\centerline{\bf An index to \TeXline\ number 1--8} \medskip \noindent In response to many hints and threats, an index to all the titles occuring in the first eight editions of \TeXline\ is given here in alphabetical order. The `database' which contains this information has `keywords' included too. There is a possibility that a more general index may appear in the future -- \TeXline\ {\sl X\/} would be so appropriate. Why do tables of contents not appear in every \TeXline\/? A good question. \medskip {\raggedright\frenchspacing\parindent0pt\obeylines A UK \TeX\ Users Group?: 8,19--20 About Face!: 7,20--21 Acknowledgements: 7,1 Almost an editorial: 4,1 Articles of Interest: 3,15 Atari!: 8,35--36 Atari-ST \TeX: 7,19--20; 8,10--11 {\sl Automatic Text Processing} (book review): 8,35 \smallskip Backnumbers: 8,37 BCS Displays Group: 8,38--39 BCS Electronic Publishing Group (meeting report): 2,7--8 BCS Electronic Publishing Group: 2,3 BCS Electronic Publishing conference, Storage Technology in EP: 6,10--11 BCS-EP (conference report): 4,2 BCS-EP Meeting, Dektop Publishing -- the reality': 7,6--7 Bits of \hax, Summer 87: 6,13--15 Books on \TeX: 1,7 Bug: 5,6 Bulletin Board: 6,13 \smallskip Call for papers: 8,37 Chemical ring macros in \LaTeX: 4,11 Chemical symbols from \LaTeX\ (example): 5,10 Colophon: 2,1; 3,1 {\sl Computer Modern Typefaces} (book review): 4,13 Computer Typesetting (conference report): 1,8 Contributors: 7,21 Copyright: 6,17 \smallskip Deadline: 1,8; 2,1 Decus: 7,12 Definitions: 2,3 {\sl Desktop Publishing Skills} (book review): 7,22 {\sl Digital Typography} (book review): 8,32--33 Disclaimers: 2,8; 3,1 DIY cmr fonts for the pc: 5,5 DVILASER/HP (advert): 4,16 \smallskip Editor's prerogative: 7,1 Editorial Note: 1,1; 2,1 Editorial: 3,1 Electronic Publishing (subscription details): 6,16 Electronic Publishing Technologies: 8,36--37 EP86, (announcement): 1,9 \smallskip Fallen by the wayside: 8,37 First European \TeX\ Conference (conference report): 1,3--4 Font Storage and Character Generation: 3,2--4 Fonts: 8,22 Formulator: 7,13--14 Forthcoming meetings: 4,10; 7,12 From laser lovers: 3,13 \smallskip Goodby serif: 1,7 \smallskip How to obtain {\sl \TeXline}: 4,10 \smallskip Is there anyone there? questionnaire: 1,2 \smallskip Late news: 8,40 {\sl\LaTeXsl\ a document preparation system} (book review): 4,6 \LaTeX\ problems: 5,7 \LaTeX\ style files: 6,15; 7,3 Leslie says \dots\ : 7,2 Leslie's friend says \dots\ : 8,35 Letter to the Editor: 6,18 Lines in \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ too: 4,10 \smallskip Mac\MF: 5,7 MacQueen/Mac\TeX\ update: 5,4 Mac\TeX: 3,15 Mac\TeX\ -- a mathematician's view: 7,10--11 Macro\TeX: 7,17--18 Macros on disk: 5,9 Macros: 4,2 Making it look right: 2,8 Markup 85 (conference report): 1,5 Markup 86: 4,4 Markup 87: 6,5--6 Meetings (advance notices): 3,13 Meetings (announcements): 5,2 Meetings: 1,7 \MF\ meets at Oxford (meeting report): 5,8 \MF\ on the Mac XL (example): 5,10 Micro\TeX\ (advert): 3,12 More laser news: 7,16 More Markup: 5,4 More \PS: 5,6 More SGML: 8,39--40 More symbols for \TeX: 5,7 More typesetter drivers: 5,5 Multilingual \TeX\ distribution: 8,35--36 \smallskip News from the other side: 6,17 Non-Roman scripts: 3,14 Noughts and crosses: 8,20--22 \smallskip Odd Types: 8,15--17 On buying laserprinters: 1,2 OpenType: 6,13 Optical Letter Spacing: 3,7--8 Other \TeX ing: 5,9 Other useful addresses (list): 4,10 Our Correspondent writes \dots\ (editorial): 5,1 \smallskip Parochial matters: 8,1 Periodicals: 7,8--9 Pira's Precursor: 5,6 Polish language and \TeX: 8,2 \PS\ and math: 7,6--7 {\sl\PS\ Language Program Design} (book review): 8,34 {\sl\PS\ Language Reference Manual} (book review): 5,5 {\sl\PS\ Language Tutorial and Cookbook} (book review) : 5,5 Preview in the public domain: 7,15--16 Producing a book with \LaTeX: 2,4--6 Protext II (conference report): 3,9--11 Protext III: 4,3 Public domain: 7,16--17 Publications (books etc): 3,14 \smallskip Random Notes: 7,11 Replacing toner cartridges: 6,12 Resolution (editorial): 8,1 \smallskip SGML: 8,33--34 {\sl SGML an author's guide to SGML} (book review): 8,33--34 SGML Implementors' meeting (report): 4,7 SGML receives approval: 4,3 SGML Software: 7,13--14 SGML Users Group: 1,5 SGML Users Group (meeting report): 2,2 SGML Users Group meeting: 7,13--14 SoftQuad Author/Editor (software review): 8,33--34 Stuff to read (current literature): 6,12; 7,7--8 Suppliers (list): 4,9 \smallskip Talaris update (change of address): 2,1 Ten years of \TeX\ and \MF: 8,35--36 \TeX89: 8,38 \TeX\ and TUG go international; a trip report: 8,4--5 \TeX\ and graphics -- the {\it psfig} package: 7,4--5 \TeX\ and the Linotron 101: 5,3 \TeX\ as a feminist issue: 8,13--15 \TeX\ considered as the Zahir (editorial): 6,1 \TeX\ courses in Europe: 5,1 \TeX\ for Scientific documentation (announcement): 2,8; 3,16 \TeX\ in the real world: 1,2 \TeX\ on micros: 1,1 \TeX\ on the HP LaserJet printer: 3,5--6 \TeX\ on the Macintosh: 4,4 \TeX\ typesetting service: 6,6 \TeX ing for a living: 3,7--8 {\sl Text Processing \& Document Preparation} (book review): 4,8 \TeX puter: 8,1 \TeX\ Users Group 1987 Conference (announcement): 4,14 \TeX\ Users Group 1987 Meeting. 1. View towards Mt. Olympus (Wa): 6,6--8 \TeX\ Users Group 1987 Meeting. 2. Is there \TeX\ after Knuth?: 6,8--10 Thanks: 1,8; 2,1; 8,40 The 9th Annual \TeX\ users group meeting: 8,5--10 The evolution of the \TeX\ user interface: 8,11--13 {\sl The Illustrated Handbook of Desktop Publishing \& Typesetting} (book review): 7,9--10 The many faces of \TeX: 8,22--31 {\sl The \MFsl book} (book review): 6,3--5 The Pres says \dots\ : 6,2--3 The Publisher (advert): 4,15 The return of {\hax}: 5,5 {\sl The \TeXbook} (book review): 4,12 The uphill struggle of \TeX: 8,11 TUG: 1,6 TUGboat notes: 2,3 TUGboat: 5,6 TYPOS: 3,1 \smallskip UK \TeX\ Users Group: 8,17--19 UK Typesetting bureaux (list): 4,9 Useful (?) things from \hax/laserlovers: 1,6; 2,8 \smallskip What's new with \TeX: 8,3 Winged Sandals: 1,1 Write now, right now: 5,1 } \smallskip \rightline{\sl Malcolm Clark}