Title: azbook.uci Description: AZ Book - an address book Version: 2.1 Author: P.Lee Original-site: http://petepr.hopto.org/azbook/azbook.html Copying-policy: GNU LGPL -----==[ Color = green Filesize: 79k ]==----- Extension by: P.Lee _ Comments: Simple address book with 20 fields per record. Records can be tagged to one of 10 groups. Reads and writes to .CSV files. _ Made with Vgui (www.objectcentral.org) _ All files self contained in /opt/azbook. (creates .azbook.ini in home directory). _ Change-log: 2006/09/25 - First version. 2006/10/16 - changed to .UCI - fixed bugs in Groups (order/saving). 2006/12/20 - Added optional blowfish encryption. - Improved text field focus. - Took away update button, now auto updates. Current: 2007/03/31 - Group Indication. Fixed navigation bug.