')) THEN DVIcheck('/NOREV'); Append(command,'/NOREV'); END; Append(command,'"'); END AppendPSDVIoptions; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AppendPRINToptions; BEGIN Append(command,' "'); IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('NOTIFY')) THEN (* /NOTIFY given *) Append(command,'/NOTI'); ELSE Append(command,'/NONOTI'); END; IF GetValue('FORM',value) THEN (* /FORM=formtype given *) Append(command,'/FORM='); Append(command,value); END; IF GetValue('QUEUE',value) THEN (* /QUEUE=qname given *) Append(command,'/QUE='); Append(command,value); END; Append(command,'"'); END AppendPRINToptions; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AppendNote; VAR i : INTEGER; BEGIN Append(command,' "'); IF GetValue('NOTE',value) THEN IF printer = PS40 THEN (* PrintServer 40 handles any (,),\ characters in /NOTE value *) Append(command,value); ELSE (* For LaserWriter and Linotronic we must make sure that any (,),\ characters are prefixed with \ otherwise we'll probably get a PostScript error when storing the /NOTE value into a string. This kludge should not be necessary for the other string values that appear on the banner page. *) FOR i := 0 TO LEN(value)-1 DO CASE value[i] OF '(' : Append(command,'\('); | ')' : Append(command,'\)'); | '\' : Append(command,'\\'); ELSE Append(command,value[i]); END; END; END; END; Append(command,'"'); END AppendNote; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AppendCopies; BEGIN IF GetValue('COPIES',value) THEN Append(command,' '); Append(command,value); ELSE Append(command,' 1'); END; END AppendCopies; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AppendOutput; BEGIN IF GetValue('OUTPUT',value) THEN Append(command,' '); Append(command,value); ELSE Append(command,' ""'); END; END AppendOutput; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AppendPrep; BEGIN IF GetValue('PREP',value) THEN Append(command,value); END; END AppendPrep; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AppendLWFlags; BEGIN Append(command,' "'); IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('DELETE')) THEN Append(command,'Y'); (* /DELETE *) ELSE Append(command,'N'); END; IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('LANDSCAPE')) THEN Append(command,'Y'); (* /LANDSCAPE *) ELSE Append(command,'N'); END; IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('BANNER')) THEN Append(command,'Y'); (* /BANNER *) ELSE Append(command,'N'); END; IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('MANUALFEED')) THEN Append(command,'Y'); (* /MANUALFEED *) ELSE Append(command,'N'); END; AppendPrep; (* /PREP *) Append(command,'"'); END AppendLWFlags; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AppendLINOFlags; BEGIN Append(command,' "'); IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('DELETE')) THEN Append(command,'Y'); (* /DELETE *) ELSE Append(command,'N'); END; IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('LANDSCAPE')) THEN Append(command,'Y'); (* /LANDSCAPE *) ELSE Append(command,'N'); END; IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('CUTMARKS')) THEN Append(command,'Y'); (* /CUTMARKS *) ELSE Append(command,'N'); END; IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('LOWRES')) THEN Append(command,'Y'); (* /LOWRES *) ELSE Append(command,'N'); END; IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('BANNER')) THEN Append(command,'Y'); (* /BANNER *) ELSE Append(command,'N'); END; IF GetValue('SIZE',value) THEN (* /SIZE value *) Append(command,value); ELSE Append(command,'???'); (* PSPRINT.CLD should prevent this *) END; AppendPrep; (* /PREP *) Append(command,'"'); END AppendLINOFlags; (******************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AppendPS40Flags; BEGIN Append(command,' "'); IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('DELETE')) THEN Append(command,'Y'); (* /DELETE *) ELSE Append(command,'N'); END; IF ODD(CLI$PRESENT('LANDSCAPE')) THEN Append(command,'Y'); (* /LANDSCAPE *) ELSE Append(command,'N'); END; AppendPrep; (* /PREP *) Append(command,'"'); END AppendPS40Flags; (******************************************************************************) BEGIN IF GetValue('DEVICE',device) THEN IF Equal(device,'LW') THEN printer := LW; command := '@TEX_PS:LW_PRINT '; ELSIF Equal(device,'LINO') THEN printer := LINO; command := '@TEX_PS:LINO_PRINT '; ELSIF Equal(device,'PS40') THEN printer := PS40; command := '@TEX_PS:PS40_PRINT '; ELSE (* PSPRINT.CLD should prevent this ever happening, but play safe *) WriteString('Unexpected /DEVICE value: '); WriteString(device); WriteLn; ErrorHalt; END; ELSE (* PSPRINT.CLD should prevent this ever happening, but play safe *) WriteString('/DEVICE value not present!'); WriteLn; ErrorHalt; END; AppendFilespec; (* P1 *) AppendFormat; (* P2 *) AppendPSDVIoptions; (* P3 *) AppendPRINToptions; (* P4 *) AppendNote; (* P5 *) AppendCopies; (* P6 *) AppendOutput; (* P7 *) CASE printer OF (* P8 is device-specific *) LW : AppendLWFlags; | LINO : AppendLINOFlags; | PS40 : AppendPS40Flags; END; (* DEBUG WriteString(command); WriteLn; GUBED *) status := LIB$DO_COMMAND(command); (* we should never get here *) WriteString('BUG! Error in DO_COMMAND!'); WriteLn; ErrorHalt; END PSPRINT.