\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,normalheadings]{scrartcl} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[latin1jk]{inputenc} \usepackage{times,marvosym,url,thumbpdf} \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{pdfauthor={Thomas Henlich}} \hypersetup{pdfsubject={LaTeX package documentation}} \hypersetup{pdftitle={The MarVoSym Font Package}} \begin{document} \renewcommand\arraystretch{1.4} \newcommand\leg[1]{{\tiny\tt\char92#1}} \newcommand\sho[1]{{\large #1}} %\def\email{\hyper@normalise\email@} %\def\email@#1{\hyper@linkurl{\begingroup \Url{#1}}{#1}} \newcommand\email{\begingroup \urlstyle{tt}\Url} \title{The MarVoSym F{\LARGE\Football}nt Package} \author{Thomas Henlich (thomas@henlich.de)} \maketitle \begin{abstract} This document describes how to use the \emph{Martin Vogel's Symbols} font in your \LaTeX\ documents. The font is a PS font, so you need a PS printer or \path{ghostscript}. Alternatively, you can use \path{pdflatex} to produce a PDF file. The font provides the ``official'' Euro currency symbol, Euro symbols which go well with the Times / Helvetica / Courier fonts, warning and safety-related symbols, astronomy symbols, zodiac signs and many others. \end{abstract} \section{Installation} Note: If the MarVoSym package came as part of your \TeX{} distribution, you can skip this step.\\ In the following, replace \path{$TEXMF} with your actual texmf directory, e.\,g. \texttt{/usr/share/texmf}. \begin{itemize} \item Copy \path{marvosym.pfb} into a directory where dvips can find it, e.\,g. \path{$TEXMF/fonts/type1/public/marvosym/}. \item Copy \path{umvs.tfm} into a directory where \TeX{} will find it, e.\,g. \path{$TEXMF/fonts/tfm/public/marvosym/}. \item Copy \path{marvosym.map} into a directory where dvips (and pdflatex, if you want to use that as well) will find it, e.\,g. \path{$TEXMF/dvips/marvosym/}. \item Copy \path{marvosym.sty} and \path{umvs.fd} to a \TeX{} input directory, e.\,g. \path{$TEXMF/tex/latex/marvosym/}. \item Optionally copy \path{marvosym.afm} into an afm-directory, e.\,g. \path{$TEXMF/fonts/afm/public/marvosym/} (\TeX{} doesn't need this file.) \end{itemize} \section{Usage} In your document's preamble, type \verb+\usepackage{marvosym}+. To insert a symbol, use a macro as described in the next section. The symbol will appear in the currently selected font size. To get a bigger symbol, use a size-changing command like \\ \path{{\small \Smiley}{\Large \Smiley}{\LARGE \Smiley}}: {\small \Smiley}{\Large \Smiley}{\LARGE \Smiley} \section{Available symbols} \subsection{Communication} \begin{tabular}{|*{10}{c}|} \hline \leg{Pickup} & \leg{Letter} & \leg{Mobilefone} & \leg{Telefon} & \leg{fax} & \leg{FAX} & \leg{Faxmachine} & \leg{Email} &\leg{Lightning} & \leg{Emailct} \\ \sho{\Pickup} & \sho{\Letter} & \sho{\Mobilefone} & \sho{\Telefon} & \sho{\fax} & \sho{\FAX} & \sho{\Faxmachine} & \sho{\Email} & \sho{\Lightning} & \sho{\Emailct} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Engineering} \begin{tabular}{|*{8}{c}|} \hline \leg{Beam} & \leg{Bearing} & \leg{Loosebearing} & \leg{Fixedbearing} & \leg{Lefttorque} & \leg{Righttorque} & \leg{Lineload} & \leg{Force} \\ \sho{\Beam} & \sho{\Bearing} & \sho{\Loosebearing} & \sho{\Fixedbearing} & \sho{\Lefttorque} & \sho{\Righttorque} & \sho{\Lineload} & \sho{\Force} \\ \hline \leg{Octosteel} & \leg{Hexasteel} & \leg{Squaresteel} & \leg{Rectsteel} & \leg{Circsteel} & \leg{Flatsteel} & \leg{Squarepipe} & \leg{Rectpipe} \\ \sho{\Octosteel} & \sho{\Hexasteel} & \sho{\Squaresteel} & \sho{\Rectsteel} & \sho{\Circsteel} & \sho{\Flatsteel} & \sho{\Squarepipe} & \sho{\Rectpipe} \\ \hline \leg{Lsteel} & \leg{TTsteel} & \leg{Circpipe} & \leg{Tsteel} & \leg{RoundedTsteel} & \leg{RoundedTTsteel} & \leg{RoundedLsteel} & \\ \sho{\Lsteel} & \sho{\TTsteel} & \sho{\Circpipe} & \sho{\Tsteel} & \sho{\RoundedTsteel} & \sho{\RoundedTTsteel} & \sho{\RoundedLsteel} & \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Information} \begin{tabular}{|*{8}{c}|} \hline \leg{Industry} & \leg{Coffeecup} & \leg{Rightscissors} & \leg{Kutline} & \leg{Leftscissors} & \leg{Football} & \leg{Bicycle} & \\ \sho{\Industry} & \sho{\Coffeecup} & \sho{\Rightscissors} & \sho{\Kutline} & \sho{\Leftscissors} & \sho{\Football} & \sho{\Bicycle} & \\ \hline \leg{Info} & \leg{Clocklogo} & \leg{Cutright} & \leg{Cutline} & \leg{Cutleft} & \leg{Wheelchair} & \leg{Gentsroom} & \leg{Ladiesroom} \\ \sho{\Info} & \sho{\Clocklogo} & \sho{\Cutright} & \sho{\Cutline} & \sho{\Cutleft} & \sho{\Wheelchair} & \sho{\Gentsroom} & \sho{\Ladiesroom} \\ \hline \leg{Checkedbox} & \leg{Crossedbox} & \leg{Pointinghand} & \leg{Writinghand} &&&& \\ \sho{\Checkedbox} & \sho{\Crossedbox} & \sho{\Pointinghand} & \sho{\Writinghand} &&&& \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Laundry} \begin{tabular}{|*{8}{c}|} \hline \leg{WashCotton} & \leg{WashSynthetics} & \leg{WashWool} & \leg{Handwash} & \leg{Dontwash} & \leg{Tumbler} & \leg{NoTumbler} & \leg{NoChemicalCleaning} \\ \sho{\WashCotton} & \sho{\WashSynthetics} & \sho{\WashWool} & \sho{\Handwash} & \sho{\Dontwash} & \sho{\Tumbler} & \sho{\NoTumbler} & \sho{\NoChemicalCleaning} \\ \hline \leg{Bleech} & \leg{NoBleech} & \leg{CleaningA} & \leg{CleaningP} & \leg{CleaningPP} & \leg{CleaningF} & \leg{CleaningFF} & \\ \sho{\Bleech} & \sho{\NoBleech} & \sho{\CleaningA} & \sho{\CleaningP} & \sho{\CleaningPP} & \sho{\CleaningF} & \sho{\CleaningFF} & \\ \hline \leg{IroningI} & \leg{IroningII} & \leg{IroningIII} & \leg{NoIroning} & \leg{AtNinetyFive} & \leg{ShortNinetyFive} & \leg{AtSixty} & \leg{ShortSixty} \\ \sho{\IroningI} & \sho{\IroningII} & \sho{\IroningIII} & \sho{\NoIroning} & \sho{\AtNinetyFive} & \sho{\ShortNinetyFive} & \sho{\AtSixty} & \sho{\ShortSixty} \\ \hline \leg{ShortFifty} & \leg{AtForty} & \leg{ShortForty} & \leg{SpecialForty} & \leg{ShortThirty} &&& \\ \sho{\ShortFifty} & \sho{\AtForty} & \sho{\ShortForty} & \sho{\SpecialForty} & \sho{\ShortThirty} &&& \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Currency} \begin{tabular}{|*{10}{c}|} \hline \leg{EUR} & \leg{EURdig} & \leg{EURhv} & \leg{EURcr} & \leg{EURtm} & \leg{Ecommerce} & \leg{Shilling} & \leg{Denarius} & \leg{Pfund} & \leg{EyesDollar} \\ & & & & & & & \leg{Deleatur} & & \\ \sho{\EUR} & \sho{\EURdig} & \sho{\EURhv} & \sho{\EURcr} & \sho{\EURtm} & \sho{\Ecommerce} & \sho{\Shilling} & \sho{\Deleatur} & \sho{\Pfund} & \sho{\EyesDollar} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \begin{itemize} \item Hey, \verb+\Ecommerce+ is not really a currency symbol, you might say. But it has something to do with money, so there you go{\ldots} \item The \verb+\Denarius+ symbol is also known as the correction sign ``Deleatur''. \item \verb+\EUR+ is the normal (natural) width Euro symbol. \verb+\EURdig+ has ``special'' metrics, so it has the same width as the digits (of this font). (To line up properly in tables etc.) \end{itemize} \subsection{Safety} \begin{tabular}{|*{8}{c}|} \hline \leg{Stopsign} & \leg{CEsign} & \leg{Estatically} & \leg{Explosionsafe} & \leg{Laserbeam} & \leg{Biohazard} & \leg{Radioactivity} & \leg{BSEfree} \\ \sho{\Stopsign} & \sho{\CEsign} & \sho{\Estatically} & \sho{\Explosionsafe} & \sho{\Laserbeam} & \sho{\Biohazard} & \sho{\Radioactivity} & \sho{\BSEfree} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Navigation} \begin{tabular}{|*{10}{c}|} \hline \leg{RewindToIndex} & \leg{RewindToStart} & \leg{Rewind} & \leg{Forward} & \leg{ForwardToEnd} & \leg{ForwardToIndex} & \leg{MoveUp} & \leg{MoveDown} & \leg{ToTop} & \leg{ToBottom} \\ \sho{\RewindToIndex} & \sho{\RewindToStart} & \sho{\Rewind} & \sho{\Forward} & \sho{\ForwardToEnd} & \sho{\ForwardToIndex} & \sho{\MoveUp} & \sho{\MoveDown} & \sho{\ToTop} & \sho{\ToBottom} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Computers} \begin{tabular}{|*{6}{c}|} \hline \leg{ComputerMouse} & \leg{SerialInterface} & \leg{Keyboard} & \leg{SerialPort} & \leg{ParallelPort} & \leg{Printer} \\ \sho{\ComputerMouse} & \sho{\SerialInterface} & \sho{\Keyboard} & \sho{\SerialPort} & \sho{\ParallelPort} & \sho{\Printer} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Maths} \begin{tabular}{|*{10}{c}|} \hline \leg{MVZero} & \leg{MVOne} & \leg{MVTwo} & \leg{MVThree} & \leg{MVFour} & \leg{MVFive} & \leg{MVSix} & \leg{MVSeven} & \leg{MVEight} & \leg{MVNine} \\ \sho{\MVZero} & \sho{\MVOne} & \sho{\MVTwo} & \sho{\MVThree} & \sho{\MVFour} & \sho{\MVFive} & \sho{\MVSix} & \sho{\MVSeven} & \sho{\MVEight} & \sho{\MVNine} \\ \hline \leg{Corresponds} & \leg{Vectorarrowhigh} & \leg{Anglesign} & \leg{Vectorarrow} & \leg{Squaredot} &&&&&\\ \sho{\Corresponds} & \sho{\Vectorarrowhigh} & \sho{\Anglesign} & \sho{\Vectorarrow} & \sho{\Squaredot} &&&&&\\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Biology} \begin{tabular}{|*{10}{c}|} \hline \leg{Neutral} & \leg{Male} & \leg{Hermaphrodite} & \leg{Female} & \leg{MALE} & \leg{HERMAPHRODITE} & \leg{FEMALE} & \leg{MaleMale} & \leg{FemaleFemale} & \leg{FemaleMale} \\ \sho{\Neutral} & \sho{\Male} & \sho{\Hermaphrodite} & \sho{\Female} & \sho{\MALE} & \sho{\HERMAPHRODITE} & \sho{\FEMALE} & \sho{\MaleMale} & \sho{\FemaleFemale} & \sho{\FemaleMale} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Astronomy} \begin{tabular}{|*{11}{c}|} \hline \leg{Sun} & \leg{Moon} & \leg{Mercury} & \leg{Venus} & \leg{Mars} & \leg{Jupiter} & \leg{Saturn} & \leg{Uranus} & \leg{Neptune} & \leg{Pluto} & \leg{Earth} \\ \sho{\Sun} & \sho{\Moon} & \sho{\Mercury} & \sho{\Venus} & \sho{\Mars} & \sho{\Jupiter} & \sho{\Saturn} & \sho{\Uranus} & \sho{\Neptune} & \sho{\Pluto} & \sho{\Earth} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Astrology} %\Zodiac#1 \begin{tabular}{|*{12}{c}|} \hline \leg{Aries} & \leg{Taurus} & \leg{Gemini} & \leg{Cancer} & \leg{Leo} & \leg{Virgo} & \leg{Libra} & \leg{Scorpio} & \leg{Sagittarius} & \leg{Capricorn} & \leg{Aquarius} & \leg{Pisces} \\ \sho{\Aries} & \sho{\Taurus} & \sho{\Gemini} & \sho{\Cancer} & \sho{\Leo} & \sho{\Virgo} & \sho{\Libra} & \sho{\Scorpio} & \sho{\Sagittarius} & \sho{\Capricorn} & \sho{\Aquarius} & \sho{\Pisces} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Others} \begin{tabular}{|*{10}{c}|} \hline \leg{Yinyang} & \leg{MVRightarrow} & \leg{MVAt} & \leg{FHBOlogo} & \leg{FHBOLOGO} & \leg{FullFHBO} & \leg{Mundus} & \leg{Cross} & \leg{Celtcross} & \leg{Ankh} \\ \sho{\Yinyang} & \sho{\MVRightarrow} & \sho{\MVAt} & \sho{\FHBOlogo} & \sho{\FHBOLOGO} & \sho{\FullFHBO} & \sho{\Mundus} & \sho{\Cross} & \sho{\Celtcross} & \sho{\Ankh} \\ \hline \leg{Heart} & \leg{CircledA} & \leg{Bouquet} & \leg{Frowny} & \leg{Smiley} & \leg{Bat} & \leg{Womanface} & \leg{MartinVogel} && \\ \sho{\Heart} & \sho{\CircledA} & \sho{\Bouquet} & \sho{\Frowny} & \sho{\Smiley} & \sho{\Bat} & \sho{\Womanface} & \sho{\MartinVogel} && \\ \hline \end{tabular} \section{Authors} The font was designed by Martin Vogel. See \url{http://www.marvosym.de/}. The macros and this documentation were written by Thomas Henlich, who also converted the font to a Type 1 font. The latter involved running \path{ttf2pt1} and doing some manual fixes afterwards. \section{History} \begin{sloppypar} \begin{labeling}{9999-99-99} \item[2006-05-11] Version 2.1: Renamed Rightarrow macro to MVRightarrow. New TeX name for font (umvs). Rewrote style file. Added fd file. \item[2000-04-21] Updated the font and documentation. Changed /FontName to MarVoSym. Many new glyphs. Removed: \path{\Kross}, \path{\Snowflake}, \path{\Circles}, \path{\Womanside}, \path{\Manside}, \path{\Womanfront}, \path{\Manfront}. \item[1998-07-20] Changed (*) to /* in /FontName. Thanks to Denis B. Roegel for telling me about this. \item[1998-06-21] Conversion to type 1 font now done with ttf2pt1 program. Font works now with dvips 5.78 and partial font downloading. Thanks to Uwe W. Gehring and Armin Geisse for cooperation. Added \verb+\Ankh+ macro. Renamed some macros. \item[1998-06-10] First version. \end{labeling} \end{sloppypar} \section{Software} \path{ttf2pt1}, the TrueType to PS type 1 font converter, is free software. See \url{http://ttf2pt1.sourceforge.net/} for more information. \end{document} %%% Local Varibles: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: