! !! Bibliography and Citation!.delete token ""\bibliography /language = latexdefine token "\bibliography" -; /description="Used with BiBTeX to create a bibliography" - /language=latex -"\bibliography{}" end define0delete placeholder "bib_files" /language = latex define placeholder "bib_files" -G /description="First names of the bibliography files, file type .BBL" - /duplication=horizontal - /language=latex - /separator="," -  /type=terminal -/"Enter the name(s) of your bibliography files." end define0delete token "thebibliography" /language = latex define token "thebibliography" -- /description="Produce a bibliography list" - /language=latex -? /topic_string = "LATEX Commands Environments thebibliography" )"\begin{thebibliography}{}"$"\bibitem[<>]{cite_key}""<>...""\end{thebibliography}""" end define6delete placeholder "another_bibitem" /language = latex&define placeholder "another_bibitem" - /language = latex - /duplication=vertical -2 /descr = "thebibliography \bibitem command" - H /topic_string = "LATEX Commands Environments thebibliography \bibitem" &"\bibitem[<>]{}" end define)delete token ""\bibitem /language = latexdefine token "\bibitem" -! /placeholder = another_bibitem - /language=latex 3delete placeholder "widest_label" /language = latex#define placeholder "widest_label" -0 /description="Widest text for \bibitem label" - /language=latex -@ /topic_string = "LATEX Commands Environments thebibliography" - /type=terminal -4"Enter the widest text string for a \bibitem label." end define/delete placeholder "cite_key" /language = latexdefine placeholder "cite_key" -> /description="String used to associate \bibitem with \cite" - /language=latex -@ /topic_string = "LATEX Commands Environments thebibliography" - /type=terminal -8"Enter a string that will be used in the \cite command." end define&delete token ""\cite /language = latexdefine token "\cite" -. /description="Generate an in-text citation" - /language=latex -E /topic_string = "LATEX Commands Environments thebibliography \cite" )"\cite<>{...}" end define4DELETE PLACEHOLDER "citation_remark" /LANGUAGE=latex6DEFINE PLACEHOLDER "citation_remark" /LANGUAGE=latex - /PLACEHOLDER = optional(delete token "\nocite" /language = latexdefine token "\nocite" -9 /description="Produce no text, but write the key list" - /language=latex -G /topic_string = "LATEX Commands Environments thebibliography \nocite" "\nocite{...}" end define/delete placeholder "key_list" /language = latexdefine placeholder "key_list" -< /description="List of citation keys of \bibitem commands" - /duplication=horizontal - /language=latex - /separator="," - F /topic_string = "LATEX Commands Environments thebibliography \cite" - /type=terminal -."Enter the key(s) to match \bibitem commands." end define3DELETE TOKEN "\bibliographystyle" /language = latex#DEFINE TOKEN "\bibliographystyle" -0 /DESCRIPTION = "Valid bibliography styles" - /LANGUAGE = latex - /TOPIC_STRING = " " !"\bibliographystyle{}" END DEFINE0DELETE PLACEHOLDER /LANGUAGE = latex "bibstyles" DEFINE PLACEHOLDER "bibstyles" -0 /DESCRIPTION = "Valid bibliography styles" - /LANGUAGE = latex - /TOPIC_STRING = " " - /TYPE = MENUF"plain" /description="Sorted alphabetically, labeled with numbers"B"unsrt" /description="Entries appear in the order first cited"L"alpha" /description="Labels formed from author's name and year of pub."2"abbrv" /description="More compact than plain" END DEFINE