\centerline{\bf PostScript and math} \medskip\noindent Various comments on this subject (mainly appearing in \TeX{\sc hax}) have finally goaded me into putting in my two cents' worth. For a publisher of mathematics, there are two problems with trying to generate \TeX\ output on a \PS\ typesetter --- fonts and speed. Leaving aside the fact that some people just like other fonts better than Computer Modern, there is really no good alternative at present to the Computer Modern math fonts. And, in my opinion, even if they're generated from outlines in the ``native'' \PS\ fashion, the CM math shapes simply don't mix well with other styles. It's got to be possible to make other alphabets (e.g.~Times Italic) behave well in math --- in fact, it's been done at the American Math Society for some non-\PS\ Times fonts --- but it's a {\it lot} of work! And I didn't realize until the job was done, and I was seeing competent math coming out of our typesetter in Times, the extent of the subtlety in the Computer Modern math. With Computer Modern, someone with a trained eye can spot math very quickly. The spacing of the italic is clearly different from that of the math, but also, the shapes are different. (Take a closer look sometime.) This means that in theorems, traditionally set in italic (here I personally like Knuth's innovation of slanted, but my opinion is not shared by my employer's editorial staff), it's possible to distinguish math from text quite easily, even the single letter a ({\it a} versus $a$). I know of no other fonts, anywhere, where this sort of distinction has been made. (But I'd welcome hearing about it if anyone else does.) Regarding speed, most of the \PS\ rips (raster image processors) are geared for low-resolution production, say 300\,dpi, the resolution that requires 1\,Mbyte of memory to hold a full bitmap of a US letter-size page. Even keeping up with a relatively fast print engine like the 40\,ppm {\sc dec}\-server40 is child's play compared to keeping up with the rated speed of a real typesetter, with over 1000\,dpi resolution. I would welcome some statistics for typesetters performing ``real'' jobs --- using a large selection of (native) fonts in several sizes. Without outline fonts for math, any math job statistics are probably meaningless, since the time to download bitmaps is relatively much greater than to use outline fonts. A promising development I've read about recently ({\it Seybold Report}, Dec 28) is a new rip designed to handle Alphatype's Alphacomposer, which has a resolution of $5300\times5300$\,dpi and runs at a maximum speed of 3 minutes/page. That's a 280\,Mbyte bitmap requirement for $8\times10\,\hbox {in}$! (The same article gives benchmark results from Linotype showing that its present rip can't even keep up with a 1270\,dpi engine.) The new rip is supposed to be ready for demonstration sometime during the first quarter of 88; it was developed by Medianet, not Alphatype, and the agreement is non-exclusive. This looks like it's worth watching. Until this kind of speed is available for \PS\ typesetters, they just won't be practical for technical publishers, and 300\,dpi (even 600\,dpi) just isn't good enough for the highest-quality typesetting that most major publishers are looking for. \rightline{\sl Barbara Beeton}