% [images_colour_marginal-notes.tex] % % this file illustrates % 1. PSTRICKS to import an image. % 2. PSTRICKS to rotate an image and text % 3. \mnotes from [petr_olsak.mac] % 4. coloured text via the dpctex package % 5. \printdate in [additional.mac] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% XETEX INPUTS %%%%%%%%%%%%% % These macro files are explained in more detail at the top of each file. Here I have % a brief indication of the content. \input format_XETEX.mac % spacing, special symbols ... \input unicode_latin.mac % French and German accented letters \input macros.mac % information boxes, special formats \input ancestors.mac % abbreviations used in my genealogical texts !! % \input additional.mac % \printdate+ \raggedleft (for right to left) % \input petr_olsak.mac % Petr Olsak's collection of pure Tex macros: tables, marginal notes .. % % ===> have to put [my_fonts.mac] AFTER [petr_olsak.mac] which redefines \rm \input my_fonts.mac % different fonts at various sizes; e.g \bftwenty % PSTRICKS is used for importing images % there is a form after \bye % the shell file [photos2eps] (in the directory SHELL_FILES) % will convert all your .jpg and .png files to .eps \input pstricks % need for centring \input epsf % need for importing eps \input color % this is part of David Carlisle's "graph­ics-pln" package (available at CTAN) %. it allows typesetting text in colour via \definecolor \textcolor and \colorbox % color can also be obtained via [petr_olsak.mac], section 8 and % PSTRICKS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END XETEX INPUTS %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VARIOUS COMMANDS %%%%%%%%%%%%% \topglue 0pt \topskip 18pt \overfullrule=0pt \tracingoutput = 0 % file - minimum information ( =1 for full) \tracingonline = 0 % screen - minimum information ( =1 for full %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END VARIOUS COMMANDS %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DIMENSIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%% \pdfpageheight=11truein % !! \pdfpagewidth= 8.5truein %!! \vsize = 8.50 in %!! {\hsize = 5.94 in %!! \voffset = 0.5 truecm %!! \hoffset = 0.70truecm %!! \baselineskip = 14pt % default = 12pt %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END DIMENSIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% FOOTER & HEADER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % =======> 3 CHANGES TO MAKE <========= \nopagenumbers %1 was chosen so that I will notice and change % in final versions \pageno =1 % 3 CHANGES TO MAKE % this footer puts a page number in bold at the bottom of each page, EXCEPT FIRSTand \bsl mnote \footline = { % THE FOOTLINE MATERIAL IS IN ENCLOSED IN {} aussi connu sous le nom known as my grandson \ifnum \pageno =1 % do nothing <== keep with false # \else {\centreline{\bf \folio}} % centerline closes here for page # \fi % this matches \ifnum } % % NO DATES HERE, ONLY IN TITLE \headline = {% THE FOOTLINE MATERIAL IS IN ENCLOSED IN {} \centreline{ % CAN NOT PUT \centreline AFTER ELSE, FOULS UP! \ifnum \pageno =1 % do nothing <== keep with false # \else {\bfthirteen Images, Colour, Marginal Notes} \fi % THIS MATCHES \IFNUM } %THIS MATCHS CENTERLINE } % THIS MATCHES { WITH \FOOTLINE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END FOOTER AND HEADER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TEXT STARTS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % {\rm % !! 12.5pt I like a larger font, defined in [my_fonts.mac] %aussi connu sous le nom known as my grandson % {\verysmall . } % !! 0.1pt used to move text up via \vskip -20pt\nin !! % \vskip -30pt\nin % \nin = \noindent, see [format_XETEX.mac] % \printdate % in [additional.mac] % % % NOTE: \un is defined in [format_XETEX.mac]. It leaves a little space before and after underscore % \def\un{\kern -0.85pt \gl\_\gl }and \bsl mnote % \centreline{\bftwenty Images, Colour, Marginal Notes} % \bftwenty defined in [my_fonts.mac] % \mni % \medskip\noindent see [format_XETEX.mac] % % NOTE: \[ \] and \( \) are defined in [format_XETEX.mac] to leave a little space % before the text. % NOTE: \def\[{{\rm \char"005B\gl}} % Starting with the image \[chevalier\unl de\unl la\unl croix\unl rouge.jpg\], I converted it to: \[chevalier\unl de\unl la\unl croix\unl rouge.eps\]. % % NOTE: \bsl and \fsl are defined in [format_XETEX.mac] % NOTE: \def\bsl{\char"005C\gl} To convert use {\it photos2eps\/} in \[SHELL\unl FILES\], or another image to .eps converter. \mni I then imported the file via the {\tt PSTRICKS} command: \sni \centreline{\bsl centreline\lbr\bsl epsfxsize = 4.5truein\bsl epsfbox\lbr chevalier\unl de\unl la\unl croix\unl rouge.eps\rbr\rbr} \sni I keep a ready to use {\tt PSTRICKS} form after \bsl bye and I change the width to suit. \mni \fixmnotes\right % NOTE GOES BEFORE TEXT \definecolor{mix}{rgb}{0.80000, 0.67843, 0.55686} % these numbers are explained with the note at the end \mnoteskip = -15pt % lower the note \mnote{\colorbox{mix}{see the notes}} % MOVE UP for double notes % \nin \kern -5pt Note the use of \bsl definecolor, \bsl textcolor, \bsl colorbox from the \bsl color package and \bsl mnote from \[petr\unl olsak.mac\].\hskip 17pt \lower 1.1pt\hbox{\libertineEAAA} % \vskip 20pt % % PSTRICKS FORM Change the width to suit \centreline{\epsfxsize = 4.1truein\epsfbox{chevalier_de_la_croix_rouge.eps}} \vskip 10 truept % red is already defined in \color \centreline{ \textcolor{red}{\bftwenty Le Chevalier de la Croix Rouge} } % \vskip 0.7cm\nin % P.S. Le Chevalier est mon petit fils Daniel. Il avait six ans lors de notre combat (j'ai perdu). % \vskip 1.0cm\nin % If you do not want the picture centred, put it in a \bsl hbox and use \bsl hskip: \vskip 0.5cm\nin % \raise 0.75truein\hbox{\bf Le Chevalier } \hskip 0.6cm \hbox{\epsfysize = 1.5truein\epsfbox{chevalier_de_la_croix_rouge.eps}} \hskip 0.6cm \raise 0.75truein\hbox{\bf de la Croix Rouge} % \vskip55pt\nin You can also use {\tt PSTRICKS} with \bsl rput to rotate everything: % \vskip 5.0cm\nin % \hskip 5.7cm \rput{-45}{\hbox{\epsfysize = 1.5truein\epsfbox{chevalier_de_la_croix_rouge.eps}} \hskip 0.6cm \raise 0.75truein\hbox{\bf Le Chevalier de la Croix Rouge}} % \vskip 5.1cm\nin % the bounding box extends way down! % There are many other great things that one can do with Herbert Voß's wonderful {\tt PSTRICKS}: \Th \lower 1.1pt\hbox{\libertineEAAA}\TH {\tt tug.org\fsl PSTricks\fsl}. % \vfill\eject % \[ is set in roman, for use in italicized texts\hskip 17pt \lower 1.1pt\hbox{\libertineEAAA} \centreline{\bffourteen Notes} \mni \item{} {\itfourteen mnotes is contained in \[petr\unl olsak.mac\]\/} \mni \item{} The colour \colorbox{mix}{\lq mix\rq} used with \bsl mnote above, was obtained as follows: \vskip 11pt % PSTRICKS FORM \centreline{\epsfxsize = 3.5truein\epsfbox{kcolorchooser_mix_light_brown.eps}} \vskip 4 truept \centreline{Picking the colour for \lq mix\rq} \mni \itemitem{} I opened up {\tt kcolorchooser} and chose the colour that I desired. The RGB numbers were: 204 173 142. To calculate the fraction of 255 \[the range for each of these primary colours is 0\th \dots 255\] that these integers represent I put these numbers in {\tt Octave}: \sni {\tteleven \leftskip = 1.3cm \obeyspaces \obeylines % octave:1> e = [204 173 142]; octave:2> F = e/255; octave:3> disp(F) 0.80000 0.67843 0.55686 } \mni \itemitem{} I simply grabbed these decimal fractions from the terminal and defined \lq mix\rq\ as follows: \sni \itemitem{} \bsl definecolor\gl\lbr\gl mix\gl\rbr\th \lbr\gl rgb\gl\rbr\th \lbr\gl 0.80000,\th 0.67843,\th 0.55686\gl\rbr\gl. \mni The coloured box for the note was then created via the command: \mni \centreline{{\bsl colorbox\lbr\gl mix\gl\rbr\gl}\gl \lbr see the notes\rbr} \mni The red title of the picture was created via the command: \mni \centreline{\bsl textcolor\lbr\gl red\gl\rbr \lbr\gl\bsl bftwenty Le Chevalier de la Croix Rouge\gl\rbr} \mni The date and time of printing was done via \bsl printdate \(in \[additional.mac\]\). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % KEEP THIS ENDING!!! had when needed headers \vfill\eject %% } % ends roman \par} % ends \hsize \bye %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FORMS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % PSTRICKS FORM \centreline{\epsfxsize = 6.5truein\epsfbox{*.eps}} \vskip 4 truept \centreline{} % \vskip 0.7cm\nin %