% [cover_OCTAVE.tex] << [PAGE_FORM_2013.09.20.tex] % it sees a { or } someplace above IMPUT PSTRICKS! YET , NOTHING, i DO % NOT SEE ANYTHING IN THE MAC FILES % i PUT A { IN AT THE END AND IT STOPPED COMPLAINING % , 2014.01.21 [just correction of size of \rm, \it] % this has PSTRICKS commands at the end (I took out PDFTEX) % I have unchecked ff. % \input pstricks % need for centring % \input epsf % need for importing eps % % \hsize and \vsize changed here from Z. 2013.11.19 % \hoffset and \voffset changed in [fonts.mac] from Z. 2013.11.19 % % \ttnine added in at start to give name 2013.10.17 % % I changed [GRAPHVIZ_PAGE_FORM.tex] (from HP) and added in forms % N.B rm, bf ... = 12.5pt, it = 13.0pt in [fonts.mac] % This page form contains: % 1. \input to the macro files % % 2. sample commands for headers and numbered footers % 3. dimensions which can be changed as desired. % a. \vsize = 21.6truecm; \hsize =15.1 truecm: gives 3.2cm margins all around % b. \phantom, \vskip to push down/up (13pt/-13pt) % c. \topglue 0pt to leave more space at the top % 4. the default fonts \rm, etc are set to 12pt (\it to 12.5pt) in [fonts.mac]; these can be % changed there % 5. a date stamp; put a % in front if not desired % 6. \input pstricks is commented out on 2005 (no pstricks) % the pstricks commands are after \bye % \input for using pstricks % a. sample commands for importing dot generated eps files % b. sample commands for importing eps files generated from "picture" files (png,jpg, etc) % 7. % the PDFTEX commands are after \bye %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INPUT OF *.MAC FILES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CONTENTS OF THE FOUR *.MAC FILES % [ancestors.mac] abbreviations for people and places % [format.mac] shortcuts for horizontal and vertical spacings (\th,\mni), special symbols (\club) % [fonts.mac] fonts % [macros.mac] boxes, time stamp, fractions \input fonts.mac \input format.mac \input macros.mac % it sees a missing { or } someplace %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INPUT OF PSTRICKS (put % in front if not available) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% comment out on 2005 and for PDFTEX \input pstricks % need for centring \input epsf % need for importing eps% \vskip 1.5truecm % was 2.0 % \topglue 0pt % p. 156 \topskip -10truept % p. 141 % this works for my famille % following gives the date and time for preliminary versions %\printdate % DIMENSIONS FROM ZEISING FOR PDF \vsize = 8.14 truein % = 20.7 cm = 588 pt % FOR 8.5 X 11 %\vsize = 21.6 truecm = 8.50 in %{\hsize = 15.1 truecm = 5.94 in %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PAGE NUMBER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \nopagenumbers % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END PAGE NUMBER. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TEXT STARTS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\rm % rm, bf ... = 12.5pt (\it =13.0pt) in [fonts.mac] % \phantom{katz} % \vskip 3.5truecm % {\hugetimesbold % ptmb8t scaled 2400 \centerline{An Introduction to Octave} } % \vskip 0.75truecm % was 2.0 % {\bigtimesbold % = ptmb8t scaled 2000 \centerline{for High School and University Students} }% end \timesboldC % \vskip 1.5truecm % was 2.0 % {\medtimesbold % = ptmb8t scaled 2000 \centerline{Roger Herz-Fischler} }% end \timesboldC % % \vskip 7.0truecm % was 2.0 % % {\meddemibold % = cmssdc10 scaled 2100 \centerline{Mzinhigan Publishing} } % \vskip 3 truept \centerline{\epsfxsize = 5.0 truecm\epsfbox{mzinhigan3.eps}} % \vskip 12pt\nin % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%% \vfill\eject %% % \phantom{CIP} % \vskip 3truecm % \noindent% {\bf An Introduction to Octave for High School and University Students} \sni Copyright $\copyright$ Roger Herz-Fischler 2014 % \vskip 12pt \noindent% % % Permission is given to redistribute and modify this work on a strictly non-commercial basis. Educational institutions and student organizations may distribute the whole text or parts of the text on a cost plus basis. % \vskip 12pt \noindent% Published 2014 by \smallskip% \noindent% Mzinhigan Publishing \smallskip% \noindent% 340 Second Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1S 2J2 \smallskip% \noindent% % ca march 18.07.04 11:06 e-mail: {\tt mzinhigan@herz-fischler.ca} \sni web site:\hskip 2.5pt {\tt http:\hglue 1.0pt/\hglue 1.0pt/\hglue 1.0pt web.ncf.ca\hglue 1.0pt/\hglue 1.0pt en493} \bigskip% \noindent% ``Mzinhigan'' is the word for ``book'' in the Odawa (Ottawa) dialect of Ojibwa. The logo is ``Mzinhigan'' written in the related Algonquin language of Cree---as spoken on the west coast of James Bay---using Cree syllabics. % \vskip 18pt \noindent% {\bf Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication % \vskip 6pt\nin % ISBN 978-0-9693002-9-8 } % end \bf % \vskip 6pt\nin Due to drastic cutbacks at Library and Archives Canada, the classification information was not available at the time of printing. % \vskip 2.0 truecm \nin % The following appears at the startup of Octave: % \mni % GNU Octave, version 3.6.4\pni Copyright $\copyright$ 2013 John W. Eaton and others.\pni ``This is free software; see the source code for copying conditions. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For details, type `warranty'.\th''\pni % \sni Additional information about Octave is available at {\tt http://www.octave.org} \vskip 1.0 truecm \nin % Matlab is a trademark of The Mathworks, Inc. % { % i PUT THIS IN AND IT STOPPED COMPLAINING % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% KEEP THIS ENDING!!! % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \vfill\eject %% } % ends \rm \par} % ends \hsize \bye % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FORMS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PSTRICKS COMMAND % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ==> TAKE OFF THE COMMENT SYMBOL (%) WITH THE PSTRICKS INPUT % \hsize = 4.95truein \bf = 12.5pt % \vskip 12pt % this is the WIDTH of the imported graph, \centerline{\epsfxsize = 4.5 truein\epsfbox{+++.eps}} \vskip 4 truept \centerline{\bf ++++++ } % \vskip 12pt % % this is the WIDTH of the imported graph, \centerline{\epsfxsize = 4.5 truein\epsfbox{+++.eps}} \vskip 4 truept \centerline{\bf ++++++ } % \vskip 12pt % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PDFTEX COMMAND % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % I took out