This is the download directory of GSL Shell. In order to compile GSL
shell you need to download:
- the last tarball with the source code of GSL shell, for example
- the source code of Lua patched with LNUM and configured to support
  complex number. For simplicity this file is directly available in this
  directory, it is the file: lua-5.1.4-lnum-gslshell.tgz
The file with Lua shoud be extracted into the gsl-shell source folder.
Then you should build Lua before. Normally this can be done like that:
- enter in the lua-5.1.4 folder
- type 'make linux' on linux or 'make mingw' on windows
then GSL shell can be build by simplify typing 'make'

The author can be contacted at the follow address:

Francesco Abbate