openmpt123-0.3.19-lp150.10.1<>,&]l/=„VDGQ4]t*,c:Ǘz92hi= ֻLY S)miԄl^XjL^Ȧ RSHGB V9%vȖ4֊ =Vy]He>"@\+ncj~p~-fN>Ő}P]itK ,s<TKh{#ɀQDj?ϼQ+Lpd\Dv|@UUVG<ǒIq6R#P>>t?dd   :| ",D P \ t z 4!!!(8 9 :  FRGhHIXY\]^'bcadefluv0w`xxyz`Copenmpt1230.3.19lp150.10.1Command line module playerThis package contains the openmpt123 command-line module player.]lobs-arm-1HopenSUSE Leap 15.0openSUSEBSD-3-Clausehttp://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players,11 A큤A큤]`]j]]j]]_3ff84d4143ecdbae1f35e7698da698e27056406904eeaf68dae7780e8162eb4a4e34512db97642591b779dc5abeb6592feaba3817fb7dce5b0de7974159756c2c6b4a51fea5acb135e46619511f81142f5d367dc22b3d88b4e662931c543017c9eec3beed5e340e800e811c299042bcd7a19d98a5b97f1beb454bb01fafa3e9erootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootlibopenmpt-0.3.19-lp150.10.1.src.rpmopenmpt123openmpt123(aarch-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@](]S[ @Z؄ZI@Yh@YGYA%@Y"Y"XXXTomáš Chvátal Tomáš Chvátal Update to 0.3.19 bsc#1153102 CVE-2019-17113: * Update to latest release to get security fixes- Update to 0.3.17: * Update to latest release to get all the security fixes: + bsc#1143581 CVE-2018-20860 + bsc#1143578 CVE-2018-20861 + bsc#1143582 CVE-2019-14382 + bsc#1143584 CVE-2019-14383- Up to 0.3.9: * [Sec] Possible write near address 0 in out-of-memory situations when reading AMS files (bsc#1095644 CVE-2018-11710) * [Bug] openmpt123: Fixed build failure in C++17 due to use of removed feature std::random_shuffle. * STM: Having both Bxx and Cxx commands in a pattern imported the Bxx command incorrectly. * STM: Last character of sample name was missing. * Speed up reading of truncated ULT files. * ULT: Portamento import was sometimes broken. * The resonant filter was sometimes unstable when combining low-volume samples, low cutoff and high mixing rates.- Update to 0.3.8 * [Sec] Possible out-of-bounds memory read with IT / ITP / MO3 files containing pattern loops (CVE-2018-10017, bsc#1089080) * Keep track of active SFx macro during seeking. * The "note cut" duplicate note action did not volume-ramp the previously playing sample. * A song starting with non-existing patterns could not be played. * DSM: Support restart position and 16-bit samples. * DTM: Import global volume.- Version update to 0.3.7: * Various speedup improvements and features all around * Fuzzying fixes- Version update to 0.2.8461-beta26 bsc#1048666 CVE-2017-11311: * various small fixes and seciruity tweaks- Add libopenmpt0 and libopenmpt_modplug1 to baselibs.conf too.- baselibs.conf for Add patch fixing issue bsc#1040149 wrong includedir propagation: * libmodpulg-pcfile.patch- Version update to 0.2.8043-beta23 * foo_openmpt: Interpolation filter and volume ramping settings were confused in previous versions. This version resets both to the defaults. - Make mpg123 on by default- Update to 0.2.7774-beta22 - Make mpg123 conditional and disabled for now by default - Fix the Factory build with the new rpm- Update summaries and descriptions. - Enable the SDL2 driver as an option, as the portaudio driver appears to hang with ALSA (and not everyone runs Pulseaudio).- Initial package containing libopenmod more updated secure alternative bsc#1022032obs-arm-1 15706302520.3.19-lp150. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, BuildID[sha1]=b3954c1bd62440f0f060f203f0872b87a04612a7, strippeddirectoryASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)RR R RRRRRRRRRRRRRR R R RRRRRRRRRRo\h4 Dutf-82bb585ca6251f19853ae06df5c007b7052342e34397feac75148947c8d06f94c? 7zXZ !t/ B]"k%{\. lT>yolEX'^ zl&'>!O"? +Brg<_8;.좼[㯢e4J< ¸p P;8L#CET5+ N..! {Ȥw8%L.6oiX&0A-?we.FOZF`>u}~1 gٶe("A&hB9Mi&s䷜}Z8Y5a]1db Oex$ 3ZWwU | Кk lU#]a/n|Cw܌r)iB+^%mA!3Z­oq] w#ϒBCW 9c٥/6iwG _7'}p` eˈIA%jJu7}Uha".12ѯ=5HfNH8C9T vF.^ŝ}L #w LʹzCKLaŸSL} =Ho̸x>'%s]ESycLS#X mHtsENh ;a%p@T;84udVV )a.{i9 eLζCq/G!+JT0`^[V/dO9I\_%g0YB[4"D+ά⊙C[@n ̅潀ڞKAo3!N֤+Pgī]֢%s6y`^Uy䶧x2 0JB.McEQBӊ| ,ENQ A MMM\~2%/^L'(bAb~ W$ Yv=U՚WI{VlhVu+x ‹YĘ 6yN!t}ahBƚpGGiDܦ/ڽa 4C Lb>txwfOK4;GJ_u“1hLZ{qH.?ܱ>% FY*ۢ=3JJh M/!Ad%%yˤ?tG$Sn]^v4\X}U]3 fror$ӹJtp?$qu8E^`rKR)R1q/ ч~%N$V'* OD7Cծ/ YA3Kki=/O'"-ҫkr;s[lohg<[ 4D$._㹨sKboy06z;Aeoe73 t%(ivsyLxlVT [\ib༇>Ϋ&;TD[ YZ