# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 name pari-extra version 20230725 revision 0 categories math platforms {darwin any} supported_archs noarch maintainers {@catap korins.ky:kirill} openmaintainer license GPL-2+ description PARI/GP optional packages. long_description {*}${description} homepage https://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/ master_sites ${homepage}pub/pari/packages/ use_configure no depends_run port:pari build {} extract.suffix .tgz subport pari-elldata { version 20210301 revision 0 description PARI/GP version of J. E. Cremona Elliptic Curve Data long_description {*}${description}, needed by ellsearch and ellidentify. checksums rmd160 5d9c5683c13c1f7a86512720dd19483f0db72936 \ sha256 dd551e64932d4ab27b3f2b2d1da871c2353672fc1a74705c52e3c0de84bd0cf6 \ size 57455317 } subport pari-galpol { version 20180625 revision 0 description PARI package of the GALPOL database of polynomials defining Galois extensions of the rationals long_description {*}${description}, accessed by galoisgetpol, galoisgetgroup, galoisgetname. checksums rmd160 c311d0e5f4f81c020f1b7d3693c553871f6f832f \ sha256 562af28316ee335ee38c1172c2d5ecccb79f55c368fb9f2c6f40fc0f416bb01b \ size 10049371 } subport pari-seadata { version 20090618 revision 0 description These polynomials were extracted from the ECHIDNA databases and computed by David R. Kohel long_description {*}${description}. This covers finite fields of cardinality q up to 750 bits. \ PARI/GP 2.9 contains fallback code to go on when all modular polynomials in the database have been exhausted \ and can handle larger fields (with an important slowdown). Needed by ellap and ellcard for large primes. checksums rmd160 e88637426f74c5223068fc2d916741c10d8279e4 \ sha256 c9282a525ea3f92c1f9c6c69e37ac5a87b48fb9ccd943cfd7c881a3851195833 \ size 19214199 conflicts pari-seadata-small } subport pari-seadata-small { version 20090618 revision 0 description The second one is a much smaller version that should be suitable for fields up to 350 bits. long_description {*}${description} checksums rmd160 b0437047c45f4e2e9155a52e857355723d279a54 \ sha256 bf5be913472b268df7f1242f94c68113fcacceb30c280507447ff2be62760a8f \ size 670664 conflicts pari-seadata } subport pari-seadata-big { version 20170418 revision 0 description The third one is huge and contains extra modular polynomials of level between 500 and 800. long_description {*}${description} This is suitable for fields up to 1100 bits. checksums rmd160 7c4623ecfe0c23c608af510f832de35b401e361b \ sha256 7c4db2624808a5bbd2ba00f8b644a439f0508532efd680a247610fdd5822a5f2 \ size 103526400 extract.suffix .tar extract.cmd cat extract.pre_args } subport pari-nftables { version 20080929 revision 0 description Repackaging of the historical megrez number field tables (errors fixed, 1/10th the size, easier to use). long_description {*}${description} This package requires no installation: extract it where desired and look at the README. \ Individual tables from the package are available separately. checksums rmd160 48a9c48246f91c1983712682937d666ba1ae6458 \ sha256 8dd3393ce6b3cfcf599f094f7b22bdffe17c3ba25deb912513d54676bd7cfe92 \ size 8393731 } subport pari-galdata { version 20080412 revision 0 description Needed by polgalois to compute Galois group in degrees 8 through 11. long_description {*}${description} checksums rmd160 488afbddf7026dd6d0c9ebbed72cb14c8c37173e \ sha256 b7c1650099b24a20bdade47a85a928351c586287f0d4c73933313873e63290dd \ size 53229 } subport pari-nflistdata { version 20220729 revision 0 description Needed by nflist to list fields of small discriminant long_description {*}${description} (currently needed by the single Galois groups A5 and A5(6)) or to list regular extensions of Q(T) in degree 7 to 15. checksums rmd160 8c948956c89a0b1520cb365f042894527cd94cb5 \ sha256 2c19a3e02afd3bba2af3071a7faa80924a75b00bb9713286c886b7fb460944bc \ size 3623252 } distname [regsub ***=pari- $subport ""] destroot { if {[file exists ${workpath}/data]} { move ${workpath}/data ${destroot}${prefix}/share/pari } else { xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/pari move ${workpath}/${distname} ${destroot}${prefix}/share/pari/${distname} } } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url [lindex ${master_sites} 0] livecheck.version [regsub {(....)(..)(..)} ${version} {\1-\2-\3}] livecheck.regex "${distname}${extract.suffix}(\\d+-\\d+-\\d+) " if {${name} eq ${subport}} { PortGroup stub 1.0 depends_run-append port:pari-elldata \ port:pari-galpol \ port:pari-seadata \ port:pari-seadata-big \ port:pari-nftables \ port:pari-galdata \ port:pari-nflistdata livecheck.type none }