.TH XLATEX 1 "august 24, 1994" "Xlatex Version 3.3c" .SH SYNTAX .B xlatex [\fIToolkit args\fP] [\fIcontrol args\fP] [\fBdocument\fP] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \fIXlatex\fP has been designed to simplify the use of text processing tools relatives to \fITeX\fP or \fILaTeX\fP. It's a main board with \fBcommand buttons\fP to initiate the work, \fPchangeable fields\fP representing the working environment and a \fBscrollable input/output window\fP receiving diagnostic messages. Xlatex is \fBNOT\fP a new previewer nor a \fIwysiwyg\fP package: it's just a fast and practice commands sequencer. .SH ARGUMENTS .sp 1 .TP 1c \fBdocument\fP absolute or relative path to the \fILaTeX\fP document. The \fI.tex\fP suffix may or may not be specified. By default \fBdocument.tex\fP is assumed. .PP .SH CONTROL ARGUMENT .sp 1 .TP 1c \fB-gfont\fP \fIfont\fP Generic font for the various fonts used in the design of \fIxlatex\fP. See \fB font resources\fP below. .PP .SH DEFAULT XLATEX WORKING ENVIRONMENT Most of these defaults may be overriden by resources specification. .ta 4c .sp 1 directory current working directory .sp 0 document \fBdocument.tex\fP .sp 0 text processor \fBlatex\fP .sp 0 previewer \fBxdvi\fP .sp 0 driver \fBdvips\fP .sp 0 drawing tool \fBxfig\fP .sp 0 printer command \fBlpr\fP .sp 0 printer station defined in the \fBPRINTER\fP environment variable .sp 0 text editor defined in the \fBEDITOR\fP environment variable .DT .PP .SH THE XLATEX WINDOW The xlatex window is divided in three parts: .RS 1c - command buttons .sp 0 - fields defining the working environment .sp 0 - scrollable input/output window .RE .sp 1 .B command buttons .sp 1 .TP 2.5c \fBPROCESS\fP submit the document to the text processor .TP 2.5c \fBDRAW\fP call a drawing tool .TP 2.5c \fBVIEW\fP call the previewer .TP 2.5c \fBPOSTSCRIPT\fP generate a PostScript document .TP 2.5c \fBPRINT\fP popup a form which allow you to specify the printing command and its optional arguments, the printer, the pages range and the number of copies. By clicking in the \fBOK\fP button, the \fBdvips\fP command is executed in pipe with the \fIprinter\fP command. .TP 2.5c \fBSTATUS\fP show the printer queue. .TP 2.5c \fBEDIT\fP invoke the text editor with the current document. If the \fBediteurAvecXterm\fP resource has a \fBtrue\fP value, the editor is invoked inside an \fBxterm\fP session. .TP 2.5c \fBQUIT\fP quit the application. .PP .sp 1 .B fields defining the working environment .sp 1 These fields can be modified at any time. .RS 1c .TP 2.5c \fBdirectory\fP current working directory .TP 2.5c \fBdocument\fP current document (the \fI.tex\fP doesn't appear) .TP 2.5c \fBpreviewer\fP current previewer. Cliking inside popups a menu showing a list of \fIdvi\fP previewers (see \fBvisionneurs\fP resource) and next a list of \fIPostScript\fP previewers (see \fBvisionneursPS\fP resource). .TP 2.5c \fBtext processor\fP current text processor .TP 2.5c \fBdrawing tool\fP current drawing tool. .TP 2.5c \fBeditor\fP current text editor. .RE .PP .sp 1 .B scrolled input/output window .sp 1 This window receives all the messages produced by the execution of commands submited like \fIlatex\fP and so on. You can type messages which are send to the current executing command. Note that the \fB^C\fP and \fP^D\fP sequences send the \fPSIGINT\fP and \fPSIGTERM\fP respectively to the last submited text processor. .SH NOTES .PP Commands linked with buttons are executed by \fIexecv\fP (3) or \fIexecl\fP (3). Therefore, these commands can't be shell scripts. .SH ACCELERATORS .PP Available everywhere in the xlatex window, accelerators have the same effect as command buttons. Here are the relationships between accelerators and the command buttons: .sp 1 .RS 1c Meta-t PROCESS (\fBT\fPeX) .sp 0 Meta-f FIG .sp 0 Meta-p PRINT .sp 0 Meta-d DVIPS .sp 0 Meta-v VIEW .sp 0 Meta-s STATUS .sp 0 Meta-e EDIT .sp 0 Meta-q QUIT .RE .SH RESSOURCES .PP Resources may figure in your X-defaults resources file, \fBXlatex\fP is the application name. .TP 2.5c \fBrepertoireInitial\fP initial directory. If not specified, it's the current working directory. It may be usefull to specify this resource if you always invoke xlatex from a menu. .TP 2.5c \fBfaconneur\fP text processor (\fBlatex\fP by default) .TP 2.5c \fBvisionneurs\fP list of device-independent previewers (separated by a space or comma). A default previewer can be set by preceding its name by a wildcard character (*). .TP 2.5c \fBvisionneursPS\fP list of PostScript previewers (separated by a space or comma). A default previewer can be set by preceding its name by a wildcard character (*). .TP 2.5c \fBediteur\fP text editor (issued by default from the \fBEDITOR\fP environment variable) .TP 2.5c \fBpilote\fP PostScript driver command (\fBdvips\fP) by default) .TP 2.5c \fBimpression\fP Postscript printer command piped with dvips (\fBlpr\fP by default) .TP 2.5c \fBdessin\fP drawing command (default \fBxfig\fP) .TP 2.5c \fBediteurAvecXterm\fP If \fBTrue\fP (the default), the text editor session will be invoked under an xterm session (\fIgnu-emacs\fP doesn't require this). .PP .SH RESSOURCES EXAMPLES .sp 1 .ta Xlatex.visionneurs: *xdvi, texx .sp 0 Xlatex.visionneursPS: ghostview, gs .sp 1 .DT \fBbitmap\fP standard resources can be applied to command buttons : .sp 1 Xlatex*faconner.bitmap: xlatex.faconner .sp 0 Xlatex*visionner.bitmap: xlatex.visionner .sp 0 Xlatex*dessiner.bitmap: xlatex.dessiner .sp 0 Xlatex*imprimer.bitmap: xlatex.imprimer .sp 0 Xlatex*editer.bitmap: xlatex.editer .sp 0 Xlatex*statut.bitmap: xlatex.statut .sp 0 Xlatex*quitter.bitmap: xlatex.quitter .sp 1 .PP .SH WIDGETS TREE .sp 1 .ta 2c 3c 4c 5c 6c 7c 8c 9c p.sp 0 Xlatex xlatex .sp 0 Form form .sp 0 Command editer .sp 0 Command dessiner .sp 0 Command faconner .sp 0 Command visionner .sp 0 Command postscript .sp 0 Command imprimer .sp 0 Command statut .sp 0 Command quitter .sp 0 Label repertoireLab .sp 0 Text repertoire .sp 0 Label dessinLab .sp 0 Text dessin .sp 0 Label documentLab .sp 0 Text document .sp 0 Label visionneursLab .sp 0 MenuButton visionneurs .sp 0 SimpleMenu menuVisionneurs .sp 0 SmeBSB xdvi .sp 0 SmeBSB texx .sp 0 SmeLine separateur .sp 0 SmeBSB ghostview .sp 0 SmeBSB gs .sp 0 Label faconneurLab .sp 0 Text faconneur .sp 0 Label editeurLab .sp 0 Text editeur .sp 0 Label piloteLab .sp 0 Text pilote .sp 0 Text interaction .sp 0 TransientShell popup .sp 0 Form form .sp 0 Label impressionLab .sp 0 Text impression .sp 0 Label imprimanteLab .sp 0 Text imprimante .sp 0 Toggle toutesTog .sp 0 Label toutesLab .sp 0 Toggle deTog .sp 0 Label deLab .sp 0 Text de .sp 0 Label aLab .sp 0 Text a .sp 0 Command ok .sp 0 Command annuler .sp 0 Label copiesLab .sp 0 Text copies .sp 0 .PP .SH FILES .sp 0 /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Xlatex .sp 0 ~/.Xdefaults .SH BUGS .sp 1 When \fBXlatex\fP exits, it sends \fBSIGTERM\fP signal to the process group of which it's the leader. However if some of these process create a new process group or session, this signal will be ineffective. .SH AUTHOR .PP Mario Dragone .br IUP Vannes (France) Send bugs and comments to: .sp 1 dragone@iu-vannes.fr