qrlabelr 0.2.0

This is a minor release. The following changes were made since the release of version 0.1.1: * Added ‘BrAPI’-compliance features to the ‘shiny’ app. This implies that users can now query or access data directly from ‘BMS’ and ‘breedbase’ databases via the ‘QBMS’ package. * Redesigned the ‘Import fieldbook’ tab in the ‘shiny’ app to reflect these new features. * Added the ‘QBMS’ package to the Imports field in the DESCRIPTION file. * Updated the NAMESPACE accordingly. * Fixed a mislabeled object bug in the general-purpose landscape text label option in the ‘shiny’ app. * Updated the roles of three persons in the package DESCRIPTION file to author status from contributor status.

qrlabelr 0.1.1

This is a patch release. The following patches have been made to ‘qrlabelr’ since the release of version 0.1.0: * Fixed a font size bug in Treetag label option in ‘shiny’ app. * Fixed a bug in the general-purpose label option in ‘shiny’ app. * Added a new argument to the create_label() and gp_label_portrait() functions to allow users to fill multi-row and column pages with labels horizontally (left to right ) or vertically (top to bottom). * Added a new argument to the create_label() and gp_label_portrait() functions to allow users the option to draw rectangles around labels or make labels without rectangular borders. * Simplified the ‘shiny’ app by disabling subset functionality on the ‘Generate labels’ tab. * Field plot label option in ‘shiny’ app and field_label() function can now show unique ID text on the label. * Field plot label option in ‘shiny’ app and field_label() function shows no human-readable text if input field book does not have incomplete intra-blocks. * Seed prefix in the seed source delineated text position removed to allow users to pass any human-readable text to this position apart from seed source in the field_label() function and ‘shiny’ app. * iBlock ID prefix in the iBlock delineated text position truncated to B in the field_label() function and ‘shiny’ app. * Field plot label option in ‘shiny’ app now allows users to blank any delineated human-readable text position with NULL text.

qrlabelr 0.1.0


Initial public release

NEWS set up