Title: lighttpd.uci Description: lightweight web server Version: 1.4.19 Author: Jan Kneschke Original-site: http://www.lighttpd.net/ Copying-policy: revised BSD license --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extension by: mikshaw (mrblog*yahoo*com) Comments: Small, secure, fast, compliant and flexible web server that has been optimized for high-performance environments. There is a simple graphical interface included for starting and stopping the server interactively in X. The start script and gui both look for a configuration file in the following order: 1. a file specified by the LIGHTTPD_CONF variable 2. /opt/lighttpd.conf 3. /opt/lighttpd/test/lighttpd.conf Script options are start, stop, restart, and test. The test option checks for proper syntax in the configuration file. The #3 file /opt/lighttpd/test/lighttpd.conf is a test site demonstrating some of Lightys features. If you don't have a custom conf file and you point your browser to localhost, you will be presented with this site. IMPORTANT: The test site should NOT be used as a base for a production website as it is an insecure site meant only for demonstrating lighty features. Please don't use this server while connected to the internet until you've got a proper configuration file and website in place. The server runs as user nobody by default, but must be started as root (example: sudo /opt/lighttpd/lightygui.lua) Change-log: Current: 2008/03/28 - Upgraded to 1.4.19 Small changes to gui and test site Access to test site limited to localhost only Replaced "sudo su -c" with "sudo" in menu item Fixed icon for DSL 4.x 2008/01/08 - Upgraded to 1.4.18 Minor tweaks to the test site 2007/08/05 - Upgraded to 1.4.17 Included license file (apologies to the author) Added support for MurgaLua 0.5 to the gui 2007/05/20 - Upgraded to 1.4.15 pcre is now used without setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH Dropped support for Lua-FLTK in the gui Gui now uses its own built-in output display Minor tweaks to the test site 2006/10/02 - first release