use strict; use lib '.'; use Texinfo::ModulePath (undef, undef, undef, 'updirs' => 2); require 't/'; my @test_cases = ( [ 'not_set', '@ifset a Flag a is set. @end ifset '], ['comment_on_ifset_line', '@set x @ifset x@c Y1 @end ifset @ifset x@c comm Y2 @end ifset @ifset x@c@ggg Y3 @end ifset @ifset x @c Y4 @end ifset @ifset x @c comm Y5 @end ifset @ifset x @c@ggg Y6 @end ifset '], ['ignore_spaces_and_comments', '@ignore No space no comment @end ignore @ignore Spaces no comment @end ignore @ignore@c no space comment Comment @end ignore @ignore @comment space comment Space Comment @end ignore @ignore @c Space Comment no argument @end ignore '], ['nested_ignore', '@ignore @ignore @end ignore @ignore @end iftex @ifinfo @end ignore @ignore @end ifclear @ifclear @end ignore '], ['nested_ignore_with_comments', '@ignore @ignore No space no comment @end ignore @ignore Spaces no comment @end ignore @ignore@c no space comment Comment @end ignore @ignore @c Comment no argument @end ignore @ignore @c space comment Space Comment @end ignore @ignore something @comment comment after text Text comment @end ignore @ignore some @code{variable} @comment comment after command Command comment @end ignore @end ignore '], ['nested_ignore_comment_no_eol', '@ignore @ignore @c comment'], ['empty_set_in_ifset', '@set a @ifset a a is set to:|@value{a}|. @end ifset' ], ['empty_set_in_ifclear', '@set a @ifclear a a is set to:|@value{a}|. @end ifclear' ], ['consecutive_conditionals', '@ifinfo in ifinfo @end ifinfo @iftex in iftex @end iftex @set b @ifclear b in ifclear @end ifclear @ifset a in ifset @end ifset '], ['ifnot_format_conditional', '@ifnottex not tex @end ifnottex After.'], ['false_format_not_closed', '@html blah blah '], ['many_conditionals', '@html This is html text. @end html @ifhtml This is ifhtml text. @end ifhtml @ifnothtml This is ifnothtml text. @end ifnothtml @ifinfo This is ifinfo text. @end ifinfo @ifnotinfo This is ifnotinfo text. @end ifnotinfo @tex This is tex text. @end tex @iftex This is iftex text. @end iftex @ifnottex This is ifnottex text. @end ifnottex ', { 'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['info', 'html'] }], # same conditionals as in many_conditionals, but from file # with preambule and with some output ['cond_ifhtml_ifinfo', # same conditions as in many_conditionals undef, {'test_file' => 'cond.texi', 'test_formats' => ['html'], 'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['html', 'info'], }, ], ['cond', undef, {'test_file' => 'cond.texi', 'test_formats' => ['html'], }, ], ['cond_xml', undef, {'test_file' => 'cond.texi', 'test_formats' => ['xml'], 'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['xml'], }, ], ['cond_no-ifhtml_no-ifinfo_no-iftex', undef, {'test_file' => 'cond.texi', 'test_formats' => ['html'], 'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => [], }, ], ['cond_ifhtml_ifinfo_iftex', undef, {'test_file' => 'cond.texi', 'test_formats' => ['html'], 'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['html', 'info', 'tex'], }, {'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['html', 'info', 'tex'], }, ], ['cond_info', undef, {'test_file' => 'cond.texi', 'test_formats' => ['info'], 'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['info', 'plaintext'], }, ], ['cond_info_no-ifhtml_no-ifinfo_no-iftex', undef, {'test_file' => 'cond.texi', 'test_formats' => ['info'], 'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => [], }, {'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => []} ], ['cond_info_ifhtml_ifinfo_iftex', undef, {'test_file' => 'cond.texi', 'test_formats' => ['info'], 'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['info', 'html', 'tex'], }, {'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['info', 'html', 'tex'],} ], ['commands_in_ifset', ' @ifset notset @definfoenclose @documentencoding ISO-8859-1 @end ifsettruc open { @end ifset @ifset notset @example @copying @itemize @table @bye @end ifset '], ['ifset_in_command', ' @file{ @ifset x xset @end ifset @ifclear x xclear @end ifclear } '], ['ignored_in_ifset', ' @ifset notset @ignore @end ifset @end ignore text @end ifset @ifset notset @verbatim @end ifset @end verbatim @end ifset @ifset notset @verb{% @end ifset %} @end ifset '], ['empty_ifset_in_ifset_no_set', ' @ifset notset @verbatim @ifset @end verbatim @end ifset '], ['ifclear_in_ifset', ' @ifset a @ifclear ok - ok, ignored @end junky - ok, ignored @end ifset @c WRONG - missing @end ifset. '], ['ifclear_in_ifset_set', ' @set a @ifset a @ifclear ok @c - ok, ignored @end junky - ok, ignored @end ifset @c WRONG - missing @end ifset. '], ['nested_ifset_ifclear', ' @macro conditionals{} @ifset somevar @ifset anothervar Both somevar and anothervar are set. @end ifset @ifclear anothervar Somevar is set, anothervar is not. @end ifclear @end ifset @end macro @set somevar @set anothervar @conditionals{} @set somevar @clear anothervar @conditionals{} @clear somevar @set anothervar @conditionals{} @clear somevar @clear anothervar @conditionals{} '], ['end_ifset_in_format', ' @set notset @ifset notset @ignore @end ifset @end ignore text @end ifset @ifset notset @verbatim @end ifset @end verbatim @end ifset @ifset notset @verb{% @end ifset %} @end ifset '], ['empty_ifset_in_ifset_set', ' @set notset @ifset notset @verbatim @ifset @end verbatim @end ifset '], ['nested_ifset_prepended_to_command_name', '@ifset a @ifsettoto b GG @end ifset @end ifset '], ['macro_in_ifset', ' @macro truc {} truc @end macro @ifset a @unmacro truc @macro truc{} in ifset @end macro @end ifset @truc{} '], ['macro_in_ifset_set', ' @set a @macro truc {} truc @end macro @ifset a @unmacro truc @macro truc{} in ifset @end macro @end ifset @truc{} '], ['empty_ifclear', '@ifclear Something @end ifclear '], ['empty_ifset', '@ifset Something @end ifset '], ['bad_ifset_argument', '@ifset a|b Ra&b @end ifset '], ['bad_ifclear_argument', ' @ifclear #something R#something @end ifclear '], ['ignore_not_closed', '@ignore This is ignored '], ['info_ifplaintext', ' @ifplaintext this text will only appear in plain text. @end ifplaintext ', {'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['info']} ], ['plaintext_ifinfo', ' @ifinfo this text will appear only in Info and plain text. @end ifinfo ', {'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['plaintext']} ], ['ifnotinfo_exception', '@ifnotinfo in ifnotinfo @end ifnotinfo ', {'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['plaintext']} ], ['info_ifinfo_ifnotplaintext', '@ifinfo @ifnotplaintext This will be in Info, but not plain text. @end ifnotplaintext @end ifinfo ', {'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['info']} ], ['plaintext_ifinfo_ifnotplaintext', '@ifinfo @ifnotplaintext This will be in Info, but not plain text. @end ifnotplaintext @end ifinfo ', {'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['plaintext']} ], ['text_on_conditional_line_expanded', '@ifnothtml text following ifnothtml, a @end ifnothtml ' ], ['text_on_conditional_line', '@ifnothtml text following ifnothtml, a @end ifnothtml ', {'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['html']} ], ['additional_space_in_end_conditional', '@ifnothtml not html @end ifnothtml ', {'EXPANDED_FORMATS' => ['html']} ], ['additional_space_in_end_conditional_expanded', '@ifnothtml not html @end ifnothtml '], ['superfluous_argument_to_end', '@ifnothtml not html @end ifnothtml superfluous '], ['conditional_not_closed', '@ifhtml in ifhtml '], ['end_conditional_not_at_line_begining', '@ifhtml inhtml @end ifhtml '], ['command_conditionals', '@ifset txicommandconditionals Good, the txicommandconditionals variable was set. @end ifset @ifcommanddefined nodexyz Bad, @@nodexyz is defined. @end ifcommanddefined @ifcommandnotdefined nodexyz Good, @@nodexyz is not defined. @end ifcommandnotdefined @ifcommanddefined node Good, @@node is defined. @end ifcommanddefined @ifcommandnotdefined node Bad, @@node is not defined. @end ifcommandnotdefined @ifcommanddefined mathcode Unfortunately, @@mathcode is defined. @end ifcommanddefined @ifcommandnotdefined mathcode Happily, @@mathcode is not defined. @end ifcommandnotdefined '], ['command_conditionals_user_defined', '@macro truc machin @end macro @defindex auth @definfoenclose infoencl, :,: @alias strongalias = strong @ifcommanddefined truc @@macro truc is defined. @end ifcommanddefined @ifcommandnotdefined truc @@macro truc is wrongly not defined @end ifcommandnotdefined @ifcommanddefined authindex index command @@authindex is defined. @end ifcommanddefined @ifcommandnotdefined authindex index command @@authindex is wrongly not defined @end ifcommandnotdefined @ifcommanddefined infoencl definfoenclose @@infoencl is defined. @end ifcommanddefined @ifcommandnotdefined infoencl definfoenclose @@infoencl is wrongly not defined @end ifcommandnotdefined @ifcommanddefined strongalias strongalias @@alias is defined. @end ifcommanddefined @ifcommandnotdefined strongalias strongalias @@alias is wrongly not defined @end ifcommandnotdefined '], ['txiinternalvalue', '@txiinternalvalue '], # currently this is not an error, it is only an error # to redefine @txiinternalvalue if in_gdt ['user_defined_txiinternalvalue', '@macro txiinternalvalue user internalvalue @end macro @txiinternalvalue '], ['inlineiffmtifelse_not_closed', '@inlinefmtifelse{html, '], ['inlineiffmtifelse_not_closed_two_arg', '@inlinefmtifelse{html, hhhhh '], ['inlineiffmtifelse_not_closed_three_arg', '@inlinefmtifelse{html, hhhhh, ggggg '], ['inlinefmtifelse_nesting', '@inlinefmtifelse{info, @footnote{See.}, @emph{text}} '], ['inlineifset_false_not_closed', '@inlineifset{aaa, bbb '], ['ifset_nonalpha', '@ifset A/B @end ifset '], # there is a similar test of the command line in tests/formatting ['defcondx_Dbar', undef, {'test_file' => '../../tests/formatting/defxcond.texi', 'test_formats' => ['file_html'], 'values' => {'bar' => 1}}, {'SPLIT' => ''}, ], ['defcondx_Ubar', undef, {'test_file' => '../../tests/formatting/defxcond.texi', 'test_formats' => ['file_html'], 'values' => {}}, {'SPLIT' => ''}, ], ); for my $test (@test_cases) { if (!defined $test->[2]->{'EXPANDED_FORMATS'}) { $test->[2]->{'EXPANDED_FORMATS'} = []; } } run_all('conditionals', \@test_cases);