% !TEX root = texblend-doc.tex % !TEX TS-program = lualatex \section{Usage} The basic usage of \TeX Blend is as follows: \begin{verbatim} $ texblend chapter.tex \end{verbatim} This command combines the text from the document \texttt{chapter.tex} with the preamble from the main document specified in the root directive and directly compiles the resulting document. The output will be saved as \texttt{chapter.pdf}. \subsection{Command Line Options} TeXBlend supports a variety of command-line options: \begin{verbatim} texblend [options] filename Available options: -e,--expand Expand variables in the template -h,--help Print the help message -H,--HTML Compile to HTML using TeX4ht -l,--lualatex Select lualatex as compiler -o,--output (default "") Set the output file name -O,--texoptions (default "") Extra options that should be passed to the LaTeX compiler -p,--pdflatex Select pdflatex as compiler -P,--print Don't compile the document, print the expanded template instead -s,--shell-escape Enable execution of external commands in LaTeX -t,--template (default "") Use explicit template instead of the one provided in the input file -v,--version Print version info -x,--xelatex Select xelatex as compiler (string) Use "-" if you want to pass document from the standard input \end{verbatim} You can join multiple short options, for example the following call uses separate short options: \begin{verbatim} $ texblend -e -l -o test chapter.tex \end{verbatim} It can be shortened to this form: \begin{verbatim} $ texblend -elo test chapter.tex \end{verbatim} \subsection{Compilation Options} You can override the \verb'program' directive, which specifies the \LaTeX\ engine used, with one of the options \verb|--lualatex|, \verb|--xelatex|, or \verb|--pdflatex|. The default program used when the document lacks a \verb'program' directive and none of these options is used is \verb|pdflatex|. If the document uses external commands, such as with the Minted or Imakeidx packages, you can utilize the \verb|--shell-escape| option. You can specify additional options for the LaTeX compiler using the \verb|--texoptions| option. Instead of compiling, you can print the assembled document to standard output using the option \verb|--print|. To change name of the generated PDF file, use the \verb|--output| option. \subsection{Usage of Templates} Instead of the main document specified in the \verb'root' directive, you can use another document as a template, chosen using the \verb|--template| option. You can use the entire file path or simply specify the file name, making use of the \verb'kpsewhich' command (see section~\ref{sec:placement}) to locate the file. If you are using variables in the template (see section~\ref{sec:variables}), use the \verb'--expand' option to expand them with the values specified in the document's directives. \subsection{HTML Support} \TeX Blend supports direct export to HTML using \TeX4ht. A note regarding the \verb|--texoptions| command line option: you can utilize this option to pass all command-line arguments to \verb|make4ht|. Ensure to include the \verb|-| character in place of the filename for proper execution. For example, if you want to use the \verb|fn-in| option for endnotes, use the following command: \begin{verbatim} $ texblend -HO '- "fn-in"' chapter.tex \end{verbatim} If you want to use a configuration file in addition, you will need this command: \begin{verbatim} $ texblend -HO '-c config.cfg - "fn-in"' chapter.tex \end{verbatim}