/* $XConsortium: xkbextdev.c /main/2 1996/02/05 11:45:03 kaleb $ */ /************************************************************ Copyright (c) 1995 by Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Silicon Graphics not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. Silicon Graphics makes no representation about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. SILICON GRAPHICS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /***====================================================================***/ static Display * dpy; static char * dpyName = NULL; static Bool verbose= False; static Bool synch = False; static Bool createVMods= False; static int device= XkbUseCoreKbd; static int led_class= XkbAllXIClasses; static int led_id= XkbAllXIIds; static char * mergeFile = NULL; static char * replaceFile = NULL; static char * compileCmd= "xkbcomp -w 0 - xkbextdev.xkm"; static char * tmpFile= "xkbextdev.xkm"; /***====================================================================***/ int #if NeedFunctionPrototypes ParseArgs(int argc,char *argv[]) #else ParseArgs(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; #endif { int i,tmp; Bool defining; defining= False; for (i=1;i=argc ) { fprintf(stderr,"Must specify a class with %s option\n",argv[i]); return 0; } if (strcmp(argv[i],"kbd")==0) led_class= KbdFeedbackClass; else if (strcmp(argv[i],"led")==0) led_class= LedFeedbackClass; else if (strcmp(argv[i],"dflt")==0) led_class= XkbDfltXIClass; else if (strcmp(argv[i],"all")==0) led_class= XkbAllXIClasses; else { fprintf(stderr,"Class must be one of kbd, led, dflt or all\n"); return 0; } } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"-device")==0 ) { if ( ++i>=argc ) { fprintf(stderr,"Must specify a device id with %s option\n", argv[i]); return 0; } if (strcmp(argv[i],"kbd")==0) device= XkbUseCoreKbd; else if (strcmp(argv[i],"ptr")==0) device= XkbUseCorePtr; else if (sscanf(argv[i],"%i",&tmp)==1) { if ((tmp<0)||(tmp>255)) { fprintf(stderr,"Device id must be in the range 0..255.\n"); return 0; } device= tmp; } else { fprintf(stderr,"Device id must be kbd, ptr, or an integer.\n"); return 0; } } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"-id")==0 ) { if ( ++i>=argc ) { fprintf(stderr,"Must specify a feedback id with %s option\n", argv[i]); return 0; } if (strcmp(argv[i],"dflt")==0) led_id= XkbDfltXIId; else if (strcmp(argv[i],"all")==0) led_id= XkbAllXIIds; else if (sscanf(argv[i],"%i",&tmp)==0) { if ((tmp<0)||(tmp>255)) { fprintf(stderr,"Feedback id must be dflt, all, or in the range 0..255.\n"); return 0; } led_id= tmp; } else { fprintf(stderr,"Class must be one of kbd, led, dflt or all\n"); return 0; } } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"-merge")==0 ) { if ( ++istate; isDflt= False; if (devli->led_class==LedFeedbackClass) isDflt= (devli->led_id==devi->dflt_led_fb); else isDflt= (devli->led_id==devi->dflt_kbd_fb); fprintf(stderr,"Class= %s, ID= %d%s\n", (devli->led_class==LedFeedbackClass?"LED":"Keyboard"), devli->led_id,(isDflt?" (default)":"")); for (i=0,bit=1;imaps_present|devli->names_present)&bit)==0) continue; f= devli->maps[i].flags; wm= devli->maps[i].which_mods; mask= devli->maps[i].mods.mask; m= devli->maps[i].mods.real_mods; vm= devli->maps[i].mods.vmods; wg= devli->maps[i].which_groups; g= devli->maps[i].groups; c= devli->maps[i].ctrls; if (devli->phys_indicators&(1<names&& (devli->names_present&bit) && (name=XkbAtomText(dpy,devli->names[i],XkbMessage))&& (name[0])) { printf(" (%s)",name); } printf(": %s\n",(state&(1<maps[i].groups, XkbIMWhichStateMaskText(wg,XkbMessage)); } if (c!=0) { printf(" controls: %s\n",XkbControlsMaskText(c,XkbMessage)); } fflush(stdout); } return; } void #if NeedFunctionPrototypes ShowDevice(Display *dpy,XkbDeviceInfoPtr devi,XkbDescPtr xkb) #else ShowDevice(dpy,devi,xkb) Display * dpy; XkbDeviceInfoPtr devi; XkbDescPtr xkb; #endif { register int i; char * type; if (devi->name) printf("Device \"%s\" (id=%d)\n",devi->name,devi->device_spec); else printf("Device %d (no name)\n",devi->device_spec); if (devi->has_own_state) printf(" Has own state\n"); else printf(" Uses core keyboard state\n"); if (devi->type!=None) { type= XkbAtomGetString(dpy,devi->type); printf(" type: %s\n",type); } else printf(" type: (unknown)\n"); if (devi->num_btns>0) { printf(" %d button%s\n",devi->num_btns,(devi->num_btns>1?"s":"")); for (i=0;inum_btns;i++) { if (devi->btn_acts[i].type!=XkbSA_NoAction) { printf(" %3d: %s\n",i+1, XkbActionText(dpy,xkb,&devi->btn_acts[i],XkbMessage)); } } } else { printf(" No buttons\n"); } if (devi->num_leds>0) { printf(" %d feedbacks with LEDs\n",devi->num_leds, (devi->num_leds>1?"s":"")); for (i=0;inum_leds;i++) { ShowMaps(dpy,xkb,devi,&devi->leds[i]); } } else { printf(" No feedbacks with LEDs\n"); } } void #if NeedFunctionPrototypes xkb_prologue (XkbEvent *eventp,char *event_name) #else xkb_prologue (eventp, event_name) XkbEvent *eventp; char *event_name; #endif { XkbAnyEvent *e = &eventp->any; printf ("\n%s event, serial %ld, synthetic %s, device %d, time %ld,\n", event_name, e->serial, e->send_event ? "Yes" : "no", e->device,e->time); return; } void #if NeedFunctionPrototypes do_XkbExtensionDeviceNotify(XkbEvent *xkbev) #else do_XkbExtensionDeviceNotify(xkbev) XkbEvent *xkbev; #endif { XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent *edn= &xkbev->device; printf(" device= %d, class= %d, id= %d\n",edn->device, edn->led_class,edn->led_id); printf(" reason= 0x%0x\n",edn->reason); printf(" supported= 0x%0x, unsupported= 0x%0x\n",edn->supported, edn->unsupported); printf(" first button= %d, num buttons= %d\n",edn->first_btn, edn->num_btns); printf(" leds defined= 0x%08x, led state= 0x%08x\n", edn->leds_defined,edn->led_state); return; } Bool #if NeedFunctionPrototypes GetActionsFromFile(XkbDescPtr kbd,XkbDeviceInfoPtr devi,int *first,int *nBtns) #else GetActionsFromFile(kbd,devi,first,nBtns) XkbDescPtr kbd; XkbDeviceInfoPtr devi; int * first; int * nBtns; #endif { FILE * file,*pipe; register int i,ch; XkbFileInfo result; unsigned tmp; if (devi->num_btns<1) { fprintf(stderr,"Device doesn't seem to have buttons\n"); return False; } file= fopen((replaceFile?replaceFile:mergeFile),"r"); if (!file) { fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open \"%s\" for button actions\n", (replaceFile?replaceFile:mergeFile)); return False; } if (replaceFile) bzero((char *)devi->btn_acts,devi->num_btns*sizeof(XkbAction)); unlink(tmpFile); pipe= popen(compileCmd,"w"); if (!pipe) { fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't start xkbcomp.\n"); fclose(file); return False; } fprintf(pipe,"xkb_layout \"bogus_device\" {\n"); fprintf(pipe," xkb_keycodes \"bogus\" {\n"); for (i=0;inum_btns;i++) { fprintf(pipe," = %d;\n",i+1,i+8); } fprintf(pipe," };\n"); fprintf(pipe," xkb_types \"extra_bogus\" { };\n"); fprintf(pipe," xkb_symbols \"double_plus_bogus\" {\n"); if (kbd && kbd->names && kbd->names->vmods[0]) { Bool first= True; fprintf(pipe," virtual_modifiers "); for (i=0;inames->vmods[i]==None) break; if (first) ptrn= "%s"; else ptrn= ", %s"; fprintf(pipe,ptrn,XkbAtomText(dpy,kbd->names->vmods[i],XkbMessage)); first= False; } fprintf(pipe,";\n"); } while ((ch=fgetc(file))!=EOF) { fputc(ch,pipe); } fprintf(pipe," };\n"); fprintf(pipe,"};\n"); fclose(file); if (pclose(pipe)!=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Errors compiling button actions\n"); return False; } file= fopen(tmpFile,"r"); if (!file) { fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open intermediate file for reading\n"); return False; } bzero((char *)&result,sizeof(result)); tmp= XkmReadFile(file,0,XkmLayoutLegal,&result); fclose(file); if ((!result.xkb)||(!result.xkb->server)||(!result.xkb->server->acts)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error reading compiled keymap\n"); return False; } else if (tmp!=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Didn't get everything we asked for (0x%x).\n",tmp); } for (i=0;inum_btns;i++) { XkbAction *act; act= XkbKeyActionsPtr(result.xkb,i+8); devi->btn_acts[i]= *act; } *first= 0; *nBtns= devi->num_btns; return True; } #define E(m) fprintf(stderr,(m)) int #if NeedFunctionPrototypes main(int argc,char *argv[]) #else main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; #endif { int major,minor,why; XkbDescPtr xkb; XkbDeviceInfoPtr devi; int event; XkbEvent ev; Bool done; XkbInitAtoms(NULL); if (!ParseArgs(argc,argv)) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s \n",argv[0]); E("Where legal options are:\n"); E("-display specifies display to use\n"); E("-v show indicator mapping\n"); E("-synch turn on synchronization\n"); E("-device specifies device to use, where\n"); E(" can be any of:\n"); E(" ptr,kbd,0..255\n"); E("-class specifies class of the feedback to use\n"); E(" can be any of:\n"); E(" kbd,led,dflt,all\n"); E("-id specifies id of the feedback to use\n"); E(" can be any of:\n"); E(" dflt,all,0..255\n"); E("-merge specifies file from which button actions\n"); E(" should be merged\n"); E("-replace specifies file from which button actions\n"); E(" should be copied\n"); E("-xkbcomp command used to compile keyboard\n"); E("-tmpfile name of intermediate file\n"); return 1; } major= XkbMajorVersion; minor= XkbMinorVersion; dpy = XkbOpenDisplay(dpyName,&event,NULL,&major,&minor,&why); if (dpy==NULL) { if (dpyName==NULL) dpyName= "default display"; switch (why) { case XkbOD_BadLibraryVersion: fprintf(stderr,"%s was compiled with XKB version %d.%02d\n", argv[0],XkbMajorVersion,XkbMinorVersion); fprintf(stderr,"Xlib supports incompatible version %d.%02d\n", major,minor); break; case XkbOD_ConnectionRefused: fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open display \"%s\"\n",dpyName); break; case XkbOD_NonXkbServer: fprintf(stderr,"XKB extension not present on %s\n",dpyName); break; case XkbOD_BadServerVersion: fprintf(stderr,"%s was compiled with XKB version %d.%02d\n", argv[0],XkbMajorVersion,XkbMinorVersion); fprintf(stderr,"Server %s uses incompatible version %d.%02d\n", dpyName,major,minor); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Internal Error! Unknown error %d from XkbOpenDisplay\n", why); } return 1; } if (synch) XSynchronize(dpy,1); XkbSelectEventDetails(dpy,device,XkbExtensionDeviceNotify, XkbAllExtensionDeviceEventsMask, XkbAllExtensionDeviceEventsMask); devi= XkbGetDeviceInfo(dpy,XkbXI_AllDeviceFeaturesMask, device,XkbAllXIClasses,XkbAllXIIds); if (!devi) { fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't get information about specified device\n"); return 1; } xkb = XkbGetMap(dpy,0,(devi->has_own_state?device:XkbUseCoreKbd)); if (!xkb) { fprintf(stderr,"XkbGetMap failed\n"); goto BAIL; } if (XkbGetNames(dpy,XkbVirtualModNamesMask,xkb)!=Success) { fprintf(stderr,"GetNames failed\n"); goto BAIL; } if (verbose) ShowDevice(dpy,devi,xkb); done= False; if (mergeFile || replaceFile) { int first,nBtns; if (GetActionsFromFile(xkb,devi,&first,&nBtns)) { if (verbose>1) { fprintf(stderr,"After merge...\n"); ShowDevice(dpy,devi,xkb); } XkbSetDeviceButtonActions(dpy,devi,first,nBtns); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Error getting button actions from file\n"); } } if (verbose>2) { while (!done) { XNextEvent(dpy,&ev.core); if ((ev.type==event)&&(ev.any.xkb_type==XkbExtensionDeviceNotify)) { xkb_prologue( &ev, "XkbExtensionDeviceNotify" ); do_XkbExtensionDeviceNotify(&ev); } } } XCloseDisplay(dpy); return 0; BAIL: XCloseDisplay(dpy); return 1; }