1 SliTeX H SliTeX is a version of LaTeX designed for making color slides, though G you can use it for black-and-white slides as well. You don't need a = special printer to make color slides; SliTeX uses the same E black-and-white printer as LaTeX. You get color slides by copying / SliTeX's output onto colored transparencies.  2 Root_File  H SliTeX is a separate program that you run the same way you run LaTeX, E giving it the first name of an input file whose file type is .tex. E This file is called the root file. For example, myfile.tex. This B file starts out with the customary \documentstyle command. The F standard document style for making slides is slides so your file is  likely to begin  \documentstyle{slides}  E The commands are followed by any declarations that you may want to : make, followed in turn by the \begin{document} command.  F Any text that comes after the \begin{document} is treated as "front B matter" and not as slide material. You can use it for notes to  identify the slides.  F For SliTeX to produce color slides, you have to tell it what colors B you will be using. This is done with the \colors command. The command  ! \colors{red,black,blue}  H states that you will be using three colors, which you have named red, C black, and blue. SliTeX knows nothing about real colors, so you D could just as well have called your three colors puce, mauve, and F fred. If you're making only black-and-white slides, then you don't  need a \colors command.  C The text of your slides is contained not in myfile.tex, but in a G separate slide file. This file can have any name that ends in .tex; B for example, myslid.tex. What goes into the file myslid.tex is E explained under Slide_File for this topic. Black-and-white slides C are generated by placing the following command in the root file:  \blackandwhite{myslid}  , Color slides are generated by the command   \colorslides{myslid}  D The \colorslides command generates a set of color layer pages for A each color specified by the \colors command. For example, the command  ! \colors{red,black,blue}  E causes a subsequent \colorslides command to generate first all the F red color-layer pages, then the black ones, and then the blue ones.  @ As usual, your root file ends with an \end{document} command.  2 Slide_File  E The main purpose of the root file is to tell SliTeX what colors to E use and where to find the slide file, so the root file tends to be H pretty short. It's the slide file that actually makes the individual slides.  3 Slides  G Each slide is produced by a slide environment. This environment has H a single argument, which is a list of all the colors contained on the C slide. For example, a slide that has the colors red and blue is  created by an environment  ! \begin{slide}{red,blue} ...  \end{slide}  B The colors in the argument must have been declared by a \colors D command in the root file. They tell SliTeX which color layers to D produce for this particular slide. If there is green text in the F slide, that text will appear in the black-and-white version, but no F green color layer will be generated unless green is included in the B slide environment's argument. If you want only black-and-white , slides, then you can use a null argument:   \begin{slide}{} ...   D The text that appears on a slide is produced using ordinary LaTeX B commands. You can use any commands that make sense for slides. E Commands that don't make sense include sectioning commands, figure G and table environments, indexing commands, commands for generating a F bibliography, and page-breaking commands. The latter make no sense H in a slide because each slide must fit on a single page. You can use @ an \input command, but not an \include command. Commands for H producing only some of the slides in your slide file are described in ( Making_Some_Slides within this topic.  G There are two major differences between the text generated by SliTeX D and that generated by LaTeX. First of all, text is automatically D centered vertically on the slide. Secondly, and most noticeable, E SliTeX uses a set of type faces especially chosen for slides. The F characters in these type faces are much larger than the ones in the A corresponding LaTeX type faces. SliTeX's \normalsize produces F roughly the same size characters as LaTeX's \LARGE. Also, SliTeX's D ordinary Roman type style is similar to LaTeX's sans serif style. D Besides Roman, the only other type styles generally available are 2 italic (\it), bold (\bf), and typewriter (\tt).  C The only commands you need inside a slide that aren't present in G ordinary LaTeX input are ones to tell SliTeX what color the text is. E The \colors command in your root file defines the declarations for B doing this. For example, if the root file contains the command < \colors{red,black,blue}, then \red, \black, and \blue are F declarations that specify the color. They work just like any other ; declaration, such as \bf, having the same scoping rules.  6 A color declaration does not affect the type style.  G Text in which there is no color declaration in effect appears on all @ color layers. For example, if you make no color declarations G anywhere in your slide file, then all color layers will be identical E to the black and white versions. Note that color declarations are  undefined in the root file.  F The command \invisible is a special color declaration for invisible E text. Invisible text is not only colorless, appearing in no color D layer, but does not appear in the black-and-white version either. 0 The use of invisible text is explained below.  E WARNING: Don't use a color declaration or an invisible command in math mode.  3 Overlays  G The overlay environment is exactly the same as the slide environment D except for how the page is numbered. The first overlay following H slide number 9 is numbered "9a", the second one is numbered "9b", and E so forth. To make an overlay that perfectly overlays a slide, the H slide and the overlay should be absolutely identical except that text 3 visible in one should be invisible in the other.  3 Notes  B It is sometimes convenient to put notes to yourself in with the F slides. The note environment produces a one-page note that appears B only in the black-and-white versions of the slides. Notes that 9 follow slide number 9 are numbered "9-1", "9-2"", etc.   For example,  \begin{note} * This is the note for the current slide.  etc. \end{note}  2 Making_Some_Slides  G For making corrections, it's handy to be able to produce a subset of ( the slides in your file. The command  \onlyslides{4,7-13,23}  ? in the root file will cause the following \blackandwhite and A \colorslides commands to generate only slides numbered 4, 7-13 H (inclusive) and 23, plus all of their overlays. The slide numbers in G the argument must be in ascending order, and can include nonexistent % slides---for example, you can type   \onlyslides{10-9999}  A to produce all but the first nine slides. The argument of the ) \onlyslides command must be non-empty.  H There is also an analogous \onlynotes command to generate a subset of H the notes. Notes numbered 11-1, 11-2, etc. will all be generated by @ specifying page 11 in the argument of the \onlynotes command.  F If your input has an \onlyslides command and no \onlynotes command, H then notes will be produced for the specified slides. If there is an G \onlynotes command but no \onlyslide command, then no slides will be E produced. Including both an \onlyslides and an \onlynotes command E has the expected effect of producing only the specified slides and r notes. o