# Attention :warning: This repository is mirrored to [github](https://github.com/tcltk/tcllib). We are __not tracking issues at github__. With the exeception of the maintainer of the mirroring setup nobody will even see issues created at github. Please use the [official ticket tracker](https://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib/reportlist) instead. # Welcome Welcome to Tcllib, the Tcl Standard Library. Note that Tcllib is not a package itself. It is a collection of (semi-independent) Tcl packages that provide utility functions useful to a large collection of Tcl programmers. At our [home site](http://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib) you will find the official fossil repository used to manage our sources, together with the bug tracker. This is also the main location for releases to download from. We have a [secondary download location](https://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib/files) where the Tcllib sources were hosted in the past. SourceForge is also where our [mailing lists](https://sourceforge.net/p/tcllib/mailman) are (still) hosted. Another location to find these sources at is the [github mirror](https://github.com/tcltk/tcllib). Please note the :warning: at the top. # Guides To Tcllib * [Tcl Community - Kind Communication](embedded/md/tcllib/files/devdoc/tcl_community_communication.md) * [License](embedded/md/tcllib/files/devdoc/tcllib_license.md) * [How To Get The Sources](embedded/md/tcllib/files/devdoc/tcllib_sources.md) * [How To Build And Install Tcllib](embedded/md/tcllib/files/devdoc/tcllib_installer.md) * [The Developer's Guide](embedded/md/tcllib/files/devdoc/tcllib_devguide.md) * [The Release Manager's Guide](embedded/md/tcllib/files/devdoc/tcllib_releasemgr.md)