data = $data; } /** * Get $forges * * @return Forge[] */ static function getForges() { if (!empty(self::$forges)) { return self::$forges; } $forges = array( 'eclipse' => array( 'id' => 'eclipse', 'name' => 'Eclipse', 'url' => '', 'hudson_domain' => array( '', '' ) ) ); foreach ($forges as &$forge) { $forge = new self($forge); } return self::$forges = $forges; } /** * Get specific forge * * @param string $id * * @return Forge */ static function getForge($id) { $forges = self::getForges(); if (isset($forges[$id])) { return $forges[$id]; } return array(); } /** * Get default forge * * @return Forge */ static function getDefault() { return self::getForge('eclipse'); } /** * Get forge from project id * * @param unknown $id * * @return NULL|Forge */ static function getForgeForProjectId($id) { $segments = explode('.', $id); if ($segments[0] == 'foundation-internal') { return null; } foreach (self::getForges() as $id => $forge) { if ($id == $segments[0]) { return $forge; } } return self::getDefault(); } /** * Get forge id * * @return string */ function getId() { if (isset($this->data['id'])) { return $this->data['id']; } return ""; } /** * Get forge name * * @return string */ function getName() { if (isset($this->data['name'])) { return $this->data['name']; } return ""; } /** * Get forge url * * @return string */ function getUrl() { if (isset($this->data['url'])) { return $this->data['url']; } return ""; } /** * Get hudson url * * @return array */ function getHudsonDomain() { if (isset($this->data['hudson_domain'])) { return $this->data['hudson_domain']; } return array(); } /** * Get local project id based off the forge * * @param unknown $id * @return unknown|NULL */ function getLocalProjectId($id) { if ($this->isEclipseForge()) { return $id; } $forgeId = $this->getId(); if (preg_match("/^$forgeId\.(.*)$/", $id, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } return null; } /** * Verify if current forge is Eclipse * * @return boolean */ function isEclipseForge() { return $this->getId() == 'eclipse'; } /** * Validate if url is a valid CI url * * @param string $url * @return boolean */ public function isValidCIUrl($url = "") { // Verify the syntax of the given URL if (!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { return FALSE; } // get forge class from $parsed_url = parse_url(strtolower($url)); if (!isset($parsed_url['path'])) { // no path specified return FALSE; } $host_parts = explode('.', $parsed_url['host']); // main domain name should be 2nd from last if (count($host_parts) < 2) { // the build link url is very unlikely to be valid return FALSE; } // check host is in the list of accepted domains $hudson_domain = $this->getHudsonDomain(); if (!in_array($parsed_url['host'], $hudson_domain)) { return FALSE; } // break the path into parts $path_parts = explode('/', trim($parsed_url['path'], '/')); if (empty($path_parts[0])) { // first part is empty, parsed path had only contained '/' return FALSE; } // check path size, should be 1 or 3 parts if (count($path_parts) < 1 || count($path_parts) > 3) { // path longer than expected return FALSE; } if (count($path_parts) === 3) { // some projects have hudson for first path part - should be project name // 2nd part should be job if job specified (3rd part is build job name) if ($path_parts[0] === 'hudson' || $path_parts[1] !== 'job') { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } }