8PROCEDURE lsi_flush_buffers ! Write all modified buffers5! Invoked by LSEDIT command, "CALL lsi_flush_buffers";! Probably best used from within LSE by defining a command,3! DEFINE COMMAND FLUSH "CALL lsi_flush_buffers"!>LOCAL buffer_ptr, ! pointer to current buffer on TPU's list- buffer_name, ! name of current buffer, answer, ! response to write query, read_only; ! buffer read-only flag!! Get first buffer on list)buffer_ptr := GET_INFO (BUFFER, "first");IF buffer_ptr = 0THEN$ MESSAGE ('No buffers modified.');ENDIF;!!LOOP ! over all buffers on list5EXITIF buffer_ptr = 0; ! when buffer list exhausted) IF GET_INFO (buffer_ptr, "system") = 0 THEN!! buffer is not a system buffer. IF GET_INFO (buffer_ptr, "modified") = 1 THEN!! buffer is modified1 read_only := GET_INFO (buffer_ptr, "no_write");!! buffer is not read-only IF read_only = 0 THEN!-! Write out the buffer using default filename WRITE_FILE (buffer_ptr); ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF;!! Get next buffer+ buffer_ptr := GET_INFO (BUFFER, "next"); ENDLOOP; MESSAGE('All buffers written.') ENDPROCEDURE;