ELF74( VSh~4h@h8P tQ5h@h@h8j uh1ۺ)؍C~1ۃ=t2v%40 C<uփ=u%hh85 1[^ÍvVShs1;^$})F`PC;^$|v`vTVFPFPVuPR =uh85[^ÉUWVS\$0)Ѝ <|$ :1v Cw ShD$,=wD$,tT$,Rh c|$4||$4t|$4~L$4Qh`>t$,t |$4~ |$4~|$4Wt$0hT$4D$ fPL$,Hu t$,F t$,|$ wGuVt$0t l$ dUt$$}D$,PhIxuu1 uD$ ǀhIxuu1 u(D$ @u vT$ vL$,Qh ƻ!@T$ fRVÃ1T$ fRD$ fP}!T$ rSh` euL$ qh|$ f_G@G$GuSt$4t$,T$0jhlL$<y|$@t$@à u=D$ PT$(t$(ÃtZL$ Qy|$(t$(D$ Xu VST$(2h^vhhËL$(YT|$(7h(D$0D$4t$4jT$8J$L$<׋$)|$ t r$vVƒtTuaGsV t SV t description=Modular driver for the COSA or SRP synchronous card<6>cosa v1.06 (c) 1997-8 Jan Kasprzak cosa<4>cosa: unable to get major %d <4>cosa: unable to register chardev <4>cosa: no devices found. <6>Unloading the cosa module cosa%dc%d<6>cosa_probe: invalid IRQ %d <6>cosa_probe: invalid I/O address 0x%x <6>cosa_probe: invalid DMA %d <6>cosa_probe: 8/16 bit base and DMA mismatch (base=0x%x, dma=%d) <7>cosa: probe at 0x%x failed. SRPsrpCOSAcosa8cosa16<6>cosa: valid signature not found at 0x%x. <6>cosa IRQ autoprobe: multiple interrupts obtained (%d, board at 0x%x) <6>cosa IRQ autoprobe: no interrupt obtained (board at 0x%x) <5>cosa%d: allocating resources failed cosa%d<6>cosa%d: %s (%s at 0x%x irq %d dma %d), %d channels <4>%s: register_netdev failed. <4>%s: sppp_open called with usage count %d <4>%s: Transmitter access conflict. <5>%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet <4>%s: rx_done with empty skb! <4>%s: tx_done with empty skb! <6>%s: cosa_read() - OOM <5>%s: cosa_write() OOM - dropping packet <6>cosa_poll is here <6>cosa%d: WARNING: reset requested with cosa->usage > 1 (%d). Odd things may happen. <5>cosa%d: reset failed <6>cosa%d: resetting device: %s <6>cosa%d: WARNING: download of microcode requested with cosa->usage > 1 (%d). Odd things may happen. <5>cosa%d: microcode download failed: %d <6>cosa%d: downloading microcode - 0x%04x bytes at 0x%04x <6>cosa%d: WARNING: readmem requested with cosa->usage > 1 (%d). Odd things may happen. <5>cosa%d: reading memory failed: %d <6>cosa%d: reading card memory - 0x%04x bytes at 0x%04x <6>cosa%d: WARNING: start microcode requested with cosa->usage > 1 (%d). Odd things may happen. <5>cosa%d: start microcode at 0x%04x failed: %d <6>cosa%d: starting microcode at 0x%04x UnknownRXTX<6>%s: %s DMA timeout - restarting. <6>%s: packet spanning a 64k boundary dnld: 0x%04x <6>cosa: 0x%04x bytes remaining <6>cosa: timeout in get_wait_data (status 0x%x) <6>cosa%d: timeout in put_wait_data (status 0x%x) %04X<5>cosa%d: puthexnumber failed to write byte %d <5>cosa%d: puthexhumber failed to read echo of byte %d <4>%s: No channel wants data in TX IRQ. Expect DMA timeout.<7>%s: Forcing TX to not-ready channel %d <6>busmaster IRQ <6>status %x <6>ready after %d loops <4>%s: rx for unknown channel (0x%04x) <6>cosa%d: rejecting packet on channel %d <5>cosa%d: unexpected EOT interrupt <6>cosa%d: unknown status 0x%02x in IRQ after %d retries 8#@#H#P##X#h#x##$ $$G$$,$<$ I 1:yGCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release).symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.data.rel.data.bss.note.modinfo.rodata.rel.rodata.text.lock.rel.text.lock.comment4N&! F8+& 1 N8; ( @ (F@( O* W Nc6dn O }7==7D:7 Ai"+D/@<9T D` Nh YcvD$,l$ /H#0x8@ O\ ] ~j w$ ?  , <\<h<Lv ]9|CNQ|O_fm z DD@4t58@."@7CJZl{ .:LZdlx%2@O\cosa.cgcc2_compiled.cosa_majornr_cardsirqcosa_fopscosa_lseekcosa_readcosa_writecosa_pollcosa_chardev_ioctlcosa_opencosa_releasecosa_cardscosa_probesppp_channel_deletecosa_reset_and_read_idcosa_interruptchardev_channel_initsppp_channel_initcosa_sppp_opencosa_sppp_closecosa_sppp_txcosa_sppp_ioctlcosa_net_statssppp_setup_rxsppp_tx_donesppp_rx_donecosa_enable_rxcosa_kickcosa_start_txcosa_disable_rxchrdev_setup_rxchrdev_rx_donechrdev_tx_donecosa_ioctl_commonstartmicrocodedownloadreadmemput_driver_statusput_driver_status_nolockcount.644cosa_dma_ableput_wait_dataget_wait_dataputhexnumber__module_kernel_versioniodma__module_parm_io__module_parm_desc_io__module_parm_irq__module_parm_desc_irq__module_parm_dma__module_parm_desc_dma__module_author__module_descriptioninit_moduleprintkregister_chrdevunregister_chrdevcleanup_modulekfreefree_irqfree_dmarelease_regioncheck_regionprobe_irq_onschedule_timeoutprobe_irq_offrequest_regionrequest_irqrequest_dmakmallocsprintfsppp_attachregister_netdevsppp_detachunregister_netdev__this_modulesppp_openjiffies__kfree_skbsppp_closealloc_skbskb_over_panicnetif_rxbh_active__down_failed_interruptible__up_wakeupschedule__generic_copy_to_user__wake_up__generic_copy_from_usersecurebits__get_user_4sppp_do_ioctl__const_udelay__get_user_1__put_user_1C $D16;CMRYD^joC889CEC!TG\GgHqIJE 2WK BKwCLMNC8=CMOPQHJ C?RSgSR SuzCTUC"V6V<WafC{XXYXXZe[CZ\ [( [G XM X| [ ]  C Z  ^ ! Cr _ Z  C [ ` R  C- c d G G; G] e R  Cf;GcFGkGeC  &X,XXX^XgNSCotCCgCC C"gRWCahshhCg*/C9hKh_hCdd gi,8DNSCjjjj #(CtyCcklV[CM=MV[CCS C;@CC:?CQVCgjCCjC &"+"C""C3##%%C&&j:&?&C & & & &I & & &1&:&y&@DHPT\d< @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |        a bbb)b3a=bGbQb[b$.8BLV`