\documentstyle[12pt,myparms]{article} \title{The {\tt rfc} Style} \author{Ralph Droms \\ Bucknell Univerity} \begin{document} \bibliographystyle{/home/sol/CSFAC/droms/lib/plain} \maketitle The {\tt rfc} style is a modification of the \LaTeX\ {\tt article} style that produces documents in the format of Internet RFCs. It includes several new commands that define fields required for RFC headers, and then generates a document header and page headers and footers that follow the RFC format. The {\tt rfc} commands are: \begin{description} \item[{\tt \\rfcnum\{ \}} :] specifies the number of this RFC. the word ``DRAFT'' can be substituted for draft RFCs. \item[{\tt \\pubdate\{ \}} :] defines the publication date to be printed in the RFC headers. \item[{\tt \\title\{ \}} :] specifies the title of the RFC. \item[{\tt \\author\{ \}} :] gives the RFC author. \item[{\tt \\address\{ \}} :] gives the author's address. \item[{\tt \\maketitle} :] generates the RFC header on the first page. \end{description} \newpage Using {\tt rfc} requires simply that {\tt rfc} be specified in the list of {\tt .sty} files, and that the commands in the list above all be filled in. For example, the following is extracted from a draft RFC: \begin{verbatim} \documentstyle[12pt,rfc]{article} \author{R. Droms} \rfcnum{DRAFT} \address{NRI} \pubdate{November, 1989} \title{Dynamic Host Configuration} \begin{document} \maketitle \end{verbatim} \end{document}