% !TeX spellcheck = en_US % acknowledgements.tex \documentclass[fontsize=12pt,paper=a4,open=any,parskip=half, twoside=false,english]{scrbook} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % load early \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % load early \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{enumitem,xcolor} \PassOptionsToPackage{hyphens}{url} \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % load late \setkomafont{disposition}{\sffamily\color{violet}} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \phantom{xx} \vfill \section*{License} Reference Sheet, Version 1.2, August 2017 This Cheat Sheet is free under the terms and conditions of the \LaTeX{} Project Public License Version 1.3c. Authors: Marion Lammarsch, University of Heidelberg, and Elke Schubert, Stutensee Credit for the layout and content ideas goes to \begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)] \item Emanuel Regnath, ``\LaTeX{} Cheat Sheet'' \LaTeX4EI, 2013\\ \url{http://www.latex4ei.de/downloads/LaTeX_CheatSheet.pdf} \item Tammo Schwindt, DHBW Mosbach, ``LaTeX Sheet German'', Ed. 2014\\ \url{http://mirror.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/latexcheat/latexcheat-de/} \end{enumerate} The logo with the \TeX{} lion is sketched by Duane Bibby, \url{https://mirror.ctan.org/lion/files}; the graphic of a header of a page is from the \KOMAScript{} documentation, file scrlayer-scrpage.tex; the page layout image is done by using the package layout and the command \texttt{\textbackslash{}layout} and the red lines and red text added with a graphics program. \section*{Acknowledgements} We would like to thank Markus Kohm, Ulrike Fischer, Martin Sievers, and Herbert Voß for their useful hints and suggestions. Not naming all the female and male students which with their intrigued questions helped to improve this reference sheet. \end{document}