[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin map::geocode::nominatim n 0.1] [keywords geocoding] [keywords http] [keywords location] [keywords map] [keywords nominatim] [keywords server] [keywords url] [moddesc {Mapping utilities}] [titledesc {Resolving geographical names with a Nominatim service}] [require Tcl 8.5] [require http] [require json] [require uri] [require snit] [require map::geocode::nominatim [opt 0.1]] [description] This package provides a class for accessing geocoding services which implement the [term Nominatim] interface (see [sectref {References}]) [section API] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::map::geocode::nominatim] [arg requestor] \ [opt "[option -baseurl] [arg url]"] \ [opt "[option -callback] [arg callback]"] \ [opt "[option -error] [arg {error callback}]"]] Creates a geocoding request object [arg requestor], which will send its requests to the [term Nominatim] server. [para] The result of the command is [arg name]. [list_end] [subsection Options] [list_begin options] [opt_def -baseurl [arg url]] The base URL of the [term Nominatim] service. Default value is [term OpenStreetMap's] service at [uri http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search] A possible free alternative is at [uri http://open.mapquestapi.com//nominatim/v1/search] [opt_def -callback [arg cmdprefix]] A command prefix to be invoked when search result become available. The default setting, active when nothing was specified on object creation, is to print the [arg result] (see below) to [term stdout]. The result of the command prefix is ignored. Errors thrown by the command prefix are caught and cause the invokation of the error callback (see option [option -error] below), with the error message as argument. [para] The signature of the command prefix is: [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd \$cmdprefix] [arg result]] The [arg result] is a list of dictionaries, containing one item per hit. Each dictionary will have the following entries: [list_begin definitions] [def place_id] The place ID (FIXME: what's this?) [def licence] The data licence string [def osm_type] The OSM type of the location [def osm_id] FIXME [def boundingbox] The coordinates of the bounding box (min and max latitude, min and max longitude) [def lat] The location's latitude [def lon] The location's longitude [def display_name] the location's human readable name [def class] FIXME [def type] FIXME [def icon] FIXME [list_end] [list_end] [opt_def -error [arg cmdprefix]] A command prefix to be invoked when encountering errors. Typically these are HTTP errors. The default setting, active when nothing was specified on object creation, is to print the [arg errorstring] (see below) to [term stderr]. The result of the command prefix is ignored. Errors thrown by the command prefix are passed to higher levels. [para] The signature of the command prefix is: [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd \$cmdprefix] [arg errorstring]] [list_end] [list_end] [subsection Methods] [list_begin definitions] [call [arg requestor] [method search] [arg query]] This method returns a list of dictionaries, one item per hit for the specified [arg query]. [list_end] [section References] [list_begin enum] [enum] [uri http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim] [enum] [uri http://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/] [list_end] [manpage_end]