% [font_size.tex] % < [FORM_PLAIN_[xetex].tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% XETEX INPUTS %%%%%%%%%%%%% % These macro files are explained in more detail at the top of each file. Here I have % a brief indication of the content. \input format_XETEX.mac % spacing, special symbols ... \input unicode_latin.mac % French and German accented letters \input macros.mac % information boxes, special formats \input ancestors.mac % abbreviations used in my genealogical texts !! \input additional.mac % \printdate+ \raggedleft (for right to left) % \input petr_olsak.mac % Petr Olsak's collection of pure Tex macros: tables, marginal notes .. % % ===> have to put [my_fonts.mac] AFTER [petr_olsak.mac] which redefines \rm \input my_fonts.mac % different fonts at various sizes; e.g \bftwenty % PSTRICKS is used for importing images % there is a form after \bye % the shell file [photos2eps] (in the directory SHELL_FILES) % will convert all your .jpg and .png files to .eps % see [pstricks_examples.tex] for the use of these inputs \input pstricks % need for centring \input epsf % need for importing eps \input color % this is part of David Carlisle's "graph­ics-pln" package (available at CTAN) %.allows typesetting text in colour. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END XETEX INPUTS %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VARIOUS COMMANDS %%%%%%%%%%%%%\setbox0 \hbox{\phantom{$\Bigl[$}} \topglue 0pt \topskip 18pt \overfullrule=0pt \tracingoutput = 0 % file - minimum information ( =1 for full) \tracingonline = 0 % screen - minimum information ( =1 for full %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END VARIOUS COMMANDS %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DIMENSIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%% \pdfpageheight=11truein % !! \pdfpagewidth= 8.5truein %!! \vsize = 8.50 in %!! {\hsize = 5.94 in %!! \voffset = 0.5 truecm %!! \hoffset = 0.70truecm %!! \baselineskip = 14pt % default = 12pt %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END DIMENSIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% FOOTER & HEADER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \nopagenumbers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END FOOTER AND HEADER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TEXT STARTS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % {\rm % !! 12.5pt I like a larger font, defined in [my_fonts.mac] % % {\verysmall . } % !! 0.1pt used to move text up via \vskip -20pt\nin !! % \vskip -20pt\nin % \nin = \noindent, see [format_XETEX.mac] % \centerline{\bftwenty font\unl size.tex} % defined in [my_fonts.mac] % \mni % When we speak of the point size of a classical \(i.e. engraved in metal\) this is a nominal value. Each character will have a different combination of {\it height\/} \(total distance above the base line\), {\it depth\/} \(total distance below the base line\) and {\it width\/}. Similarly in \TeX\ if we write: \sni \bsl font\bsl bffourteen = \[\dots \fsl MY-FONTS\fsl LinLibertineRB.otf\] at 14.0 pt \sni then 14.0 points is the nominal size. In \TeX\ we can precisely determine the above values by looking at the {\it bounding box\/} of a letter. We do this by placing the letter, or letters, in a hbox and the using the command \bsl the as applied to the \bsl ht, \bsl dp and \bsl wd of the box % \mni Suppose that we are interested in the letter \lq g\rq, which dips below the baseline. The text is set via \bsl rm at a nominal point size of 12.5 points. \sni We first write: \sni \bsl setbox0 \bsl hbox\gl\lbr\gl g \rbr, \sni and then deter \sni mine the values as follows: \sni height = \bsl the\bsl ht0 \sni depth = \bsl the\bsl dp0 \sni width = \bsl the\bsl wd0 \mni if we now run Xe\TeX\ we obtain: \mni % \setbox0 \hbox{g} % \centreline{ height = \the\ht0,\qq depth = \the\dp0,\qq width = \the\wd0 } \bni We can also obtain the {\it maximum\/} range for a given nominal point size by placing the entire alphabet inside a hbox: \mni \bsl setbox1 \bsl hbox\gl\lbr\gl abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \rbr \mni \setbox1 \hbox{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz} \sni \centreline{ height = \the\ht1,\qq depth = \the\dp1,\qq width = \the\wd1 } \mni We note that if add the values of height and depth we obtain a value of about 11.7 points, which is below the nominal value of 12.5 points. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % KEEP THIS ENDING!!! had when needed headers \vfill\eject %% } % ends roman \par} % ends \hsize \bye %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FORMS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % PSTRICKS FORM \centerline{\epsfxsize = 6.5truein\epsfbox{*.eps}} \vskip 4 truept \centerline{} % \vskip 0.7cm\nin %