% % This is the source file for blackboard.ps . % blackboard.ps is supposed to help you choose the % appropriate blackboard bold font for your document. % % Unless you intend to change this file (which is perfectly ok) % you should probably get blackboard.ps directly. % It should be on the ftp site where you got this file from. % That will save you installing all the fonts. % % This file is in the public domain. You may do everything % with it, including, but not limited to, printing it % and folding paper planes with the results. % % This file is unsupported. If you want to support it, go ahead. % \let\noinit! \input testfont \def\testds#1{% \def\fontname{#1}% \startfont \table \vskip 1cm \font\dsfnt=#1 $$\hbox{\dsfnt N}\subset\hbox{\dsfnt Z}\subset\hbox{\dsfnt Q}\subset \hbox{\dsfnt R}\subset\hbox{\dsfnt C}$$ $$\forall x\in\hbox{\dsfnt N}:x+x\in \hbox{\dsfnt N}$$ \vskip 1cm \font\dsfnt=#1 scaled 4000 \centerline{\dsfnt N Z Q R C}\rm \vskip 1cm } This is a test file for the various implementations of blackboard bold typefaces in \TeX. It was written by Olaf Kummer during July 1998. It is unsupported. Using this file you can preview the different fonts in a postscript file without actually installing all the fonts. This might help you in choosing a font that is most appropriate for your task. The author has prepared a blackboard bold font himself, but he hopes that this file shows as little prejudice as possible. {\tt testfont.tex} was used to prepare the font tables in this document. \eject \testds{bbold10} This is the {\tt bbold} font created by Alan Jeffrey ({\tt alanje@cogs.susx.ac.uk}). It can be found on CTAN at {\tt /tex-archive/fonts/bbold}. \eject \testds{dsrom10} This is the {\tt dsrom} font created by Olaf Kummer ({\tt kummer@informatik.uni-hamburg.de}). It can be found on CTAN at {\tt /tex-archive/fonts/doublestroke}. \eject \testds{dsss10} This is the {\tt dsss} font created by Olaf Kummer ({\tt kummer@informatik.uni-hamburg.de}). It can be found on CTAN at {\tt /tex-archive/fonts/doublestroke}. \eject \testds{bbm10} This is the {\tt bbm} font created by Gilles F. Robert ({\tt gfrobert@umpa.ens-lyon.fr}). It can be found on CTAN at {\tt /tex-archive/fonts/cm/bbm}. On the following pages a few of the many variants of the {\tt bbm} font are presented. \eject \testds{bbmbx10} \eject \testds{bbmsl10} \eject \testds{bbmss10} \eject \testds{msbm10} This is the classical AMS font {\tt msbm} reachead via the {\tt\char 92 mathbb} command. It is usually distributed with every \TeX\ system. \bye