% example2.tex % % This is a LameTeX document. You may use the LameTeX text formatter % to do fancy graphic formatting from this file into PostScript. % % Alternatively, this file may be formatted with normal LaTeX. % % Copyright 1992 Jonathan Monsarrat. Permission given to freely distribute, % edit and use as long as this copyright statement remains intact. \documentstyle{report} \begin{document} { \Huge Using { \bf LameTeX } is as easy as apple pie. } \begin{verse} Oh roar a roar for Nora,\\ Nora Alice in the night,\\ For she has seen aurora\\ Borealis burning bright\\ \vspace{\baselineskip} Oh roar a roar for Nora,\\ And for borealis seen,\\ For where throughout the winter\\ has our borealis been?\\ \hspace{0.75 in} {\em - Walt Kelly} \end{verse} As I was walking to Saint Ives I met a man with seven wives. Every wife had seven sacks. And every sack had seven cats! How many were going to Saint Ives? \begin{enumerate} \item man \begin{enumerate} \item wife \begin{enumerate} \item sack \begin{enumerate} \item cat \item cat \item cat \item cat \item cat \item cat \item cat \end{enumerate} \item sack {\em with cats} \item sack {\em with cats} \item sack {\em with cats} \item sack {\em with cats} \item sack {\em with cats} \item sack {\em with cats} \end{enumerate} \item wife {\em with sacks} \item wife {\em with sacks} \item wife {\em with sacks} \item wife {\em with sacks} \item wife {\em with sacks} \item wife {\em with sacks} \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \end{document}