version 1.2.0 * Function that can return desired asymmetric cost models * Alphabetical order of coefficients for the inference summary function * Big speedup to confusion_results function via a custom C++ table routine and an option to perform argument appropriateness checks * Small bug fix when inference is not desired * Small bug fix when proportions_scaled_by_column = TRUE in the general_confusion_results function version 1.1.0 * Allows passing in of a custom matrix multiplication function and a custom square root of the diagonal of a matrix inverse thereby giving the opportunity to use CUDA / GPUs (see README on github for an example usage) * Includes an algorithm for inference of only one coefficient using conjugate gradient descent which is faster than inference-for-all coefficients for some settings version 1.0.1 * Removed OMP dependency to please CRAN version 1.0.0 * Initial Release