Title: mlvwm.uci Description: Mac 'like' Virtual Window Manager Version: 0.9.1 D1.2 Author: Takeshi Hasegawa Original-site: http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~y-miyata/mlvwm.html Copying-policy: freeware (copyright remains with author) -----==[ Color = green Filesize: ~134k ]==----- Extension by: humpty Comments: A window manager based on an old version of FVWM. emulates the feel of a mac (1998-2000). _ Requires:fluxbox menus (already part of DSL) Tailored for DSL 4+. _ Run /opt/mlvwm/bin/first-setup.sh for first time install. Edit your $HOME/.desktop and change to 'wm: mlvwm' restart X ctrl-alt-bksp and 'exit' at cmd prompt) _ Important - Set the dfm desktop-context-menu to 'off'. See $HOME/.mlvmrc See /opt/mlvwm/docs/help.txt for more info. Change-log: 2007/12/20 - First version. 2007/12/20 - minor change in Mlvwmrc-dfm Current: 2008/02/21 - removed Exec-Restart, mlvwm is now as original - added external restart-mlvwm binary - added InfoBar swallow app (see $HOME/.infobar.ini)