\chapter{Staff Size} \index{staff size}\label{staffspacing} In contrast with the prior section, here we describe how to change the sizes of everything...staff, notes, and all other symbols. In Section~\ref{whatspecify} we saw how to set the size for all instruments at the start of a score. Any one of the same macros---\verb|\normalmusicsize|, \verb|\smallmusicsize|, \verb|\largemusicsize|, or \verb|\Largemusicsize|---can be used to change the size of all instruments midway through a score, but in this case it must come between \verb|\stoppiece| and \verb|\startpiece|. Once the overall staff size is set, you can alter the size of any desired instrument with the macro \keyindex{setsize}\itbrace{n}\itbrace{s}, where $n$ is the instrument number and $s$ is a factor by which the size is to be changed from the prevailing overall size. There are five predefined macros that should be used for the size factor $s$. Their names and respective values are \keyindex{normalvalue}~($1.0$), \keyindex{smallvalue}~($0.80$), \keyindex{tinyvalue}~($0.64$), \keyindex{largevalue}~($1.2$), and \keyindex{Largevalue}~($1.44$). \musixtex\ should not crash if you use an explicit number different from any of these, but the result may be less than satisfactory. Once again, if used at the beginning of a piece, the \verb|\setsize| macro must precede \verb|\startpiece| (not \verb|\contpiece|), and if used after the beginning, must be preceded by \verb|\stoppiece|. As an example, we give two bars of the \ital{Ave Maria} by Charles {\sc Gounod}\index{Gounod, C.@{\sc Gounod, C.}}, based on the first prelude of J. S. Bach's \ital{Well Tempered Clavier}, as transcribed for organ, violin and voice by Markus {\sc Veittes}:\label{avemaria} \begin{music} \def\oct{\advance\transpose by 7} \def\liftqs#1{\raise#1\Interligne\qs} \parindent0pt \sepbarrules \instrumentnumber{3} \generalmeter{\meterC} \setinterinstrument2{3\Interligne} \setsize3\tinyvalue \setsize2\tinyvalue \setclef1\bass \setstaffs1{2} \startpiece\addspace\afterruleskip %Takt 9 \notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp e|\ds&\oct \itieu5h\hl h&\tx ~~~gra---*\itied4h\hu h\en \notes|\ibbl0j3\qb0h\tqb0l\en \notes|\ibbl1k0\qb1{ohl}\tqb1o\en \notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp e|\ds&\oct \ttie5\ibl4c0\qb4h&\ttie4\ibu5g{-3}\qb5h\en \notes|\ibbl0j3\qb0h\tqb0l&\oct\qb4a&\tx ---*\tqh5a\en \notes|\ibbl1k0\qb1o\qb1h&\oct\qb4b&\tx ~~ti~-*\cu b\en \notes|\qb1l\tqb1o&\oct\tqb4c&\tx a*\cu c\en \bar %Takt 10 \notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp d|\ds&\oct \qlp d&\tx ~~~ple---*\ibsluru4e\qup d\en \notes|\ibbu1g3\bigaccid\qb1{^f}\tqh1h\en \notes|\ibbu2i0\qb2k\qb2f\en \notes|\qb2h\tqh2k&\oct\cl e&\tubslur4f\cu e\en \notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp d|\ds&\oct\ql d&\tx na,*\qu d\en \notes|\ibbu1g3\qb1f\tqh1h\en \notes|\ibbu2i0\qb2{kfh}\tqh2k&\qp&\qp\en \endpiece \end{music} This example was coded as: \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim} \def\oct{\advance\transpose by 7} \def\liftqs#1{\raise#1\Interligne\qs} \parindent0pt \sepbarrules \instrumentnumber{3} \generalmeter{\meterC} \setinterinstrument2{3\Interligne} \setsize3\tinyvalue \setsize2\tinyvalue \setclef1\bass \setstaffs1{2} \startpiece\addspace\afterruleskip %Takt 9 \notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp e|\ds&\oct \itieu5h\hl h&\tx ~~~gra---*\itied4h\hu h\en \notes|\ibbl0j3\qb0h\tqb0l\en \notes|\ibbl1k0\qb1{ohl}\tqb1o\en \notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp e|\ds&\oct \ttie5\ibl4c0\qb4h&\ttie4\ibu5g{-3}\qb5h\en \notes|\ibbl0j3\qb0h\tqb0l&\oct\qb4a&\tx ---*\tqh5a\en \notes|\ibbl1k0\qb1o\qb1h&\oct\qb4b&\tx ~~ti~-*\cu b\en \notes|\qb1l\tqb1o&\oct\tqb4c&\tx a*\cu c\en \bar %Takt 10 \notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp d|\ds&\oct \qlp d&\tx ~~~ple---*\ibsluru4e\qup d\en \notes|\ibbu1g3\bigaccid\qb1{^f}\tqh1h\en \notes|\ibbu2i0\qb2k\qb2f\en \notes|\qb2h\tqh2k&\oct\cl e&\curve222\tubslur4f\cu e\en \notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp d|\ds&\oct\ql d&\tx na,*\qu d\en \notes|\ibbu1g3\qb1f\tqh1h\en \notes|\ibbu2i0\qb2{kfh}\tqh2k&\qp&\qp\en \endpiece \end{verbatim}\end{quote}