# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup active_variants 1.1 PortGroup boost 1.0 name shibboleth version 3.4.1 categories security www shibboleth license Apache maintainers {snc @nerdling} {scantor @scantor} description Shibboleth Native Service Provider long_description The Shibboleth System is a standards based, open source \ software package for web single sign-on across or within \ organizational boundaries. It allows sites to make \ informed authorization decisions for individual access of \ protected online resources in a privacy-preserving manner. homepage https://www.shibboleth.net/ boost.depends_type build platforms darwin depends_build port:pkgconfig depends_lib port:opensaml \ port:xmltooling \ port:xercesc3 \ port:xml-security-c \ port:log4shib \ port:apache2 master_sites http://shibboleth.net/downloads/service-provider/${version}/ distname ${name}-sp-${version} use_bzip2 yes worksrcdir ${name}-sp-${version} checksums rmd160 5af8c3c5901042982fd1677b120c7075f623357f \ sha256 bffe3e62e46d86cc75db1093b77fa1456b30da7c930a13708afa0139c8a8acc1 \ size 830667 require_active_variants curl ssl use_autoreconf yes autoreconf.args -fvi configure.args --enable-apache-24 variant odbc description {enable odbc support} { depends_lib-append port:unixODBC configure.args-append --enable-odbc } destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${prefix}/var/log/${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run/${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/var/cache/${name} destroot.args NOKEYGEN=1 post-destroot { file delete {*}[glob ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name}/*.logger] file delete {*}[glob ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name}/*.html] file delete {*}[glob ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name}/*.xml] file delete {*}[glob ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name}/shibd-*] } post-activate { # Make sure initial conf files are present and set up correctly set confDir ${prefix}/etc/${name} foreach f [glob -tails -directory ${confDir} *.dist] { regexp {(.+)\.dist} $f ign destname if {![file exists ${confDir}/${destname}]} { file copy ${confDir}/${f} ${confDir}/${destname} } } if {![file exists ${confDir}/sp-key.pem]} { system -W ${prefix}/etc/${name} "./keygen.sh -b -n sp-signing" system -W ${prefix}/etc/${name} "./keygen.sh -b -n sp-encrypt" } } startupitem.create yes startupitem.name shibd startupitem.executable ${prefix}/sbin/shibd -F -f -p ${prefix}/var/run/${name}/shibd.pid livecheck.type regex livecheck.url http://shibboleth.net/downloads/service-provider/latest/ livecheck.regex ${name}-sp-(\\d+\\.\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)