Title: procps.uci Description: tools to view and control processes Version: 3.2.6 Author: /opt/procps/AUTHORS Original-site: http://procps.sourceforge.net/ Copying-policy: GPL 2 LGPL 2 ==================================================== Extension by: mikshaw [mrblog*yahoo*com] Comments: Although these applications are already included in DSL as part of BusyBox the functionality of those tools is somewhat limited in favor of a much smaller file size. Commands included in this package... free pmap snice uptime kill ps sysctl v p pwdx t vmstat pgrep skill tload w pkill slabtop top watch In order to use these tools PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables must be changed to include /opt/procps/bin in front of the default PATH and /opt/procps/lib as some part of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. To set the paths for the current shell and its children run these commands from your current shell: PATH='/opt/procps/bin:$PATH' LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/procps/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' export PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH To set them for all shells edit $HOME/.bash_profile to include the commands above close your X session and then enter the command 'source $HOME/.bash_profile'. Change-log: Current: 11-04-2005 Initial release