#+TITLE: Lakota Language and Emacs #+AUTHOR: Grant Shoshin Shangreaux * Introduction Mit̄ak̄uyep̄i Grant Shangreaux emac̄iyap̄i nahaŋ iyuha ċaŋt̄e waṡt̄eya nap̄e ċiyuzap̄elo. Mitákuyepi Grant Shangreaux emáčiyapi nahaŋ iyúha čhaŋtéwašteya napé čhiyúzape ló. ** Story of Lakȟótiyapi - Lakota/Dakota dialect area covers roughly 10 US states and parts of Canada - US govt policy directly tried to silence the language - Several generations lost it as their first language - Only around 2,000 native speakers today - Language recovery projects are empowering second language learners to teach it to the new generation of children ** My story - Grew up without knowing my heritage - Discovered my biological family ~2015 - 2016 my daughter began her journey into this world - That summer I attended the Lakota Summer Institute * Emacs' Freedom and Empowerment ** International Emacs - Section 22 of the Emacs manual - /A few languages support several input methods/ !! - Many, many languages are already supported - Defining a new Input Method surely must be possible! ** Quail - There was an input method for Mule 2.3 called `Tamago' - In Quail minor mode, you can input multilingual text easily - ~quail-define-package~ - ~quail-define-rules~ #+begin_quote (quail-define-package NAME LANGUAGE TITLE &optional ...) Define NAME as a new Quail package for input LANGUAGE. TITLE is a string to be displayed at mode-line to indicate this package. #+end_quote ** Lakota Input *** White Hat Orthography #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (quail-define-package "white-hat" "Lakota" "Lak " t "Input method for the White Hat orthography." nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t) (quail-define-rules ("f" ?ŋ) ("r" #x307) ; COMBINING DOT ABOVE ("v" #x304) ; COMBINING MACRON ) #+END_SRC Siċaŋġu It̄azipċo *** Suggested Lakota Orthography #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (quail-define-package "lakota-slo" "Lakota" "Lak " t "Input method for the Suggested Lakota Orthography. Uses a postfix modifier key for adding accent diacritics. To add stress to a vowel, simply type the single quote ' after the vowel. All other characters are bound to a single key. Mitákuyepi philámayaye ló. " nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t) (quail-define-rules ;; accented vowels ("a'" ?á) ("A'" ?Á) ("e'" ?é) ("E'" ?É) ("i'" ?í) ("I'" ?Í) ("o'" ?ó) ("O'" ?Ó) ("u'" ?ú) ("U'" ?Ú) ;; consonants with hacek (wedges) ("c" ?č) ("C" ?Č) ("j" ?ȟ) ("J" ?Ȟ) ("q" ?ǧ) ("Q" ?Ǧ) ("x" ?ž) ("X" ?Ž) ("r" ?š) ("R" ?Š) ;; velar nasal n ("f" ?ŋ)) #+END_SRC ** Publishing - first round on MELPA, hosted on sr.ht - bandali helping me through the process of committing to Emacs