Title: gkrellm-gtk2-2.2.2.dsl Description: System Monitor + Version: 2.2.2 Author: See http://web.wt.net/~billw/gkrellm/gkrellm.html Original-site: http://web.wt.net/~billw/gkrellm/gkrellm.html Copying-policy: GPL -----==[ Color = red Filesize: 629K ]==----- Extension by: ke4nt Comments: USE THIS WITH THE GTK2-0705.DSL ONLY - IT IS MISSING GTK2 GKrellM is a single process stack of system monitors which supports applying themes to match it's appearance to your window manager, Gtk, or any other theme Change-log: 10/28/2004 - First Edition Current: 07/18/2005 - Revised for gtk2-0705.dsl