/* $XConsortium: get_lines_info.c,v 1.0 93/11/22 12:52:23 rws Exp $ */ /* NOTICE TO USER: The source code in this file is copyrighted under U.S. and international laws. SunSoft, Inc., a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business of Mountain View, California owns the copyright. Users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and design patent license to use this code in individual and commercial software. Any use of this source code must include, in the user documentation and internal comments to the code, notices to the end user as follows: (c) Copyright 1992, 1993 SunSoft, Inc., a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business. SUNSOFT, INC. AND SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THIS SOURCE CODE FOR ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. SUNSOFT, INC., AND SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC., SEVERALLY AND INDIVIDUALLY, DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOURCE CODE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SUNSOFT, INC. OR SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC., BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOURCE CODE. */ #include #include char test_description[] = "\ Get Element Info Tests:\n\n\ This test generates a text file which contains a list\n\ of element type and length of each elements inquried.\n\ "; PEXCoord points[4] = { {0.1, 0.1, 0.0}, {0.2, 0.1, 0.0}, {0.3, 0.2, 0.0}, {0.4, 0.2, 0.0}}; PEXCoord2D points2[4] = { {0.5, 0.1}, {0.6, 0.1}, {0.7, 0.2}, {0.8, 0.2}}; static PEXVertexRGB ptscolrgb1[] = { {{0.0, 0.5, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}}, {{0.05, 0.6, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}}, {{0.1, 0.4, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}, {{0.125, 0.75, 0.0}, {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}} }; PEXListOfVertex vList1[2], vList2[1], vList3[2]; PEXArrayOfVertex vArray1,vArray2,vArray3,vArray4,vArray5; PEXStructure src_structure; PEXStructure src_structure2; extern FILE * suspex_open_file(); extern int suspex_print_el_info(); extern int suspex_close_file(); void setup(dpy) Display *dpy; { PEXColor color; int float_format = PEXIEEE_754_32; int count; PEXElementInfo *info; FILE *fp; src_structure = PEXCreateStructure(dpy); /* this structure uses every polyline primitives and attributes */ PEXSetLineColorIndex(dpy, src_structure, PEXOCStore, 3); PEXSetLineType(dpy, src_structure, PEXOCStore, PEXLineTypeDashed); PEXSetLineWidth(dpy, src_structure, PEXOCStore, 4.0); PEXPolyline(dpy, src_structure, PEXOCStore, 4, points); color.rgb.red = 0.0; color.rgb.green = 0.5; color.rgb.blue = 0.5; PEXSetLineColor(dpy, src_structure, PEXOCStore, PEXColorTypeRGB, &color); PEXPolyline2D(dpy, src_structure, PEXOCStore, 4, points2); vArray3.rgb = ptscolrgb1; vList2[0].count = 4; vList2[0].vertices = vArray3; PEXSetLineBundleIndex(dpy, src_structure, PEXOCStore, 2); PEXPolylineSetWithData(dpy, src_structure, PEXOCStore, PEXGAColor, PEXColorTypeRGB, 1, vList2); if (PEXGetElementInfo(dpy, src_structure, PEXBeginning, 0, PEXEnd, 0, float_format, &count, &info)) { fp = suspex_open_file("get_lines_info", "Element Info of Lines Primitives and Attributes"); if (fp == (FILE *)-1) return; suspex_print_el_info(fp, count, info); suspex_close_file(fp); } } void outputCommands(dpy, resourceID, req_type) Display *dpy; XID resourceID; PEXOCRequestType req_type; { } void testproc(dpy,window,x,y,w,h) Display *dpy; Window window; int x,y,w,h; { file_testproc("get_lines_info", "Element Info of Lines Primitives and Attributes"); }