This is a short guide to {\LaTeX} and its package polyglossia. This document aims to introduce {\LaTeX} and polyglossia for Indian languages. Though the document often discusses the language Marathi, the discussion applies to other India languages also with some minute changes which are described in Section~\ref{sec:first-doc}. We also discuss some issues in polyglossia for Marathi, Sanskrit and Hindi, and solutions of some of them. The issues for other Indian languages should be similar and have same solutions. The photograph of Leslie Lamport used in the document is used to explain use of graphics package, and the photo is taken from Wikipead. Hence there is no copyright violation, I assume. This is Version 1.0 of the package/ guide. We plan that small changes in the document shall be indicated by the versions 1.1, 1.2,… etc, and major changes (such as adding a chapter) shall be indicated by numbers 2.0, 3.0,… etc. English title of the document: A practical guide to {\LaTeX} and polyglossia for Indian Languages, Author- Dr. Rohit Dilip Holkar, Email- rohit[dot]d[dot]holkar[at]gmail[dot]com.