#!/usr/bin/env tclsh ## -*- tcl -*- # Sort CSV data by a column package require csv package require cmdline # ---------------------------------------------------- # csvsort ?-sep sepchar? ?-f? ?-n? ?-r? ?-skip cnt? column file.in|- file.out|- # # Argument processing and checks. set sepChar , set sortmode ascii set order increasing set reverse 0 set skip 0 set usage "Usage: $argv0 ?-sep sepchar? ?-f? ?-n? ?-r? ?-skip cnt? column file.in|- file.out|-" while {[set ok [cmdline::getopt argv {sep.arg f n r skip.arg} opt val]] > 0} { #puts stderr "= $opt $val" switch -exact -- $opt { sep {set sepChar $val} n {set sortmode integer} f {set sortmode real} r {set order decreasing} skip {set skip $val} } } if {($ok < 0) || ([llength $argv] != 3)} { puts stderr $usage exit -1 } foreach {sortCol in out} $argv break if { ![string is integer $sortCol] || ($sortCol < 0) || ![string compare $in ""] || ![string compare $out ""] } { puts stderr $usage exit -1 } if {![string compare $in -]} { set in stdin } else { set in [open $in r] } if {![string compare $out -]} { set out stdout } else { set out [open $out w] } # ---------------------------------------------------- # Actual processing, uses the following information from the # commandline: # # in - channel for input # out - channel for output # sepChar - separator character # sortCol - column to sort after # sortmode - Sort integer (1) or string (0) # reverse - Sort ascending (0) or descending (1) # skip - Skip that many lines at the beginning. set data [list] while {![eof $in]} { if {[gets $in line] < 0} { continue } if {$skip > 0} { puts $out $line incr skip -1 continue } lappend data [::csv::split $line $sepChar] } #puts stderr $sortmode,$order set data [lsort -index $sortCol -$order -$sortmode $data] foreach item $data { puts $out [::csv::join $item $sepChar] } exit ; # automatically closes the channels