import distutils.command.install_scripts,, distutils.command.clean from distutils.core import setup import os import shutil import sys #pylint: disable=unused-import try: import py2exe # only works on windows except ImportError: pass from gleetex import VERSION class ScriptInstaller(distutils.command.install_scripts.install_scripts): """Custom script installer. Stript .py extension if not on Windows.""" def run(self): for script in self.get_outputs(): if script.endswith(".py") and not ('wind' in sys.platform or 'win32' in sys.platform): # strip file ending (if not on windows) to make it executable as # a command shutil.move(script, script[:-3]) #pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init class CleanCommand(distutils.command.clean.clean): description = "clean all build files, including __pycache__ and others" user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): self.cwd = None def finalize_options(self): self.cwd = os.getcwd() def run(self): assert os.getcwd() == self.cwd, 'Must be in package root: %s' % self.cwd for directory in ['build', '__pycache__', 'dist', os.path.join('gleetex', '__pycache')]: if os.path.exists(directory): shutil.rmtree(directory) if os.path.exists('gladtex.1'): os.remove('gladtex.1') class CustomBuild( """Also build manpage to build/gladtex.1; it is not installed automatically.""" def initialize_options(self): self.cwd = None super().initialize_options() def finalize_options(self): self.cwd = os.getcwd() super().finalize_options() def run(self): if not self.cwd: if not '' in os.listdir('.'): print(" must be run from the source root") sys.exit(91) else: assert os.getcwd() == self.cwd, 'Must be in package root: %s' % self.cwd super().run() if shutil.which('pandoc'): # only build man page, if pandoc present self.build_manpage('', os.path.join('build', 'gladtex.1')) else: print("w: pandoc not found, skipping man page conversion.") def build_manpage(self, input_fn, output_fn): """Convert `input_fn` from markdown into manpage format and save it to `output_fn`. Pandoc is required.""" import subprocess try: cmd = ['pandoc', input_fn, '-s', '-t', 'man', '-o', output_fn] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd) ret = proc.wait() if ret: raise subprocess.SubprocessError("Exit status %d when running '%s'" % (ret, ' '.join(cmd))) except FileNotFoundError: sys.stderr.write("Pandoc was not found on the system, skipping man " + "page creation.") setup(name='GladTeX', version=VERSION, description='generate html with LaTeX equations embedded as images', author='Sebastian Humenda', author_email='shumenda |at| gmx |dot| de', url='', packages=['gleetex'], console=[''], # Windows-only option, use python instead of pythonw setup_requires=['py2app'], # require py2app on Mac OS scripts=[''], license = "LGPL3.0", cmdclass = {"install_scripts": ScriptInstaller, 'clean': CleanCommand, 'build': CustomBuild} )