%\iffalse % makedtx.dtx generated using makedtx version 1.2 (c) Nicola Talbot % Command line args: % -src "CHANGES\.org$=>CHANGES.org" % -src "makedtx-version\.tex$=>makedtx-version.tex" % -src "latexmkrc\.pl$=>latexmkrc.pl" % -src "createdtx\.sty$=>createdtx.sty" % -src "makedtx\.pl$=>makedtx.pl" % -author "Nicola L.C. Talbot" % -doc "makedtx.tex" % -setambles "\.pl$=>\nopreamble\nopostamble" % -macrocode "makedtx\.pl$" % -macrocode "CHANGES\.org$" % -macrocode "makedtx-version\.tex$" % -macrocode "latexmkrc\.pl$" % -v "1" % -comment "makedtx\.pl$" % -comment "CHANGES\.org$" % -comment "makedtx-version\.tex$" % -comment "latexmkrc\.pl$" % makedtx % Created on 2018/2/21 16:13 %\fi %\iffalse %<*package> %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} % %\fi % \iffalse % Doc-Source file to use with LaTeX2e % Copyright (C) 2018 Nicola L.C. Talbot, all rights reserved. % \fi % \iffalse %<*driver> \documentclass[a4paper,english]{ltxdoc} \usepackage[colorlinks, bookmarks, hyperindex=false, bookmarksopen, pdfauthor={Nicola Talbot}, pdftitle={makedtx : a Perl script to help create a DTX file from source code}]{hyperref} \usepackage{createdtx} \usepackage{datetime2} \DTMsetstyle{english} \renewcommand{\usage}[1]{\textit{\hyperpage{#1}}} \renewcommand{\main}[1]{\hyperpage{#1}} \newcommand{\see}[2]{\emph{see} #1} \makeatletter \def\index@prologue{\section*{Index}} \makeatother \RecordChanges \PageIndex \CodelineNumbered \newcommand{\latextohtml}{\LaTeX2HTML} \newcommand{\switch}[1]{\texttt{-#1}\index{makedtx switches=\texttt{makedtx} switches>#1=\texttt{-#1}}} \newcommand{\ics}[1]{\cs{#1}\SpecialMainIndex{#1}} \CheckSum{8} \newcommand{\PDFLaTeX}{PDF\LaTeX} \DTMsavedate{makedtx-date}{2018-02-19} \input{makedtx-version} \begin{document} \DocInput{makedtx.dtx} \end{document} % %\fi % %\title{makedtx \version : a Perl script to help create a DTX %file from source code} %\author{Nicola Talbot\\ %\url{http://theoval.cmp.uea.ac.uk/~nlct/}} %\date{\DTMusedate{makedtx-date}} %\maketitle % %\tableofcontents % %\begin{abstract} %The \texttt{makedtx} bundle is provided to help developers to write %the code and documentation in separate files, and then combine them %into a single DTX file for distribution. It automatically generates %the character table, and also writes the associated installation %(.ins) script. %\end{abstract} % %\section{Introduction} % %\changes{0.9}{2005/02/11}{Initial beta release}% %Authors of \LaTeXe\ class files or packages are encouraged to bundle %their source and documentation together into a single DTX file. This %makes distribution much easier, as users need only download the DTX %file and possibly a corresponding installation script (INS file) %instead of a multitude of \texttt{.sty}, \texttt{.cls}, \texttt{.def} %etc files. However, having the documentation and code bundled %together can cause problems if a developer wants to, say, use %\texttt{ispell} to spell check the documentation, or convert the %documentation to a format other than DVI, PostScript or PDF (such as %HTML). % %Why should I want to convert my documentation to HTML when I can just %use \PDFLaTeX? The more general purpose packages that I write (such %as \texttt{datetime} and \texttt{glossary}) I upload to CTAN, however %most of the packages I write are specific to the School of Computing %Sciences at the University of East Anglia, so these I keep on my web %site, and as some of the faculty either don't have a PDF plug in or %prefer to view HTML rather than PDF documents, I have taken to writing %both PDF and HTML versions of my package documentation. However, %\latextohtml\ doesn't work on a \texttt{.dtx} file so I used to %convert them manually which is fine for one or two small documents, %but becomes rather cumbersome as soon as I have large documents or a %lot of packages. Therefore I decided to write the documentation %separately, and use a Perl script to bundle everything together. It %also has the added convenience in that I don't have to keep copying %and pasting the character table every time I write a new package, and %it saves the laborious task of writing the installation %script\footnote{or at least, it's laborious if there are rather a lot %of files associated with a package}. % %This document is structured as follows: Section~\ref{sec:install} %describes how to install the \texttt{makedtx} bundle, %Section~\ref{sec:makedtx} gives an overview of the \texttt{makedtx.pl} %Perl script, Section~\ref{sec:creatdtx} describes the %\texttt{creatdtx} package, Section~\ref{sec:examples} illustrates the %use of the \texttt{makedtx} bundle with examples and %Section~\ref{sec:problems} gives a list of possible errors and their %solutions. % %\section{Installation}\label{sec:install} % %You need to download both \texttt{makedtx.dtx} and %\texttt{makedtx.ins}, and run the installation script through %\LaTeX:\par \texttt{latex makedtx.ins} % %The following files will be created: %\begin{description} %\item[\texttt{makedtx.pl}] Perl script %\item[\texttt{creatdtx.sty}] \LaTeX\ package for use with \texttt{makedtx.pl} %\item[\texttt{creatdtx.perl}] Corresponding Perl script for use with LaTeX2HTML %\end{description} % %If you are using UNIX/Linux etc you will need to make %\texttt{makedtx.pl} executable using %\texttt{chmod}:\par\vspace{6pt}\noindent\texttt{chmod a+x %makedtx.pl}\par\vspace{6pt}\noindent and place it somewhere on your %path. If \texttt{perl} is located somewhere other than %\texttt{/usr/bin/} you will need to edit the first line of %\texttt{makedtx.pl}. (If you don't know where \texttt{perl} is %located, you can use the command: \texttt{which perl}.) The package %\texttt{creatdtx.sty} needs to be placed somewhere on the \LaTeX\ path %and \texttt{creatdtx.perl} should be placed in a directory searched by %\latextohtml. (See the \latextohtml\ documentation for details.) % %\section{makedtx.pl}\label{sec:makedtx} % %The Perl script \texttt{makedtx.pl} has the following syntax:\par %\texttt{makedtx.pl} \oarg{options} \switch{src} %\texttt{"}\meta{expr1}\verb|=>|\meta{expr2}\texttt{"} %\switch{doc} \meta{filename} \meta{basename} % %\subsection{Compulsory Arguments} % %The very last argument \meta{basename} is the basename of the %\texttt{.dtx} and \texttt{.ins} files you want to create. The %\switch{doc} \meta{filename} switch indicates the file containing the %documentation and \switch{src} %\verb!"!\meta{expr1}\verb+=>+\meta{expr2}\verb'"' indicates the %original source file(s), given by \meta{expr1}, and the corresponding %file name when it has been extracted from the \texttt{.dtx} file, %given by \meta{expr2}. This switch is a little complicated, so it's %best described using examples. % %Suppose you have your documentation in the file \texttt{foodoc.tex}, %and the original source code is in the file \texttt{foosrc.sty}. You %want to create the files \texttt{foo.dtx} and \texttt{foo.ins}. When %you \LaTeX\ \texttt{foo.dtx} you want the documentation as specified %in \texttt{foodoc.tex} and when you \LaTeX\ \texttt{foo.ins} you want %the file \texttt{foo.sty} to be created, using the code specified in %\texttt{foosrc.sty}. You will need to do: %\begin{verbatim} %makedtx.pl -src "foosrc\.sty=>foo.sty" -doc foodoc.tex foo %\end{verbatim} % %You may have multiple invocations of the \switch{src} switch. For %example, suppose you also have the file \texttt{barsrc.sty} which you %want to be extracted from the \texttt{.dtx} file as \texttt{bar.sty}, %you can do: %\begin{verbatim} %makedtx.pl -src "foosrc\.sty=>foo.sty" -src "barsrc\.sty=>bar.sty" -doc foodoc.tex foo %\end{verbatim} %Alternatively, you can use Perl-type regular expressions: %\begin{verbatim} %makedtx.pl -src "(.*)src\.sty=>\1.sty" -doc foodoc.tex foo %\end{verbatim} %(Note the use of double quotes to prevent shell expansion.) %Appendix~\ref{sec:prex} gives a brief overview of Perl regular %expressions for the uninitiated. % %\subsection{Options} % %\begin{description} %\item[\switch{h} or \switch{help}] Prints on-line help, and exits. % %\item[\switch{version}] Prints version number, and exits. %\changes{0.93}{2007/08/02}{version switch added}% % %\item[\switch{v}] Uses verbose mode. % %\item[\switch{dir} \meta{name}] Specifies directory containing source %files, as specified by the \switch{src} switch. For example, suppose %you have source files \texttt{foo.sty}, \texttt{bar.sty} in the %subdirectory \texttt{sourcefiles} you can do: %\begin{verbatim} %makedtx.pl -dir sourcefiles -src "(.*)\.sty=>\1.sty" -doc foodoc.tex foo %\end{verbatim} % %\item[\switch{op} \meta{character}] sets the Perl pattern matching %operator (the default is set to \texttt{=} symbol since the \texttt{/} %character is used as the directory divider). % %\item[\switch{askforoverwrite}] uses \ics{askforoverwritetrue} in %the installation script. % %\item[\switch{noaskforoverwrite}] uses \ics{askforoverwritefalse} %in the installation script (default). % %\item[\switch{noins}] Don't create the installation script %(\texttt{.ins} file). This is useful if you want to tweak the file %manually and you don't want your modifications overwritten. % %\item[\switch{preamble} \meta{text}] Set the preamble to %\texttt{text}. The default preamble is:\par %\changes{0.94}{2007/08/19}{default preamble changed to one %conforming with the LPPL}% %\begin{ttfamily}\obeylines % \meta{basename}.dtx % Copyright \meta{date} \meta{author} % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license of (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is \meta{author}. % % This work consists of the files \meta{basename}.dtx and % \meta{basename}.ins and the derived files \meta{file list}. %\end{ttfamily} % %where \meta{date} is the copyright date, and \meta{author} is the %author's name (see below). % %\textbf{Note that this has been changed as of makedtx v0.94. %Older versions of makedtx do not conform to any of the free %licenses.} % %\item[\switch{license} \meta{name}] %\changes{0.94}{2007/08/19}{license switch added}% %This sets the preamble to %the license text for the license \meta{name}. Currently \meta{name} %may be either \texttt{lppl} (the default, which produces the %default preamble detailed above), \texttt{bsd} or \texttt{gpl}. %You may use either \switch{license} or \switch{preamble}, %but not both. (If you have used the \switch{preamble} switch, the %\switch{license} switch will be ignored.) % %\item[\switch{postamble} \meta{text}] Set the postamble to %\texttt{text}. If this is omitted the \ics{postamble} command is %omitted from the installation script. % %\item[\switch{author} \meta{name}] The author's name (as used in the %default preamble). If omitted the user's name is used. % %\item[\switch{date} \meta{text}] The copyright date (as used in the %default preamble). If omitted the current year is used. % %\item[\switch{stopeventually} \meta{text}] Insert \meta{text} into the %argument of \ics{StopEventually}. For example: %\verb+-stopeventually "\\PrintIndex"+ will result in the line: %\cs{StopEventually}\verb"{\PrintIndex}". If \texttt{makedtx.pl} %encounters a \cs{StopEventually} command within the document, %this will be used instead. If there is no \cs{StopEventually} %command in the document and the \switch{stopeventually} switch is %absent \cs{StopEventually}\marg{} will be inserted in the DTX %file. % %\item[\switch{prefinale} \meta{text}] %\changes{0.91}{2006/07/21}{prefinale switch added}% %Inset \meta{text} immediately prior to \cs{Finale} %in the dtx file. % %\item[\switch{setambles} \texttt{"}\meta{expr}\texttt{=\symbol{62}}\meta{text}\texttt{"}] %Sets the pre- and postambles for files matching \meta{expr} within the %\cs{file} command in the installation script. To illustrate this, %let's suppose you have source files \texttt{foo.sty}, \texttt{bar.sty} %and \texttt{foobar.pl} in the subdirectory \texttt{sourcefiles}. %Since \texttt{foo.sty} and \texttt{bar.sty} are \LaTeX\ files, they %should have pre- and postambles, but \texttt{foobar.pl} is a Perl %file, and since the percent symbol (\%) is not a comment character in %Perl, there should be no pre- and postambles for this file. Therefore %you would need to do something like: %\begin{verbatim} %makedtx.pl -dir sourcefiles -src "(.*)\.sty=>\1.sty" -src "foobar.pl=>foobar.pl" %-setambles "foobar\.pl=>\\nopreamble\\nopostamble" -doc foodoc.tex foo %\end{verbatim} %(Note that the line is only broken to fit it onto the page, and there %should be no line break when entering at the command prompt.) % %If the argument to \switch{setambles} contains the string %\verb"\\nopreamble", the character table will be excluded from the %corresponding files. So, in the above example, when you do: %\verb"latex foo.ins" the resulting files \texttt{foo.sty} and %\texttt{bar.sty} will contain the character table, but %\texttt{foobar.pl} won't. (If for some reason you don't want a %preamble but you do want the character table included use %\verb"\\usepreamble\\empty" instead of \verb'\\nopreamble'. %Conversely, if you want a preamble but don't want the character table %do something like \verb"\\nopreamble\\usepreamble\\defaultpreamble". % %Note that the \verb"=>"\meta{text} part is optional. If it is %omitted, \meta{text} is assumed to be empty. % %\item[\switch{macrocode} \texttt{"}\meta{expr}\texttt{"}] If source %file matches the Perl regular expression given by \meta{expr}, the %source code is inserted into a \texttt{macrocode} environment in the %DTX file. % %Please note that the source code is supposed to be text insensitive to end of line format, as a matter of fact %\texttt{makedtx.pl} will convert all end of lines of this source code to LF's. % %Please note also that only the source files given by the \switch{src} switch are considered, the %\switch{macrocode} switch by itself does not cause the source file to be insterted into the DTX file, it only %affects \emph{how} it is inserted. % %\item[\switch{comment} \texttt{"}\meta{expr}\texttt{"}] %\changes{0.93}{2007/08/02}{comment switch added}% %If the source file matches the Perl regular expression given by %\meta{expr}, the source code will be inserted between \cs{iffalse} %\cs{fi} commands. The contents of this file will be included in the %DTX file, but will be excluded from the documentation. Since this %is provided mainly for non-TeX files (such as Perl scripts) the %\switch{comment} switch will typically need to be used in conjunction %with \switch{macrocode}. % %\item[\switch{codetitle} \texttt{"}\meta{title}\texttt{"}] %\changes{0.93}{2007/08/02}{Added codetitle switch}% %This sets the title for the code section. The default is %\texttt{The Code}. %\end{description} % %\section{The creatdtx Package} %\label{sec:creatdtx} % %The documentation source code, as specified using the \switch{doc} %switch will typically be a standard \LaTeX\ document using the %\texttt{ltxdoc} class file. Unlike the DTX file, there is no %\ics{DocInput} command, and the lines do not begin with a percent %symbol, which means that the document can be, say, passed to the %\latextohtml\ converter, or some other application that would %otherwise be confused by a DTX file. The \texttt{creatdtx} package %can be used in this document using %\begin{verbatim} %\usepackage{creatdtx} %\end{verbatim} %although this package will be not be included in the DTX file by %\texttt{makedtx.pl}. There is only one command defined in this %package:\ics{ifmakedtx}\marg{dtx text}\marg{non dtx text}. The first %argument \meta{dtx text} will be copied to the DTX file by %\texttt{makedtx.pl}, but the second argument \meta{non dtx text} %won't. However, if you \LaTeX\ the document, the first argument will %be ignored, and the second argument will be used. % %For example, if your code (in \texttt{foodoc.tex}) contains the %line:\par\vspace{6pt}\noindent\texttt{\cs{ifmakedtx}\{\}\{\cs{usepackage}\{html\}\}} %\par\vspace{6pt}\noindent the \texttt{html} package will only be %loaded if you \LaTeX\ \texttt{foodoc.tex}, but not when you \LaTeX\ %\texttt{foo.dtx}. % %The Perl script \texttt{creatdtx.perl} ignores the following commands %(and any associated arguments): \ics{OnlyDescription}, %\ics{RecordChanges}, \ics{MakeShortVerb}, \ics{DeleteShortVerb}, %\ics{DoNotIndex}, \ics{EnableCrossrefs}, \ics{CodelineIndex}, %\ics{GetFileInfo}, \ics{PrintChanges}, \ics{changes}, \ics{CheckSum}, %\ics{DescribeMacro} and \ics{DescribeEnvironment}. So even if you don't %use the \cs{ifmakedtx} command, using the \texttt{creatdtx} package %will help ensure that extraneous text does not appear in the HTML %document when using \latextohtml. % %As from version 0.93b, \texttt{creatdtx.perl} also defines the %commands \ics{cs}, \ics{marg}, \ics{oarg} and \ics{parg}, since there %is no \latextohtml\ implementation of the \texttt{ltxdoc} class file. % %\section{Examples} %\label{sec:examples} % %Let's first consider a very simple example. Suppose you want to %create a package that redefines \cs{today} so that the date is %displayed in the form: yyyy-m-d. Let's call this package %\texttt{dashdate}. The file \texttt{dashdate.sty} should look %something like: %\begin{verbatim} % % First define package: % % \begin{macrocode} % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} % \ProvidesPackage{dashdate} % % \end{macrocode} % % Redefine |\today| command: % % \begin{macrocode} % \renewcommand{\today}{\the\year-\the\month-\the\day} % % \end{macrocode} %\end{verbatim} %Now let's make some (very brief) documentation. Let's call the file, %say \texttt{manual.tex}\footnote{Note: if you want to use %\latextohtml\ on this document, you will need to use, e.g., %\cs{verb}\texttt{!\cs{today}!} instead of %\texttt{\symbol{124}\cs{today}\symbol{124}} since it doesn't recognise %\ics{MakeShortVerb}.}: %\begin{verbatim} %\documentclass{ltxdoc} %\usepackage{creatdtx} % %\begin{document} %\title{A Sample Package} %\author{AN Other} %\maketitle % %The \texttt{dashdate} package redefines |\today| %to produce the current date in the form: yyyy-m-d. %\end{document} %\end{verbatim} %Suppose you have saved \texttt{dashdate.sty} and \texttt{manual.tex} %in the subdirectory \texttt{source}. You can now create the %\texttt{.dtx} and \texttt{.ins} file using the command: %\begin{verbatim} %makedtx.pl -author "AN Other" -dir source -src "dashdate\.sty=>dashdate.sty" %-doc source/manual.tex dashdate %\end{verbatim} %The file \texttt{dashdate.dtx} is created, and contains the following %code: %\begin{verbatim} % %\iffalse % % dashdate.dtx generated using makedtx.pl version 0.9b (c) Nicola Talbot % % Command line args: % % -dir "source" % % -src "dashdate\.sty=>dashdate.sty" % % -author "AN Other" % % -doc "source/manual.tex" % % dashdate % % Created on 2005/2/10 22:22 % %\fi % %\iffalse % %<*package> % %% \CharacterTable % %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % % %\fi % % \iffalse % % Doc-Source file to use with LaTeX2e % % Copyright (C) 2005 AN Other, all rights reserved. % % \fi % % \iffalse % %<*driver> % \documentclass{ltxdoc} % % \begin{document} % \DocInput{dashdate.dtx} % \end{document} % % % %\fi % %\title{A Sample Package} % %\author{AN Other} % %\maketitle % % % %The \texttt{dashdate} package redefines "\today" % %to produce the current date in the form: yyyy-m-d. % %\end{document} % % % %\StopEventually{} % %\section{The Code} % %\iffalse % % \begin{macrocode} % %<*dashdate.sty> % % \end{macrocode} % %\fi % % First define package: % % \begin{macrocode} % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} % \ProvidesPackage{dashdate} % % \end{macrocode} % % Redefine |\today| command: % % \begin{macrocode} % \renewcommand{\today}{\the\year-\the\month-\the\day} % % \end{macrocode} % %\iffalse % % \begin{macrocode} % % % % \end{macrocode} % %\fi % %\Finale % \endinput %\end{verbatim} %The installation file \texttt{dashdate.ins} looks like: %\begin{verbatim} % % dashdate.ins generated using makedtx.pl version 0.94b 2007/8/19 22:22 % \input docstrip % % \preamble % dashdate.dtx % Copyright 2007 AN Other % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license of (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is AN Other. % % This work consists of the files dashdate.dtx and % dashdate.ins and the derived file dashdate.sty. % \endpreamble % % \askforoverwritefalse % % \generate{\file{dashdate.sty}{\usepreamble\defaultpreamble % \usepostamble\defaultpostamble\from{dashdate.dtx}{dashdate.sty,package}} % } % % \endbatchfile %\end{verbatim} %Note that the command \verb"\usepackage{creatdtx}" has not been %transcribed to \texttt{dashdate.dtx} (although in this simple example %it's not really needed). % %Now let's extend the example: suppose you want to create an analogous %Perl script for use with \latextohtml. This will need to be called %\texttt{dashdate.perl} and will look something like: %\begin{verbatim} %package main; % %sub do_cmd_today{ % local($_) = @_; % local($today) = &get_date(); % $today =~ s|(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)|$3-$1-$2|; % "$today$_"; %} % %1; %\end{verbatim} %You will now need to call \texttt{makedtx.pl} as follows: %\begin{verbatim} %makedtx.pl -author "AN Other" -dir source -src "dashdate\.sty=>dashdate.sty" %-src "dashdate\.perl=>dashdate.perl" %-setambles "dashdate\.perl=>\\nopreamble\\nopostamble" %-macrocode "dashdate\.perl" -doc source/manual.tex dashdate %\end{verbatim} %(Note that the line is only broken to allow it to fit onto the page, %there should be no line break when you enter it on the command line.) %Alternatively, you could save typing and do: %\begin{verbatim} %makedtx.pl -author "AN Other" -dir source -src "dashdate\.(.*)=>dashdate.\1" %-setambles "dashdate\.perl=>\\nopreamble\\nopostamble" -macrocode "dashdate\.perl" %-doc source/manual.tex dashdate %\end{verbatim} %Note the use of the \switch{setambles} switch which suppresses the %insertion of text at the start and end of the Perl script which would %only confuse Perl. Note also the use of the \switch{macrocode} %switch. This is not needed for \texttt{dashdate.sty} since it has %already been included in the source code, but since \% is not a %comment character in Perl, the \texttt{macrocode} environment is not %included in the source code, and needs to be added. (If you are %unfamiliar with DocStrip and the use of the \texttt{macrocode} %environment, I suggest you read either \emph{A guide to %\LaTeX}~\cite[Appendix~D]{Kopka98} or \emph{The \LaTeX\ %companion}~\cite[Chapter~14]{Goossens93}.) % %It's likely that you may not want the Perl code to appear in the %document, but you still want it included in the DTX file. In addition %to the \switch{macrocode} switch, you would then also need to use %the \switch{comment} switch: %\begin{verbatim} %makedtx.pl -author "AN Other" -dir source -src "dashdate\.(.*)=>dashdate.\1" %-setambles "dashdate\.perl=>\\nopreamble\\nopostamble" -macrocode "dashdate\.perl" %-comment "dashdate\.perl" -doc source/manual.tex dashdate %\end{verbatim} % %As another example, consider the \texttt{datetime} package. Version %2.42 of this package has 2 \texttt{.sty} files and 42 \texttt{.def} %files. The documentation is written in the file \texttt{manual.tex}, %and the \texttt{.sty} and \texttt{.def} files are saved in a %subdirectory called \texttt{source}. Since these are the only files %in this directory, they can easily be merged into one \texttt{.dtx} %file using: %\begin{verbatim} %makedtx.pl -author "Nicola Talbot" -dir source -src "(.+)\.(.+)=>\1.\2" %-doc manual.tex datetime %\end{verbatim} %This creates the files \texttt{datetime.dtx} and \texttt{datetime.ins} which can then be distributed. The PDF version %of the documentation is obtained by doing: %\begin{verbatim} %pdflatex datetime.dtx %\end{verbatim} %and the HTML version (\texttt{manual.html}) is obtained by doing: %\begin{verbatim} %latex2html -split 0 -nonavigation -nofootnode -numbered_footnotes -noinfo manual %\end{verbatim} %Any minor differences between the HTML and PDF versions are dealt by %using \cs{ifmakedtx} in the original file \texttt{manual.tex}. % %\section{Troubleshooting} %\label{sec:problems} % %The \texttt{makedtx} bundle has only been tested under Linux using %Perl v5.6.0. There are no guarantees whether or not it will work on %other operating systems or on different versions (in fact, there are %no guarantees or warranties at all). % %\subsection{Known Bugs} % %It's possible to confuse \texttt{makedtx.pl} by placing either the %command \cs{end}\marg{document} or the command \ics{ifmakedtx} in a %\cs{verb} command, or by having the \ics{ifmakedtx} command on the same %line as \cs{begin}\marg{document}. You will also need to take care %about lines beginning with a percent symbol (\%) in the documentation, %as this will get converted into a line beginning with \verb"%%" in the %\texttt{.dtx} file, which has a special meaning. Either place a space %immediately prior the percent symbol, or do \verb"\relax%" if you %really don't want the extra space (or place your comment in an %\cs{iffalse} \ldots\ \cs{fi} conditional). % %\subsection{Possible errors encountered using \texttt{makedtx.pl}} % %Note: be careful to use double quotes around arguments that contain %characters that the shell might try interpreting, e.g.\ \verb"*" or %\verb'>'. % %Syntax error messages: %\begin{enumerate} %\item \texttt{No document source specified (missing -doc)} % %You must use the \switch{doc} switch. % %\item \texttt{No source code specified (missing -src)} % %You must specify at least one \switch{src} switch. % %\item \texttt{No basename specified} % %You must specify the basename of the \texttt{.dtx} and \texttt{.ins} files. This should %be the last argument passed to \texttt{makedtx.pl}. % %\item \texttt{-src \ldots\ argument invalid (no output file specified)} % %You have omitted the \verb"=>" separator in the argument of the %\switch{src} switch. % %\item \texttt{-src argument \ldots\ invalid (too many => specified)} % %You have used too many \verb"=>" separators in the argument of the %\switch{src} switch. (Similarly for the \switch{setambles} switch.) %\end{enumerate} % %\appendix % %\section{Perl Regular Expressions} %\label{sec:prex} % %This section gives a very brief overview of Perl regular expressions. For more detail, look at the Perl %documentation (use \verb"man perlre" for the man page.) % %\begin{tabular}{ll} %\verb'\' & Quote the next character\\ %\verb"." & Match any character\\ %\verb"|" & Alternation\\ %\verb"()" & Grouping\\ %\verb"[]" & Character class\\ %\verb"*" & Match 0 or more times\\ %\verb"+" & Match 1 or more times\\ %\verb"?" & Match 1 or 0 times\\ %\verb"{n}" & Match exactly \texttt{n} times\\ %\verb"{n,}" & Match at least \texttt{n} times\\ %\verb"{n,m}" & Match at least \texttt{n} but no more than \texttt{m} times. %\end{tabular} % %In the replacement text, a backslash followed by a number \meta{n} indicates the text from the \meta{n}th group. % %For example, suppose you have the following files: %\begin{verbatim} %abcsrc.sty %abcsrc.bst %abcsrc.perl %foosrc.sty %foobarsrc.sty %\end{verbatim} %then if you pass the following switch to \texttt{makedtx.pl}: %\begin{itemize} %\item \verb'-src "abcsrc\.([styb]+)=>abc.\1"' %will be equivalent to: %\begin{verbatim} %-src "abcsrc.sty=>abc.sty" -src "abcsrc.bst=>abc.bst" %\end{verbatim} %since \verb'[styb]+' will match one or more of the letters \texttt{styb} (so it will match \texttt{sty} and \texttt{bst}). %\verb'\1' indicates the text found in the first group, which in this example will either be \texttt{sty} or \texttt{bst}. % %\item \verb'-src "abcsrc\.(.+)=>abc.\1"' %will be equivalent to: %\begin{verbatim} %-src "abcsrc.sty=>abc.sty" -src "abcsrc.bst=>abc.bst" -src "abcsrc.perl=>abc.perl" %\end{verbatim} %Note that a full stop represents any character so \texttt{.+} means any string of length 1 or more, whereas %\verb"\." means an actual full stop character. % %\item \verb'-src "foo(.*)src\.sty=>foo\1.sty"' %will be equivalent to: %\begin{verbatim} %-src "foosrc.sty=>foo.sty" -src "foobarsrc.sty=>foobar.sty" %\end{verbatim} % %\item \verb'-src "(.+)src\.(.+)=>\1.\2"' %will be equivalent to %\begin{verbatim} %-src "abcsrc.sty=>abc.sty" %-src "abcsrc.bst=>abc.bst" %-src "abcsrc.perl=>abc.perl" %-src "foosrc.sty=>foo.sty" %-src "foobarsrc.sty=>foobar.sty" %\end{verbatim} % %\end{itemize} % %\StopEventually{\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\refname} %\csname begin\endcsname{thebibliography}{1} %\bibitem{Goossens93} The \LaTeX\ companion. Michel~Goossens, Frank~Mittelbach and Alexander~Samarin. %Addison-Wesley 1993. % %\bibitem{Kopka98} A guide to \LaTeX. Helmut~Kopka and Patrick~W.~Daly. Addison-Wesley 1998. %\csname end\endcsname{thebibliography} %\PrintChanges %\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Index} %\PrintIndex} % % %\section{The Code} %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*CHANGES.org> % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} * version 1.2 2018/02/19 + Under MSW use envvar USERNAME rather than getpwuid for getting author default value + User Perl I/O layers in order to have LF EOL on output, and accept both LF and CRLF on input + Create a test bench --- add a testmode option so that date in output is fixed and output is comparable to a reference value. + Fix perl warning about escaping { in regexp. + Semi-colonize end of here-documents as recommended in Perl Manual. + Fix --version cli argument, so that version is flushed to stdout before script exits. + Automate packaging * version 0.94 (2007/08/19) : + Default preamble changed to one which conforms with the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) + license switch added * version 0.93 (2007/08/02) : + version switch added + comment switch added + codetitle switch added * version 0.91 (2006/07/21) : + prefinale switch added * version 0.9 (2005/02/11) : + Initial beta release % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*makedtx-version.tex> % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\version{v1.2} % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*latexmkrc.pl> % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} $dvi_mode = 0; $pdf_mode = 1; @default_files=(); foreach $file (glob('makedtx.{dtx,tex}')) { if(-e $file){ @default_files=($file); break; } } $makeindex= "makeindex -s gind.ist %O -o %D %S"; # 1. For glossaries using glossary package --- \changes generatated by the ltxdoc \changes directive add_cus_dep( 'glo', 'gls', 0, 'makeglo2gls' ); sub makeglo2gls { system("makeindex -s gglo.ist -t \"$_[0].glg\" -o \"$_[0].gls\" \"$_[0].glo\"" ); } % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*createdtx.sty> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % This is the code for the \texttt{creatdtx} package. This % package should not be used in a .dtx file. % First define the package: % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{creatdtx}[2005/02/11 v0.9b (N.L.C. Talbot)] % \end{macrocode} % Define \cmd{ifmakedtx}. The first argument will always be ignored by \LaTeX: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\ifmakedtx}[2]{#2} % \end{macrocode} % Redefine |\StopEventually| so that it simply prints its argument % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand{\StopEventually}{} \renewcommand{\StopEventually}[1]{#1} % \end{macrocode} \iffalse Local Variables:\fi \iffalse mode: DocTeX\fi \iffalse End:\fi%\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*makedtx.pl> % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} #!/usr/bin/perl # File : makedtx # Author : Nicola L. C. Talbot # Date : 29 Oct 2004 # Last Modified : 2017-04-08 # Version : 1.2 # usage : makedtx [options] -src => -doc # # -h : help message # -src => : e.g. -src "(foo)src\.(bar)=>$1.$2" will add foosrc.bar to .dtx to be extracted to foo.bar # -doc : file containing documentation. # -prefinale : text to add to dtx file just before \Finale (added to version 0.91b) # : create .dtx and .ins use Getopt::Long; $version = "1.2"; # process command line options %optctl = (); # v1.1 added section switch &GetOptions(\%optctl, "h", "help", "v", "src=s@", "doc=s", "dir=s", "op=s", "askforoverwrite!", "ins!", "preamble=s", "postamble=s", "setambles=s@", "testmode", "macrocode=s@", "author=s", "date=s", "stopeventually=s", "prefinale=s", "codetitle=s", "comment=s@", "version", "license=s", "section=s") or &syntaxerror(); $srcdir = "."; $patternop = "="; $verbose = 0; $noins = 0; $testmode = 0; $askforoverwrite = 0; $preamble = ""; $postamble = ""; my $author; if ($^O =~ m/MSWin/) { $author = $ENV{"USERNAME"}; if ($author eq ""){ $author = 'Unknown';} } else { $author = (getpwuid($<))[6] || 'Unknown'; } $stopeventually = ""; $prefinale = ""; $codetitle = "The Code"; $section = "section"; $license = "lppl"; ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time); $year = $year + 1900; $copyright_date = $year; $creation_date = "$year/" . ($mon+1) . "/$mday $hour:" . ($min<10?"0$min" : $min); foreach $setting (keys %optctl) { if (($setting eq "h") || ($setting eq "help")) { &help(); } elsif ($setting eq "version") { print "makedtx version $version\n"; exit 0; } elsif ($setting eq "doc") { $docsrc = $optctl{$setting}; } elsif ($setting eq "src") { @source = @{ $optctl{$setting} }; } elsif ($setting eq "dir") { $srcdir = $optctl{$setting}; } elsif ($setting eq "op") { $patternop = $optctl{$setting}; } elsif ($setting eq "v") { $verbose = 1; } elsif ($setting eq "ins") { $noins = 1-$optctl{$setting}; } elsif ($setting eq "askforoverwrite") { $askforoverwrite = $optctl{$setting}; } elsif ($setting eq "preamble") { $preamble = $optctl{$setting}; } elsif ($setting eq "postamble") { $postamble = $optctl{$setting}; } elsif ($setting eq "setambles") { @setambles = @{ $optctl{$setting} }; } elsif ($setting eq "macrocode") { @macrocode = @{ $optctl{$setting} }; } elsif ($setting eq "author") { $author = $optctl{$setting}; } elsif ($setting eq "date") { $copyright_date = $optctl{$setting}; } elsif ($setting eq "stopeventually") { $stopeventually = $optctl{$setting}; } elsif ($setting eq "prefinale") { $prefinale = $optctl{$setting}; } elsif ($setting eq "codetitle") { $codetitle = $optctl{$setting}; } elsif ($setting eq "section") { $section = $optctl{$setting}; } elsif ($setting eq "testmode") { $testmode = $optctl{$setting}; if($testmode) { $version = "x.y"; $copyright_date = "YYYY"; $creation_date = "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm"; } } elsif ($setting eq "comment") { @comment = @{ $optctl{$setting} }; } elsif ($setting eq "license") { $license = $optctl{$setting}; } } if ($#ARGV != 0) { print "No basename specified\n"; &syntaxerror(); } $basename = $ARGV[0]; if ($docsrc eq "") { print "No document source specified (missing -doc)\n"; &syntaxerror(); } if ($#source == -1) { print "No source code specified (missing -src)\n"; &syntaxerror(); } open DTX, ">:unix","$basename.dtx" or die "Can't open '$basename.dtx'\n"; if ($verbose) { print "Documentation source : " . $docsrc . "\n"; } # work out the derived files @srcdirfile = glob("$srcdir/*"); @derivedfiles = (); @outputfiles = (); $numoutput = 0; foreach $source (@source) { ($infile, $outfile, $remainder) = split /=>/, $source; if ($outfile eq "") { print "-src $source argument invalid (no output file specified)\n"; &syntaxerror(); } if (not ($remainder eq "")) { print "-src $source argument invalid (too many => specified)\n"; &syntaxerror(); } foreach $srcdirfile (@srcdirfile) { $fileexp = $srcdir . "/" . $infile; $_ = $srcdirfile; $expr = "s$patternop$fileexp$patternop$outfile$patternop"; if (eval($expr)) { $thisoutfile = $_; $thisinfile = $srcdirfile; $file{$thisinfile} = $thisoutfile; $derivedfiles[$numoutput]{'in'} = $thisinfile; $derivedfiles[$numoutput]{'out'} = $thisoutfile; $outputfiles[$numoutput] = $thisoutfile; $numoutput++; } } } if ($preamble eq "") { if ($license eq "lppl") { # v1.2 fixed typo in preamble $preamble = <<_END_LICENSE; $basename.dtx Copyright $copyright_date $author This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. The Current Maintainer of this work is $author. _END_LICENSE } elsif ($license eq 'bsd') { $preamble = <<_END_LICENSE; $basename.dtx Copyright (c) $copyright_date $author All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. _END_LICENSE } elsif ($license eq 'gpl') { $preamble = <<_END_LICENSE; $basename.dtx Copyright (c) $copyright_date $author This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA _END_LICENSE } else { die "Unknown license '$license'\n". "Known licenses: lppl, bsd, gpl"; } $preamble .= " This work consists of the files " . "$basename.dtx and $basename.ins and the derived " . ($numoutput > 1 ? "files" : "file") . " " . join(', ', @outputfiles) . ".\n"; } open DOC, '<:crlf',$docsrc or die "Can't open '$docsrc'\n"; print DTX "\%\\iffalse\n"; print DTX "\% $basename.dtx generated using makedtx version $version (c) Nicola Talbot\n"; print DTX "\% Command line args:\n"; @cmdline_args = (); foreach $setting (keys %optctl) { if ($setting eq "src") { foreach $source (@source) { push @cmdline_args ,"-src \"$source\""; } } elsif ($setting eq "setambles") { foreach $setamble (@setambles) { push @cmdline_args ,"-setambles \"$setamble\""; } } elsif ($setting eq "macrocode") { foreach $macrocode (@macrocode) { push @cmdline_args ,"-macrocode \"$macrocode\""; } } elsif ($setting eq "comment") { foreach $comment (@comment) { push @cmdline_args ,"-comment \"$comment\""; } } else { $val = $optctl{$setting}; $val=~s/\\/\\\\/g; push @cmdline_args ,("-" . $setting . " \"" . $val . "\""); } } if($testmode){ @cmdline_args = sort @cmdline_args; } foreach $arg (@cmdline_args){ print DTX "\% ", $arg , "\n"; } print DTX "\% $basename\n"; print DTX "\% Created on $creation_date\n"; print DTX "\%\\fi\n"; print DTX "\%\\iffalse\n"; print DTX "\%<*package>\n"; print DTX "\%\% \\CharacterTable\n"; print DTX "\%\% {Upper-case \\A\\B\\C\\D\\E\\F\\G\\H\\I\\J\\K\\L\\M\\N\\O\\P\\Q\\R\\S\\T\\U\\V\\W\\X\\Y\\Z\n"; print DTX "\%\% Lower-case \\a\\b\\c\\d\\e\\f\\g\\h\\i\\j\\k\\l\\m\\n\\o\\p\\q\\r\\s\\t\\u\\v\\w\\x\\y\\z\n"; print DTX "\%\% Digits \\0\\1\\2\\3\\4\\5\\6\\7\\8\\9\n"; print DTX "\%\% Exclamation \\! Double quote \\\" Hash (number) \\#\n"; print DTX "\%\% Dollar \\\$ Percent \\\% Ampersand \\&\n"; print DTX "\%\% Acute accent \\\' Left paren \\( Right paren \\)\n"; print DTX "\%\% Asterisk \\* Plus \\+ Comma \\,\n"; print DTX "\%\% Minus \\- Point \\. Solidus \\/\n"; print DTX "\%\% Colon \\: Semicolon \\; Less than \\<\n"; print DTX "\%\% Equals \\= Greater than \\> Question mark \\?\n"; print DTX "\%\% Commercial at \\\@ Left bracket \\[ Backslash \\\\\n"; print DTX "\%\% Right bracket \\] Circumflex \\^ Underscore \\_\n"; print DTX "\%\% Grave accent \\\` Left brace \\{ Vertical bar \\|\n"; print DTX "\%\% Right brace \\} Tilde \\~}\n"; print DTX "\%\n"; print DTX "\%\\fi\n"; print DTX "\% \\iffalse\n"; print DTX "\% Doc-Source file to use with LaTeX2e\n"; print DTX "\% Copyright (C) $copyright_date $author, all rights reserved.\n"; print DTX "\% \\fi\n"; # driver print DTX "\% \\iffalse\n"; print DTX "\%<*driver>\n"; $indoc=0; while () { s/\\usepackage\{creatdtx}//; $restofline = $_; $beginline = ""; $line = $restofline; while ($restofline =~ /(.*)\\ifmakedtx(.*)/) { $beginline = $1; ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($2); $startline = $.; while (!$done) { if ($nextline = ) { $line = $line . $nextline; $restofline = $restofline . $nextline; ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($restofline); } else { die "EOF found whilst scanning first argument to \\ifmakedtx on line $startline\n"; } } # print first arg, ignore second $beginline = $beginline . $group; ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($restofline); while (!$done) { if ($nextline = ) { $line = $line . $nextline; $restofline = $restofline . $nextline; ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($restofline); } else { die "EOF found whilst scanning second argument to \\ifmakedtx on line $startline\n"; } } $line = $restofline; } $line = $beginline . $restofline; print DTX $line; if ($line=~/\\begin\{document}/) { $indoc = 1; last; } } print DTX "\\DocInput{$basename.dtx}\n"; print DTX "\\end{document}\n"; print DTX "\%\n"; print DTX "\%\\fi\n"; $inverb=0; $stopfound=0; print DTX "\%"; while () { if (/\\begin\{verbatim}/) { $inverb=1; } if (/\\end\{verbatim}/) { $inverb=0; } if (/\\StopEventually/ && ($inverb==0)) { $stopfound=1; } $restofline = $_; $beginline = ""; $line = $restofline; while ($restofline =~ /(.*)\\ifmakedtx(.*)/) { $beginline = $1; ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($2); $startline = $.; while (!$done) { if ($nextline = ) { $line = $line . $nextline; $restofline = $restofline . $nextline; ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($restofline); } else { die "EOF found whilst scanning first argument to \\ifmakedtx on line $startline\n"; } } # print first arg, ignore second $beginline = $beginline . $group; ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($restofline); while (!$done) { if ($nextline = ) { $line = $line . $nextline; $restofline = $restofline . $nextline; ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($restofline); } else { die "EOF found whilst scanning second argument to \\ifmakedtx on line $startline\n"; } } $line = $restofline; } $line = $beginline . $restofline; if (($line=~/\\end\{document}/) and not $inverb) { $indoc=0; $line=~s/\\end\{document}//; } $line=~s/\n/\n\%/mg; print DTX "$line"; } close DOC; print DTX "\n"; if ($stopfound==0) { print DTX "\%\\StopEventually{$stopeventually}\n"; } # v1.0 added check if ($codetitle) { # v1.1 added section print DTX "\%\\$section\{$codetitle\}\n"; } for (my $idx = 0; $idx <= $#derivedfiles; $idx++) { $thisinfile = $derivedfiles[$idx]{'in'}; $thisoutfile = $derivedfiles[$idx]{'out'}; if ($verbose) { print "$srcdirfile -> $_ \n"; } open SRC, "<:crlf", $thisinfile or die "Can't open $thisinfile\n"; print DTX "\%\\iffalse\n"; print DTX "\% \\begin{macrocode}\n"; print DTX "\%<*$thisoutfile>\n"; print DTX "\% \\end{macrocode}\n"; print DTX "\%\\fi\n"; $macrocode = 0; $comment = 0; foreach $expr (@comment) { if ($thisoutfile =~ m/$expr/) { print DTX "\%\\iffalse\n"; $comment = 1; } } foreach $expr (@macrocode) { if ($thisoutfile =~ m/$expr/) { print DTX "\% \\begin{macrocode}\n"; $macrocode = 1; } } while () { print DTX "$_"; } if ($macrocode == 1) { print DTX "\% \\end{macrocode}\n"; } if ($comment == 1) { print DTX "\%\\fi\n"; } print DTX "\%\\iffalse\n"; print DTX "\% \\begin{macrocode}\n"; print DTX "\%\n"; print DTX "\% \\end{macrocode}\n"; print DTX "\%\\fi\n"; close SRC; } print DTX "\%$prefinale\n" if ($prefinale); print DTX "\%\\Finale\n"; print DTX "\\endinput\n"; close DTX; if (!$noins) { open INS, ">:unix","$basename.ins" or die "Can't open '$basename.ins'\n"; print INS "\% $basename.ins generated using makedtx version $version $creation_date\n"; print INS "\\input docstrip\n\n"; print INS "\\preamble\n"; print INS "$preamble\n"; print INS "\\endpreamble\n\n"; if ($postamble ne "") { print INS "\\postamble\n"; print INS "$postamble\n"; print INS "\\endpostamble\n\n"; } if ($askforoverwrite) { print INS "\\askforoverwritetrue\n\n"; } else { print INS "\\askforoverwritefalse\n\n"; } print INS "\\generate{"; for (my $idx = 0; $idx <= $#derivedfiles; $idx++) { $file = $derivedfiles[$idx]{'in'}; $outfile = $derivedfiles[$idx]{'out'}; print INS "\\file{$outfile}{"; $ambleset = 0; $noamble = 0; foreach $setamble (@setambles) { ($fileexp, $amble, $remainder) = split /=>/, $setamble; if (not ($remainder eq "")) { die "-setambles $setamble argument invalid (too many => specified)\n"; } if ($outfile =~ m/$fileexp/) { if ($verbose) { print "$fileexp matches $outfile -> setting \"$amble\"\n"; } print INS $amble; $ambleset = 1; if ($amble =~ m/\\nopreamble/) { $noamble = 1; } } } if (!$ambleset) { print INS "\\usepreamble\\defaultpreamble\n\\usepostamble\\defaultpostamble"; } print INS "\\from{$basename.dtx}{$outfile"; if ($noamble == 0) { # this will add the character table to all files except those that use \nopreamble print INS ",package"; } print INS "}}\n"; } print INS "}\n\n"; print INS "\\endbatchfile\n"; close INS; } sub syntaxerror { die "Syntax : makedtx [options] \nUse -h for help\n"; } sub help { print "makedtx Help\n\n"; print "Current Version : $version\n\n"; print "usage : makedtx [options] -src \"=>\" -doc \n\n"; print "makedtx can be used to construct a LaTeX2e dtx and ins file from\n"; print "the specified source code. The final command line argument\n"; print " should be used to specify the basename of the dtx\n"; print "and ins files.\n\n"; print "-src \"=>\"\n"; print "The command line switch -src identifies the original source code and the name\n"; print "of the file to which it will utimately be extracted on latexing the ins file\n"; print " can be a Perl expression, such as (foo)src.(sty), and can\n"; print "a Perl substitution style expression, such as $1.$2\n"; print "Note that double quotes must be used to prevent shell expansion\n"; print "Multiple invocations of -src are permitted\n"; print "See examples below.\n\n"; print "-doc \n"; print "The name of the documentation source code. This should be a LaTeX2e document\n\n"; print "Optional Arguments:\n\n"; print "-dir : search for source files in \n"; print "-op : set the pattern matching operator (default '$patternop')\n"; print "-askforoverwrite : set askforoverwrite switch in INS file to true\n"; print "-noaskforoverwrite : set askforoverwrite switch in INS file to false (default)\n"; print "-preamble : set the preamble. Standard one inserted if omitted\n"; print "-postamble : set the postamble.\n"; print "-setambles \"=>\" : set pre- and postambles to if file matches pattern\n"; print "-author : name of author (inserted into standard preamble. User name inserted if omitted)\n"; print "-date : copyright date\n"; print "-ins : create the ins file (default)\n"; print "-noins : don't create the ins file\n"; print "-prefinale : add immediately prior to \\Finale\n"; print "-macrocode : surround any file which matches in a macrocode environment\n"; print "-comment : surround any file which matches with \\iffalse \\fi pair\n"; print "-codetitle : The title for the documented code section (default: The Code)\n"; print "-section : The sectioning command to use for the documented code section (default: 'section')\n"; print "-license : use the given license for the preamble.\n"; print " Known licenses: lppl (default), bsd, gpl.\n"; print "-h : help message\n"; print "-v : verbose\n\n"; print "Examples:\n\n"; print "Example 1:\n"; print "Documenation is in foodoc.tex\n"; print "Source code is in foosrc.sty. The final extracted version should be \n"; print "called foo.sty. The dtx file should be called foo.dtx and the ins file\n"; print " should be called foo.ins\n\n"; print "makedtx -src \"foosrc\\.sty=>foo.sty\" -doc foodoc.tex foo\n\n"; print "Example 2:\n"; print "Documenation is in bardoc.tex\n"; print "Source code is in barsrc.sty. The final extracted version should be\n"; print "called bar.sty. Source code is also in barsrc.bst. The final extracted\n"; print "version should be called bar.bst. The dtx file should be called bar.dtx and\n"; print "the ins file should be called bar.ins\n\n"; print "makedtx -src \"barsrc\\.sty=>bar.sty\" -src \"barsrc\\.bst=>bar.bst\" -doc bardoc.tex bar\n\n"; print "Or\n\n"; print "makedtx -src \"barsrc\\.(bst|sty)=>bar.\$1\" -doc bardoc.tex bar\n\n"; die; } sub eatinitialspaces { my ($STR) = @_; while (substr($STR,0,1) eq "\s") { $STR = substr($STR,1); } return $STR; } sub getnextgroup { my($curline) = @_; $curline = &eatinitialspaces($curline); # check to see if current string is blank if ($curline!~/[^\s]+/m) { return ("","",0); } if (($group = substr($curline,0,1)) ne "{") { # next group hasn't been delimited with braces # return first non-whitespace character $curline = substr($curline,1); # unless it's a backslash, in which case get command name if ($group eq "\\") { if ($curline=~/([a-zA-Z]+)(^[a-zA-Z].*)/m) { $group = $1; $curline = $2; } else { # command is made up of backslash followed by symbol $curline=~/([\W_0-9\s\\])(.*)/m; $group = $1; $curline = $2; } } return ($group,$curline,1); } my $pos=index($curline, "{"); my $startpos=$pos; my $posopen=0; my $posclose=0; my $bracelevel = 1; my $done=0; while (!$done) { $pos++; $posopen = index($curline, "{", $pos); # check to make sure it's not a \{ while ((substr($curline, $posopen-1,1) eq "\\") and ($posopen > 0)) { # count how many backlashes come before it. $i = $posopen-1; $numbs = 1; while ((substr($curline, $i-1,1) eq "\\") and ($i > 0)) { $numbs++; $i--; } # is $numbs is odd, we have a \{, otherwise we have \\{ if ($numbs%2 == 0) { last; } else { $posopen = index($curline, "{", $posopen+1); } } $posclose= index($curline, "}", $pos); # check to make sure it's not a \} while ((substr($curline, $posclose-1,1) eq "\\") and ($posclose > 0)) { # count how many backlashes come before it. $i = $posclose-1; $numbs = 1; while ((substr($curline, $i-1,1) eq "\\") and ($i > 0)) { $numbs++; $i--; } # is $numbs is odd, we have a \}, otherwise we have \\} if ($numbs%2 == 0) { last; } else { $posclose = index($curline, "}", $posclose+1); } } if (($posopen==-1) and ($posclose==-1)) { $done=1; } elsif ($posopen==-1) { $pos=$posclose; $bracelevel--; if ($bracelevel==0) { $group = substr($curline, $startpos+1, $pos-$startpos-1); $curline = substr($curline, $pos+1); return ($group,$curline,1); } } elsif ($posclose==-1) { $pos=$posopen; $bracelevel++; } elsif ($posopen<$posclose) { $pos=$posopen; $bracelevel++; } elsif ($posclose<$posopen) { $pos=$posclose; $bracelevel--; if ($bracelevel==0) { $group = substr($curline, $startpos+1, $pos-$startpos-1); $curline = substr($curline, $pos+1); return ($group,$curline,1); } } } # closing brace must be on another line return ("", $curline, 0); } 1; % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\Finale \endinput