use strict; use lib '.'; use Texinfo::ModulePath (undef, undef, undef, 'updirs' => 2); require 't/'; my @test_cases = ( [ 'simple', '@include inc_file.texi ',{'test_formats' => ['info', 'plaintext', 'html', 'xml', 'docbook', 'latex_text']}], ['simple_no_eol', '@include inc_file.texi' ], ['no_eol_in_included_file', 'Some thing. @include include_noeol.texi Following '], ['macro_definition_in_include', '@include macro_included.texi Call macro @themacro{} '], ['test_two_include', 'Include version @include version.texi include inc_file @include inc_file.texi After inclusion. '], ['value_expansion_in_include', '@set testvar incl-incl.txi @c test - in the variable name, and concatenation of text after. @set test-var incl-incl.tx @c test - in the variable name, and concatenation of text before and after. @set test_var ncl-incl.tx @node Top @node chap testvar include: @include @value{testvar} testvar verbatiminclude: @verbatiminclude @value{testvar} test-var include: @include @value{test-var}i test-var verbatiminclude: @verbatiminclude @value{test-var}i test_var include: @include i@value{test_var}i test_var verbatiminclude: @verbatiminclude i@value{test_var}i '], ['macro_in_early_commands', '@macro begin-file macro_in_pass @end macro @macro end-file-name {ext} texi_commands.\ext\ @end macro @setfilename @begin-file{}@end-file-name{info} @macro latin1 ISO-8859-1 @end macro @macro documentencoding-command @documentencoding @end macro @documentencoding-command @latin1{} @macro multiinclude macro_included.texi @include inc_file.texi @end macro @node Top @top top @node chap @include @multiinclude @themacro{} macro_in_pass_texi_commands@{info@} @end-file-name{info} '], # the difference with the previous is that there are @-commands, like @@ ['macro_and_commands_in_early_commands', '@macro begin-file macro_i--n_pass@@ @end macro @setfilename @begin-file{} @macro latin1 ISO-8859-1@@ @end macro @documentencoding @latin1{} @macro multiinclude macro_included.texi @include inc_@@f--ile.texi @end macro @node Top @top top @node chap @include @multiinclude @themacro{} @verbatiminclude inc_@@f--ile.texi '], ['include_comment', '@include inc_file.texi@c comment'], ['include_space_comment', '@include inc_file.texi @c comment'], ['include_space', '@include inc_file.texi '], ['double_include', ' @include inc_file.texi @include inc_file.texi '], ['include_at_end_line', '@include inc_file.texi@ After.'], ['include_with_setfilename', # for now the plaintext expansion do not test anything as the setfilename in # included files is removed from the tree. But this may change in the future. '@include included_file_with_setfilename.texi @setfilename ', {'test_formats' => ['info']}], ['include_with_setfilename_in_preformatted', '@example @include included_file_with_setfilename.texi after include @end example', {'test_formats' => ['info']}], ['include_setfilename_on_setfilename_line', '@setfilename file @setfilename other file @include are you joking! '], ['verbatiminclude_and_encoding', '@documentencoding utf-8 @verbatiminclude verbatim_encoded.texi ', {'test_formats' => ['plaintext']}], ['verbatiminclude_and_encoding_latin1', '@documentencoding iso-8859-1 @verbatiminclude verbatim_encoded_latin1.texi ', {'test_formats' => ['plaintext']}], ['cpp_lines', undef, {'test_file' => 'cpp_lines.texi'}, ], ['cpp_line_before_first_node', undef, {'test_file' => 'cpp_line_before_first_node.texi'}, ], ['cpp_line_latin1', undef, {'test_file' => 'cpp_line_latin1.texi'}, ], ); run_all('include', \@test_cases);