Title: xmms-shn.dsl Description: xmms plugin to play shn audio files Version: 2.40 Author: Jason Jordan (shnutils@freeshell.org) Original-site: http://shnutils.freeshell.org/ Copying-policy: GPL ========================================================= Extension by: plinej Comments: It's an XMMS input plugin to play shorten (.shn) files. As of version 2.0, xmms-shn no longer depends on an external shorten executable to function. However, to take advantage of the real-time seeking capabilities built into version 2.x, you have to seek-enable your .shn's with the new version 3 of shorten. Change-log: http://shnutils.freeshell.org/xmms-shn/doc/ChangeLog Current: 2006/01/19