% Hyphenation patterns for Bardi. % Written by Claire Bowern using as a base bahyph.tex and bahyph.sh (Basque). % claire.bowern@yale.edu % April 2009 % % NB: these should work for most Northern Kimberley languages using the bdg script and oo for /u/. % % Original copyright statements follow % % Hyphenation patterns for Basque. % This file has been written by Juan M. Aguirregabiria % (wtpagagj@lg.ehu.es) on February 1997 and is based % on the shyphen.sh script that generates the Spanish patterns % as compiled by Julio Sanchez (jsanchez@gmv.es) on September 1991. % The original Copyright follows and applies also to this file % whose last version will be always available by anonymous ftp % from tp.lc.ehu.es or by poynting your Web browser to % http://tp.lc.ehu.es/basque.html % % Hyphenation patterns for Spanish. % Compiled by Julio Sanchez (jsanchez@gmv.es) on September 1991. % These patterns have been derived from "On Word Division in Spanish", % Jos'e A. Ma~nas, Communications of the ACM, and implemented in his % package ftc. You can get ftc and a draft of the abovementioned % paper from goya.dit.upm.es in src/text.proc/ftc.Z. FTP access may % be available. Otherwise, send help to info@goya.dit.upm.es for % details on use of the mail server. % % Rules mentioned below are those described in that paper. After % several unsatisfactory attempts to pretend I knew better, these % patterns closely follow that paper. Pattern 'tl' is not considered. % It is conflictive and ftc does not use it either. % % These patterns have been generated by shyphen.sh version 1.0, % shyphen.sh is a sh script that allows a number of choices. % Full benefit from some of these options can only be % obtained if appropriate fonts are available. % % Follows a copyright notice. This is not in the public domain, % but the copyright is essentially a hold-harmless clause. That % is, use it at will, but don't sue me if you don't like it. % % COPYRIGHT NOTICE % % These patterns and the generating sh script are Copyright (c) GMV 1991 % These patterns were developed for internal GMV use and are made % public in the hope that they will benefit others. Also, spreading % these patterns throughout the Spanish-language TeX community is % expected to provide back-benefits to GMV in that it can help keeping % GMV in the mainstream of spanish users. However, this is given % for free and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Under no circumstances can Julio % Sanchez, GMV, Jos'e A. Ma~nas or any agents or representatives thereof % be held responsible for any errors in this software nor for any damages % derived from its use, even in case any of the above has been notified % of the possibility of such damages. If any such situation arises, you % responsible for repair. Use of this software is an explicit % acceptance of these conditions. % % You can use this software for any purpose. You cannot delete this % copyright notice. If you change this software, you must include % comments explaining who, when and why. You are kindly requested to % send any changes to tex@gmv.es. If you change the generating % script, you must include code in it such that any output is clearly % labeled as generated by a modified script. % % Despite the lack of warranty, we would like to hear about any % problem you find. Please report problems to tex@gmv.es. % % END OF COPYRIGHT NOTICE % % % Options included in this set: basic % vowels: a aa i ii o oo % Consonants: b d rd g j k l rl ly m n rn ny ng r rr w y % % Some of the patterns below represent combinations that never % happen in Basque. Would they happen, they would be hyphenated % according to the rules. % This keeps {cat|lc}code changes, if any, local. Nice to users of % multilingual versions. These are the minimum changes needed to process % the patterns. These and other changes will have to be re-enacted when % Basque be established as the current language. See the babel docs if % you don't understand this. \begingroup \patterns{ % Rule SR1 % Vowels are kept together by the defaults % Rule SR2 % Attach vowel groups to left consonant 1ba 1baa 1bi 1bii 1bo 1boo 1da 1daa 1di 1dii 1do 1doo 1rda 1rdaa 1rdi 1rdii 1rdo 1rdoo 1ga 1gaa 1gi 1gii 1go 1goo 1ka 1kaa 1ki 1kii 1ko 1koo 1ja 1jaa 1ji 1jii 1jo 1joo 1la 1laa 1li 1lii 1lo 1loo 1rla 1rlaa 1rli 1rlii 1rlo 1rloo 1lya 1lyaa 1lyi 1lyii 1lyo 1lyoo 1ma 1maa 1mi 1mii 1mo 1moo 1na 1naa 1ni 1nii 1no 1noo 1rna 1rnaa 1rni 1rnii 1rno 1rnoo 1nya 1nyaa 1nyi 1nyii 1nyo 1nyoo 1nga 1ngaa 1ngi 1ngii 1ngo 1ngoo 1ra 1raa 1ri 1rii 1ro 1roo 1rra 1rraa 1rri 1rrii 1rro 1rroo 1wa 1waa 1wi 1wii 1wo 1woo 1ya 1yaa 1yi 1yii 1yo 1yoo % Rule SR3 % Build legal consonant groups, leave other consonants bound to % the previous group. This overrides part of the SR2 pattern % group. 1ny1ja 1ny1jaa 1ny1ji 1ny1jii 1ny1jo 1ny1joo 1n1ja 1n1jaa 1n1ji 1n1jii 1n1jo 1n1joo 1l1mba 1l1mbaa 1l1mbi 1l1mbii 1l1mbo 1l1mboo 1ng1ga 1ng1gaa 1ng1gi 1ng1gii 1ng1go 1ng1goo % We now avoid some problematic breaks. n2y l2y r2n r2d r2l n2g r2r su2b2r su2b2l } \endgroup