%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Preamble \input epsf.tex \def \bs {\char`\\} \def \heading #1{\centerline{\bf #1}} \def \myfont {% \baselineskip = 9.6pt \font \rm = cmr8 at 8pt \rm } \def \noise {% Blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah } \def \ARROWPICTURE {\llap{$\Rightarrow$}\PLAINPICTURE\rlap{$\Leftarrow$}} \def \PLAINPICTURE {\epsffile{tepsf.eps}} \parindent = 2em \parskip = 2ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.5ex %% Page size in mid-Atlantic units \voffset = -0.5in \vsize = 9.5in \hsize = 12.5cm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Document body \myfont \heading{Test of {\tt epsf.tex}} \noise This figure should be centered: \centerline{XXX\vbox{\PLAINPICTURE}XXX} \noise This figure should be left-adjusted: \leftline{\vbox{\PLAINPICTURE}XXX} \noise This figure should be right-adjusted: \rightline{XXX\vbox{\PLAINPICTURE}} \noise This figure should be centered: \centerline{XXX\hbox{\PLAINPICTURE}XXX} \noise This figure should be left-adjusted: \leftline{\hbox{\PLAINPICTURE}XXX} \noise This figure should be right-adjusted: \rightline{XXX\hbox{\PLAINPICTURE}} \noise This figure should be centered with abutting arrows on the baseline: \centerline{\vbox{\ARROWPICTURE}} \noise This figure should be left-adjusted with abutting arrows on the baseline, the leftmost of which is in the left margin on the baseline: \leftline{\vbox{\ARROWPICTURE}} \noise This figure should be right-adjusted with abutting arrows on the baseline, the rightmost of which is in the right margin on the baseline: \rightline{\vbox{\ARROWPICTURE}} \noise \vfill \eject %% --------------------------------------------------------------------- \bye