========================================== Modification history of stoichcalc package ========================================== Changes from 1.1-4 to 1.1-5: ---------------------------- - updated email address Changes from 1.1-3 to 1.1-4: ---------------------------- - matching line length limit in Rd files Changes from 1.1-2 to 1.1-3: ---------------------------- - Argument "verbose" added to "calc.stoich.basis" and "calc.stoich.coef" - NAMESPACE added Changes from 1.1-1 to 1.1-2: ---------------------------- - Citations directly on help pages / reference updated - New version number (in DESCRIPTION and stoichcalc.Rd) 1.1-2 - New file /inst/CITATION - In help files "library" replaced by "package" Changes from 1.1-0 to 1.1-1: ---------------------------- - Spelling in reference corrected to Schuwirth - Charge of NO3- corrected in examples - Analysis of structure of stoichiometric space added