! !! General LaTeX Commands!+delete placeholder "star" /language = latexdefine placeholder "star" - /autosubstitute - /language=latex -& /descr = "*-form of LaTeX commands" - /topic_string=" " -"*" end define/delete placeholder "optional" /language = latex1define placeholder "optional" /language = latex - /topic_string = " " -, /descr = "Optional parameter for commands" "[]" end define+delete placeholder "text" /language = latex-define placeholder "text" /language = latex - /topic_string = " " - /descr = "General text entry" - /type = terminal "Enter your text here." end define-delete placeholder "csname" /language = latex/define placeholder "csname" /language = latex - /topic_string = " " -# /descr = "Control sequence name" - /type = terminal '"Enter the control sequence name here." end define5delete placeholder "paragraph_text" /language = latex7define placeholder "paragraph_text" /language = latex - /topic_string = "" -" /descr = "Text followed by a \\" "<>" end define0delete placeholder "linebreak" /language = latex2define placeholder "linebreak" /language = latex -= /topic_string = "LATEX Commands Line_and_Page_Breaking \\" -% /descr = "Double backslash command" "\\" end define3delete placeholder "pre_commands" /language = latex5define placeholder "pre_commands" /language = latex -$ /topic_string = "LATEX Commands " -- /descr = "Pre '\begin{document}' commands" - /type = terminal &"Enter any valid Latex commands here." end define/delete placeholder "item_arg" /language = latex1define placeholder "item_arg" /language = latex -0 /topic_string = "LATEX Commands Environments" -M /descr = "\item macro with optional argument for documentlist environment" - /duplication = vertical%"\item[<>...] " end define3delete placeholder "another_item" /language = latex5define placeholder "another_item" /language = latex - /duplication=vertical -+ /descr = "Environment \item command" - / /topic_string = "LATEX Commands Environments" ("\item[<>] " end define&delete token "\item" /language = latexdefine token "\item" - /placeholder = another_item - /language=latex 1delete placeholder "item_label" /language = latex!define placeholder "item_label" -2 /description="Optional label for \item command" - /language=latex -. /topic_string="LATEX Commands Environments" - /leading = "[" - /trailing = "]" - /type = terminal "Enter the label for this item." end define/delete placeholder "commands" /language = latex1define placeholder "commands" /language = latex - /type = menu -/ /descr = "Environments and sectioning menus" -$ /topic_string = "LATEX Commands " -+ /description = "Latex command categories" "environments" /placeholder"sections" /placeholder"sections*" /placeholder end define)delete token "\include" /language = latexdefine token "\include" - /language=latex -% /descr = "Read the specified file" -> /topic_string="LATEX Commands Splitting_the_Input \include" -"\include{}" end define-delete token "\includeonly" /language = latexdefine token "\includeonly" - /language=latex -A /descr = "Define the files to be read by the \include command" -B /topic_string="LATEX Commands Splitting_the_Input \includeonly" -"\includeonly{}" end define'delete token "\input" /language = latexdefine token "\input" - /language=latex -8 /descr = "Read the specified file into your document" -< /topic_string="LATEX Commands Splitting_the_Input \input" -"\input{}" end define,delete placeholder "label" /language = latex.define placeholder "label" /language = latex -: /topic_string = "LATEX Commands Cross_References \label"- /language=latex -% /descr = "Cross referencing command""\label{}" end define'delete token "\label" /language = latexdefine token "\label" -- /description = "Cross referencing command" - /language = latex -9 /topic_string = "LATEX Commands Cross_References \label""\label{}" end define%delete token "\ref" /language = latexdefine token "\ref" - /language=latex -? /descr = "Reference a label created with the \label command" -7 /topic_string="LATEX Commands Cross_References \ref" -"\ref{}" end define)delete token "\pageref" /language = latexdefine token "\pageref" - /language=latex -O /descr = "Reference the page number of a label created with a \label command"-; /topic_string="LATEX Commands Cross_References \pageref" -"\pageref{}" end define'delete token "\index" /language = latexdefine token "\index" - /language = latex-, /descr = "Record a reference in the index"-8 /topic_string="LATEX Commands Cross_References \index"-"\index{...}" end define*delete token "\glossary" /language = latexdefine token "\glossary" - /language = latex-/ /descr = "Record a reference in the glossary"-; /topic_string="LATEX Commands Cross_References \glossary"-"\glossary{...}" end define*delete placeholder topic /language = latexdefine placeholder topic - /language=latex- /duplication=horizontal- /separator=","-"" end define)delete token "\typeout" /language = latexdefine token "\typeout" - /language=latex -- /descr = "Print a message on your teminal" -D /topic_string="LATEX Commands Terminal_Input_and_Output \typeout" -"\typeout{}" end define(delete token "\typein" /language = latexdefine token "\typein" - /language=latex -' /descr = "Interactive input command" -C /topic_string="LATEX Commands Terminal_Input_and_Output \typein" -"\typein{}" end define+delete token "\copyright" /language = latexdefine token "\copyright" -" /description="Copyright symbol" - /language=latex - /topic_string="" - "\copyright" end define-delete token "\hyphenation" /language = latexdefine token "\hyphenation" -% /description="Hyphenation command" - /language=latex -E /topic_string="LATEX Commands Line_and_Page_Breaking \hyphenation" -9"% Tell TeX how to hyphenate a given word. For example, "B"% \hyphenation{gno-mon} tells TeX where it can hyphenate gnomon.""\hyphenation{}" end define'delete token "\LaTeX" /language = latexdefine token "\LaTeX" -$ /description="Produce LaTeX logo" - /language=latex - /topic_string="LATEX" -"\LaTeX" end define+delete token "\marginpar" /language = latexdefine token "\marginpar" -) /description="Produce a marginal note" - /language=latex - /topic_string=" " -"\marginpar{}" end define)delete token "\nofiles" /language = latexdefine token "\nofiles" -0 /description="Turn off auxiliary file output" - /language=latex - /topic_string=" " - "\nofiles" end define'delete token "\today" /language = latexdefine token "\today" - /description="Today's date" - /language=latex - /topic_string=" " -"\today" end define+delete token "\twocolumn" /language = latexdefine token "\twocolumn" -' /description="Start two column text" - /language=latex -< /topic_string="LATEX Commands Document_Styles \twocolumn" -"\twocolumn<>" end define4delete placeholder "double_col_text" /language=latex6define placeholder "double_col_text" /language=latex - /placeholder = optional -+delete token "\onecolumn" /language = latexdefine token "\onecolumn" -' /description="Start one column text" - /language=latex -< /topic_string="LATEX Commands Document_Styles \onecolumn" - "\onecolumn" end define&delete token "\verb" /language = latexdefine token "\verb" -* /description="Produce a literal string" - /language=latex -< /topic_string="LATEX Commands Environment verbatim \verb" -#"\verb" end define0delete placeholder "str_delim" /language = latex0define placeholder "str_delim" /language=latex -C /descr = "Delimiter character (which does not appear in string)" - /autosubstitute - /topic_string=" " - /type=terminal -?"Enter a delimiter character (which will not appear in )""and press CTRL-N." end define-delete placeholder "number" /language = latexdefine placeholder "number" - /language=latex - /descr = "Integer entry" - /topic_string=" " - /type=terminal -!"an integer value, e.g., 1 or 17" end define