\input dvipaste \font\it=cmti10 \def\rm{\tenrm} Here is some text that we have before the joined boxes. Now we will have the boxes joined by a line segment: \hbox{\paste{boxes1}1% \vrule height 30pt depth-29pt width1in \paste{boxes2}2} And this is the text that we have after it. Here is just a lot of stuff \it that we will continue to put in italics, for the rest of the file, in fact. \vfil\eject This is some more text. \hbox{\paste{boxes1}4% \vrule height 30pt depth-29pt width1in \paste{boxes2}1} And this is the text that we have after it. \vfil\eject \rm Now we are back to roman type. \hbox{\paste{boxes1}3% \vrule height 30pt depth-29pt width1in \paste{boxes1}4} And this is the text that we have after it. \bye