validate(); $this->setIsPersistent($persistent); } function getGID() { return $this->gid; } function getBugzillaID() { return $this->bugzilla_id; } function getSubnet() { return $this->subnet; } function getUpdatedAt() { return $this->updated_at; } function getFriend() { if($this->Friend == null) { $this->Friend = new Friend(); } return $this->Friend; } function getData() { return unserialize($this->data); } function getIsPersistent() { return $this->is_persistent == null ? 0 : $this->is_persistent; } function getLoginPageURL() { return LOGINPAGE; } function setGID($_gid) { $this->gid = $_gid; } function setBugzillaID($_bugzilla_id) { $this->bugzilla_id = $_bugzilla_id; } function setSubnet($_subnet) { $this->subnet = $_subnet; } function setUpdatedAt($_updated_at) { $this->updated_at = $_updated_at; } function setFriend($_friend) { $this->Friend = $_friend; } function setData($_data) { $this->data = serialize($_data); } function setIsPersistent($_is_persistent) { $this->is_persistent = $_is_persistent; } /** * Validate session based on browser cookie * * @return boolean */ function validate() { $cookie = (isset($_COOKIE[ECLIPSE_SESSION]) ? $_COOKIE[ECLIPSE_SESSION] : ""); $rValue = false; if ( (!$this->load($cookie))) { # Failed - no such session, or session no match. Need to relogin # Bug 257675 # setcookie(ECLIPSE_SESSION, "", time() - 3600, "/", ""); $rValue = false; } else { # TODO: update session? $rValue = true; $this->maintenance(); $this->setFriend($this->getData()); } return $rValue; } function destroy() { $App = new App(); if($this->getBugzillaID() != 0) { $sql = "DELETE FROM sessions WHERE bugzilla_id = " . $this->getBugzillaID(); $App->eclipse_sql($sql); setcookie(ECLIPSE_SESSION, "", time() - 3600, "/", ""); if(!$App->devmode) { # Log this event $EvtLog = new EvtLog(); $EvtLog->setLogTable("sessions"); $EvtLog->setPK1($this->getBugzillaID()); $EvtLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $EvtLog->setLogAction("DELETE"); $EvtLog->insertModLog("apache"); } } } function create() { # create session on the database $Friend = $this->getFriend(); $this->setData($Friend); # need to have a bugzilla ID to log in if($Friend->getBugzillaID() > 0) { $App = new App(); $this->setGID(md5(uniqid(rand(),true))); $this->setSubnet($this->getClientSubnet()); $this->setUpdatedAt($App->getCURDATE()); $this->setBugzillaID($Friend->getBugzillaID()); $sql = "INSERT INTO sessions ( gid, bugzilla_id, subnet, updated_at, data, is_persistent) VALUES ( " . $App->returnQuotedString($this->getGID()) . ", " . $App->sqlSanitize($Friend->getBugzillaID(), null) . ", " . $App->returnQuotedString($this->getSubnet()) . ", NOW(), '" . $App->returnJSSAfeString($this->data) . "', '" . $App->sqlSanitize($this->getIsPersistent(), null) . "')"; $App->eclipse_sql($sql); if(!$App->devmode) { # Log this event $EvtLog = new EvtLog(); $EvtLog->setLogTable("sessions"); $EvtLog->setPK1($this->getBugzillaID()); $EvtLog->setPK2($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $EvtLog->setLogAction("INSERT"); $EvtLog->insertModLog("apache"); # add session to the .htaccess file # TODO: implement a smart locking if($Friend->getIsBenefit()) { $fh = fopen(HTACCESS, 'a') or die("can't open file"); $new_line = "SetEnvIf Cookie \"" . $this->getGID() . "\" eclipsefriend=1\n"; fwrite($fh, $new_line); fclose($fh); } } $cookie_time = 0; if($this->getIsPersistent()) { $cookie_time = time()+3600*24*365; } setcookie(ECLIPSE_SESSION, $this->getGID(), $cookie_time, "/", ""); } } function load($_gid) { # need to have a bugzilla ID to log in $rValue = false; if($_gid != "") { $App = new App(); $sql = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ gid, bugzilla_id, subnet, updated_at, data, is_persistent FROM sessions WHERE gid = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($_gid, null)) . " AND subnet = " . $App->returnQuotedString($this->getClientSubnet()); $result = $App->eclipse_sql($sql); if($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $rValue = true; $myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $this->setGID($_gid); $this->setBugzillaID($myrow['bugzilla_id']); $this->setSubnet($myrow['subnet']); $this->setUpdatedAt($myrow['updated_at']); $this->data = $myrow['data']; $this->setIsPersistent($myrow['is_persistent']); } } return $rValue; } function maintenance() { $App = new App(); $sql = "DELETE FROM sessions WHERE (updated_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND is_persistent = 0) OR (subnet = '" . $this->getClientSubnet() . "' AND gid <> '" . $App->sqlSanitize($this->getGID(), null) . "')"; $App->eclipse_sql($sql); # 1/500 of each maintenance calls will perform htaccess cleanup if(rand(0, 500) < 1) { $this->regenrate_htaccess(); } } private function regenrate_htaccess() { $App = new App(); if(!$App->devmode) { $sql = "SELECT gid FROM sessions AS S INNER JOIN friends AS F ON F.bugzilla_id = S.bugzilla_id WHERE F.is_benefit = 1"; $result = $App->eclipse_sql($sql); $new_file = ""; while($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $new_file .= "SetEnvIf Cookie \"" . $myrow['gid'] . "\" eclipsefriend=1\n"; } if($new_file != "") { $fh = fopen(HTACCESS, 'w') or die("can't open file"); fwrite($fh, $new_file); fclose($fh); } } } function getClientSubnet() { # return class-c subnet return substr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 0, strrpos($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], ".")) . ".0"; } function redirectToLogin() { header("Location: " . LOGINPAGE); exit; } } ?>