0.6.10 (31-01-2021) ================ * add new function 'to_df' which combine result of list comprehension to data.frame (issue #2) 0.6.9 (18-01-2021) ================ * fix bug with nested 'to_list'/'to_vec'/'alter' (issue #1) 0.6.8 (22-07-2020) ================ * maintainance release * convert documentation to markdown * add rmarkdown to SUGGESTS * move tests from testthat to tinytest 0.6.7 (17.06.2019) ================ * urgent fix for bug with incorrect counter in 'alter' when used with 'exclude' * change behaviour 'lag_list': x -> list(x[[i-1]], x[[i]]) 0.6.6 (07.06.2019) ================ * add 'exclude' function for dropping elements from data.frame/list in 'alter' 0.6.5 (09.04.2019) ================ * add 'alter' function for conditional lists/data.frames modification 0.6.0 (18.03.2019) =============== * add iterations over multiple lists: to_vec(for(`i, j` in numerate(letters)) if(i %% 2==0) paste(i, j)) * add function 'lag_list': x -> list(x[i-1], x[i]) 0.5.4 (06.03.2019) ================ * Initial release